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QGIS Planet

Trajectools 2.4 release

In this new release, you will find new algorithms, default output styles, and other usability improvements, in particular for working with public transport schedules in GTFS format, including:

  • Added GTFS algorithms for extracting stops, fixes #43
  • Added default output styles for GTFS stops and segments c600060
  • Added Trajectory splitting at field value changes 286fdbd
  • Added option to add selected fields to output trajectories layer, fixes #53
  • Improved UI of the split by observation gap algorithm, fixes #36

Note: To use this new version of Trajectools, please upgrade your installation of MovingPandas to >= 0.21.2, e.g. using

import pip; pip.main(['install', '--upgrade', 'movingpandas'])


conda install movingpandas==0.21.2

GeoParquet in QGIS – smaller & faster files for the win!

tldr; Tired of working with large CSV files? Give GeoParquet a try!

“Parquet is a powerful column-oriented data format, built from the ground up to as a modern alternative to CSV files.”

(Geo)Parquet is both smaller and faster than CSV. Additionally, (Geo)Parquet columns are typed. Text, numeric values, dates, geometries retain their data types. GeoParquet also stores CRS information and support in GIS solutions is growing.

I’ll be giving a quick overview using AIS data in GeoPandas 1.0.1 (with pyarrow) and QGIS 3.38 (with GDAL 3.9.2).

File size

The example AIS dataset for this demo contains ~10 million rows with 22 columns. I’ve converted the original zipped CSV into GeoPackage and GeoParquet using GeoPandas to illustrate the huge difference in file size: ~470 MB for GeoParquet and zipped CSV, 1.6 GB for CSV, and a whopping 2.6 GB for GeoPackage:

Reading performance

Pandas and GeoPandas both support selective reading of files, i.e. we can specify the specific columns to be loaded. This does speed up reading, even from CSV files:

Whole fileSelected columns
CSV27.9 s13.1 s
Geopackage2min 12s 😵20.2 s
GeoParquet7.2 s4.1 s

Indeed, reading the whole GeoPackage is getting quite painful.

Here’s the code I used for timing the read times:

As you can see, these times include the creation of the GeoPandas.GeoDataFrame.

If we don’t need a GeoDataFrame, we can read the files even faster:

Non-spatial DataFrames

GeoParquet files can be read by non-GIS tools, such as Pandas. This makes it easier to collaborate with people who may not be familiar with geospatial data stacks.

And reading plain DataFrames is much faster than creating GeoDataFrames:

But back to GIS …

GeoParquet in QGIS

In QGIS, GeoParquet files can be loaded like any other vector layer, thanks to GDAL:

Loading the GeoParquet and GeoPackage files is pretty quick, especially if we zoom into a small region of interest (even though, unfortunately, it doesn’t seem possible to restrict the columns to further speed up loading). Loading the CSV, however, is pretty painful due to the lack of spatial indexing, which becomes apparent very quickly in the direct comparison:

(You can see how slowly the red CSV points are rendering. I didn’t have the patience to include the whole process in the GIF.)

As far as I can tell, my QGIS 3.38 ‘Grenoble’ does not support writing to or editing of GeoParquet files. So I’m limited to reading GeoParquet for now.

However, seeing how much smaller GeoParquets are compared to GeoPackages (and also faster to write), I hope that we will soon get the option to export to GeoParquet.

For now, I’ll start by converting my large CSV files to GeoParquet using GeoPandas.

More reading

If you’re into GeoJSON and/or PyGeoAPI, check out Joana Simoes’ post: “Navigating GeoParquet: Lessons Learned from the eMOTIONAL Cities Project”

And if you want to see a global dataset example, have a look at Matt Travis’ presentation using Overture data:

New release for QField : 3.4 “Ebo”

Oslandia is the main partner of around QField. We are proud today to forward the announcement of the new QField release 3.4 “Ebo”.

Main highlights

A new geofencing framework has landed, enabling users to configure QField behaviors in relation to geofenced areas and user positioning. Geofenced areas are defined at the project-level and shaped by polygons from a chosen vector layer. The three available geofencing behaviours in this new release are:

  • Alert user when inside an area polygon;
  • Alert user when outside all defined area polygons and
  • Inform the user when entering and leaving an area polygons.

In addition to being alerted or informed, users can also prevent digitizing of features when being alerted by the first or second behaviour. The configuration of this functionality is done in QGIS using QFieldSync.

Pro tip: geofencing settings are embedded within projects, which means it is easy to deploy these constraints to a team of field workers through QFieldCloud. Thanks Terrex Seismic for sponsoring this functionality.

QField now offers users access to a brand new processing toolbox containing over a dozen algorithms for manipulating digitized geometries directly in the field. As with many parts of QField, this feature relies on QGIS’ core library, namely its processing framework and the numerous, well-maintained algorithms it comes with.

The algorithms exposed in QField unlock many useful functionalities for refining geometries, including orthogonalization, smoothing, buffering, rotation, affine transformation, etc. As users configure algorithms’ parameters, a grey preview of the output will be visible as an overlay on top of the map canvas.

To reach the processing toolbox in QField, select one or more features by long-pressing on them in the features list, open the 3-dot menu and click on the process selected feature(s) action. Are you excited about this one? Send your thanks to the National Land Survey of Finland, who’s support made this a reality.

QField’s camera has gained support for customized ratio and resolution of photos, as well as the ability to stamp details – date and time as well as location details – onto captured photos. In fact, QField’s own camera has received so much attention in the last few releases that it was decided to make it the default one. On supported platforms, users can switch to their OS camera by disabling the native camera option found at the bottom of the QField settings’ general tab.

Wait, there’s more

There are plenty more improvements packed into this release from project variables editing using a revamped variables editor through to integration of QField documentation help in the search bar and the ability to search cloud project lists. Read the full 3.4 changelog to know more, and enjoy the release!


Contact us !

A question concerning QField ? Interested in QField deployment ? Do not hesitate to contact Oslandia to discuss your project !


LLM-based spatial analysis assistants for QGIS

After the initial ChatGPT hype in 2023 (when we saw the first LLM-backed QGIS plugins, e.g. QChatGPT and QGPT Agent), there has been a notable slump in new development. As far as I can tell, none of the early plugins are actively maintained anymore. They were nice tech demos but with limited utility.

However, in the last month, I saw two new approaches for combining LLMs with QGIS that I want to share in this post:

IntelliGeo plugin: generating PyQGIS scripts or graphical models

At the QGIS User Conference in Bratislava, I had the pleasure to attend the “Large Language Models and GIS” workshop presented by Gustavo Garcia and Zehao Lu from the the University of Twente. There, they presented the IntelliGeo Plugin which enables the automatic generation of PyQGIS scripts and graphical models.

The workshop was packed. After we installed all dependencies and the plugin, it was exciting to test the graphical model generation capabilities. During the workshop, we used OpenAI’s API but the readme also mentions support for Cohere.

I was surprised to learn that even simple graphical models are actually pretty large files. This makes it very challenging to generate and/or modify models because they take up a big part of the LLM’s context window. Therefore, I expect that the PyQGIS script generation will be easier to achieve. But, of course, model generation would be even more impressive and useful since models are easier to edit for most users than code.

Image source:

ChatGeoAI: chat with PyQGIS

ChatGeoAI is an approach presented in Mansourian, A.; Oucheikh, R. (2024). ChatGeoAI: Enabling Geospatial Analysis for Public through Natural Language, with Large Language Models. ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf.13, 348.

It uses a fine-tuned Llama 2 model in combination with spaCy for entity recognition and WorldKG ontology to write PyQGIS code that can perform a variety of different geospatial analysis tasks on OpenStreetMap data.

The paper is very interesting, describing the LLM fine-tuning, integration with QGIS, and evaluation of the generated code using different metrics. However, as far as I can tell, the tool is not publicly available and, therefore, cannot be tested.

Image source:

Are you aware of more examples that integrate QGIS with LLMs? Please share them in the comments below. I’d love to hear about them.

QField 3.4 “Ebo”: Geofencing and processing out of the box

QField 3.4 is out, and it won’t disappoint. It has tons of new features that continue to push the limits of what users can do in the field.

Main highlights

A new geofencing framework has landed, enabling users to configure QField behaviors in relation to geofenced areas and user positioning. Geofenced areas are defined at the project-level and shaped by polygons from a chosen vector layer. The three available geofencing behaviours in this new release are:

  • Alert user when inside an area polygon;
  • Alert user when outside all defined area polygons and
  • Inform the user when entering and leaving an area polygons.

In addition to being alerted or informed, users can also prevent digitizing of features when being alerted by the first or second behaviour. The configuration of this functionality is done in QGIS using QFieldSync.

Pro tip: geofencing settings are embedded within projects, which means it is easy to deploy these constraints to a team of field workers through QFieldCloud. Thanks Terrex Seismic for sponsoring this functionality.

QField now offers users access to a brand new processing toolbox containing over a dozen algorithms for manipulating digitized geometries directly in the field. As with many parts of QField, this feature relies on QGIS’ core library, namely its processing framework and the numerous, well-maintained algorithms it comes with.

The algorithms exposed in QField unlock many useful functionalities for refining geometries, including orthogonalization, smoothing, buffering, rotation, affine transformation, etc. As users configure algorithms’ parameters, a grey preview of the output will be visible as an overlay on top of the map canvas.

To reach the processing toolbox in QField, select one or more features by long-pressing on them in the features list, open the 3-dot menu and click on the process selected feature(s) action. Are you excited about this one? Send your thanks to the National Land Survey of Finland, who’s support made this a reality.

QField’s camera has gained support for customized ratio and resolution of photos, as well as the ability to stamp details – date and time as well as location details – onto captured photos. In fact, QField’s own camera has received so much attention in the last few releases that we have decided to make it the default one. On supported platforms, users can switch to their OS camera by disabling the native camera option found at the bottom of the QField settings’ general tab.

Wait, there’s more

There are plenty more improvements packed into this release from project variables editing using a revamped variables editor through to integration of QField documentation help in the search bar and the ability to search cloud project lists. Read the full 3.4 changelog to know more, and enjoy the release!

Migration of grass-dev mailing list to OSGeo Discourse

The post Migration of grass-dev mailing list to OSGeo Discourse appeared first on Markus Neteler Consulting.

GRASS GIS 8.4.0RC1 released

The GRASS GIS 8.4.0RC1 release provides more than 515 improvements and fixes with respect to the release 8.3.2. Please support us in testing this release candidate.

The post GRASS GIS 8.4.0RC1 released appeared first on Markus Neteler Consulting.

GRASS GIS PSC Elections 2024: nomination period ongoing

The post GRASS GIS PSC Elections 2024: nomination period ongoing appeared first on Markus Neteler Consulting.

Happy 41st birthday, GRASS GIS!

Today, we celebrate a true geospatial legend: GRASS GIS!

The post Happy 41st birthday, GRASS GIS! appeared first on Markus Neteler Consulting.

GRASS GIS 8.4.0 released

The GRASS GIS 8.4.0 release provides more than 520 improvements and fixes with respect to the release 8.3.2.

The post GRASS GIS 8.4.0 released appeared first on Markus Neteler Consulting.

Trajectools tutorial: trajectory preprocessing

Today marks the release of Trajectools 2.3 which brings a new set of algorithms, including trajectory generalizing, cleaning, and smoothing.

To give you a quick impression of what some of these algorithms would be useful for, this post introduces a trajectory preprocessing workflow that is quite general-purpose and can be adapted to many different datasets.

We start out with the Geolife sample dataset which you can find in the Trajectools plugin directory’s sample_data subdirectory. This small dataset includes 5908 points forming 5 trajectories, based on the trajectory_id field:

We first split our trajectories by observation gaps to ensure that there are no large gaps in our trajectories. Let’s make at cut at 15 minutes:

This splits the original 5 trajectories into 11 trajectories:

When we zoom, for example, to the two trajectories in the north western corner, we can see that the trajectories are pretty noisy and there’s even a spike / outlier at the western end:

If we label the points with the corresponding speeds, we can see how unrealistic they are: over 300 km/h!

Let’s remove outliers over 50 km/h:

Better but not perfect:

Let’s smooth the trajectories to get rid of more of the jittering.

(You’ll need to pip/mamba install the optional stonesoup library to get access to this algorithm.)

Depending on the noise values we chose, we get more or less smoothing:

Let’s zoom out to see the whole trajectory again:

Feel free to pan around and check how our preprocessing affected the other trajectories, for example:

Building spatial analysis assistants using OpenAI’s Assistant API

Earlier this year, I shared my experience using ChatGPT’s Data Analyst web interface for analyzing spatiotemporal data in the post “ChatGPT Data Analyst vs. Movement Data”. The Data Analyst web interface, while user-friendly, is not equipped to handle all types of spatial data tasks, particularly those involving more complex or large-scale datasets. Additionally, because the code is executed on a remote server, we’re limited to the libraries and tools available in that environment. I’ve often encountered situations where the Data Analyst simply doesn’t have access to the necessary libraries in its Python environment, which can be frustrating if you need specific GIS functionality.

Today, we’ll therefore start to explore alternatives to ChatGPT’s Data Analyst Web Interface, specifically, the OpenAI Assistant API. Later, I plan to dive deeper into even more flexible approaches, like Langchain’s Pandas DataFrame Agents. We’ll explore these options using spatial analysis workflow, such as:

  1. Loading a zipped shapefile and investigate its content
  2. Finding the three largest cities in the dataset
  3. Selecting all cities in a region, e.g. in Scandinavia from the dataset
  4. Creating static and interactive maps

To try the code below, you’ll need an OpenAI account with a few dollars on it. While gpt-3.5-turbo is quite cheap, using gpt-4o with the Assistant API can get costly fast.

OpenAI Assistant API

The OpenAI Assistant API allows us to create a custom data analysis environment where we can interact with our spatial datasets programmatically. To write the following code, I used the assistant quickstart and related docs (yes, shockingly, ChatGPT wasn’t very helpful for writing this code).

Like with Data Analyst, we need to upload the zipped shapefile to the server to make it available to the assistant. Then we can proceed to ask it questions and task it to perform analytics and create maps.

from openai import OpenAI

client = OpenAI()

file = client.files.create(
  file=open("H:/", "rb"),

Then we can hand the file over to the assistant:

assistant = client.beta.assistants.create(
  name="GIS Analyst",
  instructions="You are a personal GIS data analyst. Write and rund code to answer geospatial analysis questions",
  tools=[{"type": "code_interpreter"}],
  model="gpt-3.5-turbo",  # or "gpt-4o"
    "code_interpreter": {
      "file_ids": []

Then we can start asking questions and giving our assistant tasks:

thread = client.beta.threads.create()

message = client.beta.threads.messages.create(,
  content="Please load the zipped shapefile and describe the content"
assistant > The shapefile has been successfully loaded as a GeoDataFrame with the following details:

- The GeoDataFrame has 243 entries.
- It contains a total of 38 columns with various data types including integer, float, and object types.
- One of the columns is a geometry column representing the spatial information.

If you have any specific analysis or visualizations you would like to perform on this data, feel free to let me know!

The docs have a nice example for how to stream the answers back, e.g. into a Jupyter notebook. I’ve used it to create a small convenience function:

def ask_another_question(question):
    message = client.beta.threads.messages.create(,
    ) as stream:

ask_another_question("Please list the three largest cities")
assistant > code_interpreter

# Sort the GeoDataFrame by the population in descending order
largest_cities = gdf.sort_values(by='pop_max', ascending=False).head(3)[['name', 'pop_max']]
assistant > The three largest cities in the dataset, along with their maximum population numbers, are as follows:

1. Tokyo: 35,676,000
2. New York: 19,040,000
3. Mexico City: 19,028,000

These cities have the highest recorded maximum population numbers in the dataset. Let me know if you need any further information or analysis!
ask_another_question("extract all scandinavian cities ")
assistant > To extract all the Scandinavian cities from the dataset, we can filter the GeoDataFrame based on the countries typically considered part of Scandinavia. These countries include Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, and sometimes Iceland. Let's filter the GeoDataFrame to extract the Scandinavian cities.
assistant > code_interpreter

# List of countries typically considered part of Scandinavia
scandinavian_countries = ['Norway', 'Sweden', 'Denmark', 'Finland', 'Iceland']

# Filter the GeoDataFrame for Scandinavian cities
scandinavian_cities = gdf[gdf['adm0name'].isin(scandinavian_countries)][['name', 'adm0name']]

scandinavian_cities.head()  # Displaying the first few Scandinavian cities
assistant > Here are some of the Scandinavian cities extracted from the dataset:

1. Reykjavík, Iceland
2. Oslo, Norway
3. Helsinki, Finland
4. København (Copenhagen), Denmark
5. Stockholm, Sweden

These are just a few examples of Scandinavian cities present in the dataset. If you would like the complete list or perform any specific analysis on these cities, feel free to let me know!
    "please create a world map with all cities (use gray circles) "
    "with scandinavian cities highlighted as red circles. "
assistant > To create a world map with all cities represented as gray circles and Scandinavian cities highlighted as red circles, we will use the GeoPandas library for mapping. Let's go ahead and create the map.
assistant > code_interpreter

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Plot all cities with gray circles and Scandinavian cities with red circles
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 8))

# Plot all cities in gray circles
gdf.plot(ax=ax, color='lightgrey', markersize=5)

# Plot Scandinavian cities in red circles
scandinavian_cities.plot(ax=ax, color='red', markersize=50, edgecolor='black', label='Scandinavian Cities')

# Set the title
ax.set_title('World Map with Scandinavian Cities Highlighted', fontsize=16)

# Add legend

# Display the map
assistant > It seems that there was an error while plotting the map because the GeoDataFrame `scandinavian_cities` does not have the necessary numeric data to plot the map directly.

output >

assistant > Here is the world map with all cities represented as gray circles and Scandinavian cities highlighted as red circles. The map provides a visual representation of the locations of the Scandinavian cities in relation to the rest of the cities around the world. If you need any further assistance or modifications, feel free to let me know!

To load and show the image, we can use:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.image as mpimg

def show_image():
    messages = client.beta.threads.messages.list(

    for m in
        if m.role == "user":
        if m.content[0].type == 'image_file':
            image_data = client.files.content([0].content[0].image_file.file_id)
            image_data_bytes =
            with open("./out/my-image.png", "wb") as file:
            image = mpimg.imread("./out/my-image.png")

Asking for an interactive map in an html file works in a similar fashion.

You can see the whole analysis workflow it in action here:

This way, we can use ChatGPT to perform data analysis from the comfort of our Jupyter notebooks. However, it’s important to note that, like the Data Analyst, the code we execute with the Assistant API runs on a remote server. So, again, we are restricted to the libraries available in that server environment. This is an issue we will address next time, when we look into Langchain.


ChatGPT’s Data Analyst Web Interface and the OpenAI Assistant API both come with their own advantages and disadvantages.

The results can be quite random. In the Scandinavia example, every run can produce slightly different results. Sometimes the results just use different assumptions such as, e.g. Finland and Iceland being part of Scandinavia or not, other times, they can be outright wrong.

As always, I’m interested to hear your experiences and thoughts. Have you been testing the LLM plugins for QGIS when they originally came out?

New release for QField : 3.3 “Darién”

Oslandia is the main partner of around QField. We are proud today to forward the announcement of the new QField release 3.3 “Darién”. This release introduces a brand new plugin framework that empowers users to customize and add completely new functionalities to their favourite field application.

The plugin framework comes with other new features and improvements for this release, detailed below.

Main highlights

One of the biggest feature additions of this version is a brand new drawing tool that allows users to sketch out important details over captured photos or annotate drawing templates. This was a highly requested feature, which is brought to all supported platforms (Android, iOS, Windows, macOS, and, of course, Linux) with the financial support of the Swiss QGIS user group.

Also landing in this version is support for copying and pasting vector features into and from the clipboard. This comes in handy in multiple ways, from providing a quick and easy way to transfer attributes from one feature to another through matching field names to pasting the details of a captured feature in the field into a third-party messenger, word editing, or email application. Copying and pasting features can be done through the feature form’s menu as well as long pressed over the map canvas. Moreover, a new feature-to-feature attributes transfer shortcut has also been added to the feature form’s menu. Appreciation to Switzerland, Canton of Lucerne, Environment and Energy for providing the funds for this feature.

The feature form continues to gain more functionalities; in this version, the feature form’s value map editor widget has gained a new toggle button interface that can help fasten data entry. The interface replaces the traditional combo box with a series of toggle buttons, lowering the number of taps required to pick a value. The German Archaeological Institut – KulturGutRetter sponsored this feature.

Other improvements in the feature form include support for value relation item grouping and respect for the vector layer attributes’ « reuse last entered value » setting.

Finally, additional features include support for image decoration overlay, a new interface to hop through cameras (front, back, and external devices) for the ‘non-native’ camera, the possibility to disable the 3-finger map rotation gesture, and much more.

User experience improvements

Long-time users of QField will notice the new version restyling of the information panels such as GNSS positioning, navigation, elevation profile, and sensor data. The information is now presented as an overlay sitting on top of the map canvas, which increases the map canvas’ visibility while also achieving better focus and clarity on the provided details. With this new version, all details, including altitude and distance to destination, respect user-configured project distance unit type.

The dashboard’s legend has also received some attention. You can now toggle the visibility of any layer via a quick tap on a new eye icon sitting in the legend tree itself. Similarly, legend groups can be expanded and collapsed directly for the tree. This also permits you to show or hide layers while digitizing a feature, something which was not possible until now. The development of these improvements was supported by Gispo and sponsored by the National Land Survey of Finland.

Plugin framework

QField 3.3 introduces a brand new plugin framework using Qt’s powerful QML and JavaScript engine. With a few lines of code, plugins can be written to tweak QField’s behaviour and add new capabilities. Two types of plugins are possible: app-wide plugins as well as project-scoped plugins. To ensure maximum ease of deployment, plugin distribution has been made possible  through QFieldCloud! Amsa provided the financial contribution that brought this project to life.

Our partner will soon offer a webinar to discover how QField plugins can help your field (and business) workflows by allowing you to be even more efficient in the field.

Users interested in authoring plugins or better understanding the framework, can already visit the dedicated documentation page and a sample plugin implementation sporting a weather forecast integration.

A question concerning QField ? Interested in QField deployment ? Do not hesitate to contact Oslandia to discuss your project !


QField 3.3 “Darién”: It is just the beginning

QField 3.3 has been released, and with it, we are proud to introduce a brand new plugin framework that empowers users to customize and add completely new functionalities to their favourite field application. That’s on top of a bunch of new features and improvements added during this development cycle. What preceded this moment was just the beginning!

Main highlights

One of the biggest feature additions of this version is a brand new drawing tool that allows users to sketch out important details over captured photos or annotate drawing templates. This was a highly requested feature, which we are delighted to bring to all supported platforms (Android, iOS, Windows, macOS, and, of course, Linux) with the financial support of the Swiss QGIS user group.

Also landing in this version is support for copying and pasting vector features into and from the clipboard. This comes in handy in multiple ways, from providing a quick and easy way to transfer attributes from one feature to another through matching field names to pasting the details of a captured feature in the field into a third-party messenger, word editing, or email application. Copying and pasting features can be done through the feature form’s menu as well as long pressed over the map canvas. If copy pasting ain’t your style, a new feature-to-feature attributes transfer shortcut has also been added to the feature form’s menu. Appreciation to Switzerland, Canton of Lucerne, Environment and Energy for providing the funds for this feature.

The feature form continues to gain more functionalities; in this version, the feature form’s value map editor widget has gained a new toggle button interface that can help fasten data entry. The interface replaces the traditional combo box with a series of toggle buttons, lowering the number of taps required to pick a value. If you enjoy this as much as we do, send a virtual thanks to German Archaeological Institut – KulturGutRetter, which sponsored this feature.

Other improvements in the feature form include support for value relation item grouping and respect for the vector layer attributes’ “reuse last entered value” setting.

Finally, additional features that are sure to please include support for image decoration overlay, a new interface to hop through cameras (front, back, and external devices) for the ‘non-native’ camera, the possibility to disable the 3-finger map rotation gesture, and much more.

User experience improvements

Long-time users of QField will notice the new version restyling of the information panels such as GNSS positioning, navigation, elevation profile, and sensor data. The information is now presented as an overlay sitting on top of the map canvas, which increases the map canvas’ visibility while also achieving better focus and clarity on the provided details. While revisiting these information panels, we’ve made sure all details, including altitude and distance to destination, respect user-configured project distance unit type.

The dashboard’s legend has also received some attention. You can now toggle the visibility of any layer via a quick tap on a new eye icon sitting in the legend tree itself. Similarly, legend groups can be expanded and collapsed directly for the tree. This also permits you to show or hide layers while digitizing a feature, something which was not possible until now. The development of these improvements was supported by Gispo and sponsored by the National Land Survey of Finland.

Plugin framework

Last but far away from least, QField 3.3 introduces a brand new plugin framework using Qt’s powerful QML and JavaScript engine. With a few lines of code, plugins can be written to tweak QField’s behaviour and add breathtaking capabilities. Two types of plugins are possible: app-wide plugins as well as project-scoped plugins. To ensure maximum ease of deployment, we have enabled project plugin distribution through QFieldCloud! We extend our heartfelt thanks to Amsa for the financial contribution that brought this incredible project to life.

Stay tuned for an upcoming webinar and a dedicated post that will dive into how QField plugins can revolutionize your field (and business) workflows by allowing you to be even more efficient in the field.

Users interested in authoring plugins or better understanding the framework can already visit the dedicated documentation page, a sample plugin implementation sporting a weather forecast integration and our latest blog article.

New Trajectools 2.1 and MovingPandas 0.18 releases

Today marks the 2.1 release of Trajectools for QGIS. This release adds multiple new algorithms and improvements. Since some improvements involve upstream MovingPandas functionality, I recommend to also update MovingPandas while you’re at it.

If you have installed QGIS and MovingPandas via conda / mamba, you can simply:

conda activate qgis
mamba install movingpandas=0.18

Afterwards, you can check that the library was correctly installed using:

import movingpandas as mpd

Trajectools 2.1

The new Trajectools algorithms are:

  • Trajectory overlay — Intersect trajectories with polygon layer
  • Privacy — Home work attack (requires scikit-mobility)
    • This algorithm determines how easy it is to identify an individual in a dataset. In a home and work attack the adversary knows the coordinates of the two locations most frequently visited by an individual.
  • GTFS — Extract segments (requires gtfs_functions)
  • GTFS — Extract shapes (requires gtfs_functions)

Furthermore, we have fixed issue with previously ignored minimum trajectory length settings.

Scikit-mobility and gtfs_functions are optional dependencies. You do not need to install them, if you do not want to use the corresponding algorithms. In any case, they can be installed using mamba and pip:

mamba install scikit-mobility
pip install gtfs_functions

MovingPandas 0.18

This release adds multiple new features, including

  • Method chaining support for add_speed(), add_direction(), and other functions
  • New TrajectoryCollection.get_trajectories(obj_id) function
  • New trajectory splitter based on heading angle
  • New TrajectoryCollection.intersection(feature) function
  • New plotting function hvplot_pts()
  • Faster TrajectoryCollection operations through multi-threading
  • Added moving object weights support to trajectory aggregator

For the full change log, check out the release page.

GTFS algorithms about to land in Trajectools

Trajectools continues growing. Lately, we have started expanding towards public transport analysis. The algorithms available through the current Trajectools development version are courtesy of the gtfs_functions library.

There are a couple of existing plugins that deal with GTFS. However, in my experience, they either don’t integrate with Processing and/or don’t provide the functions I was expecting.

So far, we have two GTFS algorithms to cover essential public transport analysis needs:

The “Extract shapes” algorithm gives us the public transport routes:

The “Extract segments” algorithm has one more options. In addition to extracting the segments between public transport stops, it can also enrich the segments with the scheduled vehicle speeds:

Here you can see the scheduled speeds:

To show the stops, we can put marker line markers on the segment start and end locations:

The segments contain route information and stop names, so these can be extracted and used for labeling as well:

If you want to reproduce the above examples, grab the open Vorarlberg public transport schedule GTFS.

These developments are supported by the Emeralds Horizon Europe project.

QGIS Server — Docker edition

Today’s post is a QGIS Server update. It’s been a while (12 years 😵) since I last posted about QGIS Server. It would be an understatement to say that things have evolved since then, not least due to the development of Docker which, Wikipedia tells me, was released 11 years ago.

There have been multiple Docker images for QGIS Server provided by QGIS Community members over the years. Recently,’s Docker image has been adopted as official QGIS Server image which aims to be a starting point for users to develop their own customized applications.

The following steps have been tested on Ubuntu (both native and in WSL).

First, we need Docker. I installed Docker from the apt repository as described in the official docs.

Once Docker is set up, we can get the QGIS Server, e.g. for the LTR:

docker pull qgis/qgis-server:ltr

Now we only need to start it:

docker run -v $(pwd)/qgis-server-data:/io/data --name qgis-server -d -p 8010:80 qgis/qgis-server:ltr

Note how we are mapping the qgis-server-data directory in our current working directory to /io/data in the container. This is where we’ll put our QGIS project files.

We can already check out the OGC API landing page at http://localhost:8010/wfs3/

Let’s add a sample project from the Training demo data repo. (You may need to install unzip if you haven’t yet.)

mkdir qgis-server-data
cd qgis-server-data
mkdir world
cp QGIS-Training-Data-release_3.22/exercise_data/qgis-server-tutorial-data/world.qgs world/
cp QGIS-Training-Data-release_3.22/exercise_data/qgis-server-tutorial-data/naturalearth.sqlite world

Giving us:

QGIS Server should now be serving this sample project. Let’s check with a WMS GetMap request:


Giving us:

If you instead get the error “<ServerException>Project file error. For OWS services: please provide a SERVICE and a MAP parameter pointing to a valid QGIS project file</ServerException>”, it probably means that the world.qgs file is not found in the qgis-server-data/world directory.

Of course, we can also add http://localhost:8010/ogc/world to the WMS and WFS server connections in our QGIS Desktop:

QField 3.2 “Congo”: Making your life easier

Focused on stability and usability improvements, most users will find something to celebrate in QField 3.2

Main highlights

This new release introduces project-defined tracking sessions, which are automatically activated when the project is loaded. Defined while setting up and tweaking a project on QGIS, these sessions permit the automated tracking of device positions without taking any action in QField beyond opening the project itself. This liberates field users from remembering to launch a session on app launch and lowers the knowledge required to collect such data. For more details, please read the relevant QField documentation section.

As good as the above-described functionality sounds, it really shines through in cloud projects when paired with two other new featurs.

First, cloud projects can now automatically push accumulated changes at regular intervals. The functionality can be manually toggled for any cloud project by going to the synchronization panel in QField and activating the relevant toggle (see middle screenshot above). It can also be turned on project load by enabling automatic push when setting up the project in QGIS via the project properties dialog. When activated through this project setting, the functionality will always be activated, and the need for field users to take any action will be removed.

Pushing changes regularly is great, but it could easily have gotten in the way of blocking popups. This is why QField 3.2 can now push changes and synchronize cloud projects in the background. We still kept a ‘successfully pushed changes’ toast message to let you know the magic has happened 🚀

With all of the above, cloud projects on QField can now deliver near real-time tracking of devices in the field, all configured on one desktop machine and deployed through QFieldCloud. Thanks to Groupements forestiers Québec for sponsoring these enhancements.

Other noteworthy feature additions in this release include:

  • A brand new undo/redo mechanism allows users to rollback feature addition, editing, and/or deletion at will. The redesigned QField main menu is accessible by long pressing on the top-left dashboard button.
  • Support for projects’ titles and copyright map decorations as overlays on top of the map canvas in QField allows projects to better convey attributions and additional context through informative titles.

Additional improvements

The QFieldCloud user experience continues to be improved. In this release, we have reworked the visual feedback provided when downloading and synchronizing projects through the addition of a progress bar as well as additional details, such as the overall size of the files being fetched. In addition, a visual indicator has been added to the dashboard and the cloud projects list to alert users to the presence of a newer project file on the cloud for projects locally available on the device.

With that said, if you haven’t signed onto QFieldCloud yet, try it! Psst, the community account is free 🤫

The creation of relationship children during feature digitizing is now smoother as we lifted the requirement to save a parent feature before creating children. Users can now proceed in the order that feels most natural to them.

Finally, Android users will be happy to hear that a significant rework of native camera, gallery, and file picker activities has led to increased stability and much better integration with Android itself. Activities such as the gallery are now properly overlayed on top of the QField map canvas instead of showing a black screen.

Getting started with pygeoapi processes

Today’s post is a quick introduction to pygeoapi, a Python server implementation of the OGC API suite of standards. OGC API provides many different standards but I’m particularly interested in OGC API – Processes which standardizes geospatial data processing functionality. pygeoapi implements this standard by providing a plugin architecture, thereby allowing developers to implement custom processing workflows in Python.

I’ll provide instructions for setting up and running pygeoapi on Windows using Powershell. The official docs show how to do this on Linux systems. The pygeoapi homepage prominently features instructions for installing the dev version. For first experiments, however, I’d recommend using a release version instead. So that’s what we’ll do here.

As a first step, lets install the latest release (0.16.1 at the time of writing) from conda-forge:

conda create -n pygeoapi python=3.10
conda activate pygeoapi
mamba install -c conda-forge pygeoapi

Next, we’ll clone the GitHub repo to get the example config and datasets:

cd C:\Users\anita\Documents\GitHub\
git clone
cd pygeoapi\

To finish the setup, we need some configurations:

cp pygeoapi-config.yml example-config.yml  
# There is a known issue in pygeoapi 0.16.1:
# To fix it, edit the example-config.yml: uncomment the TinyDB option in the server settings (lines 51-54)

$Env:PYGEOAPI_CONFIG = "F:/Documents/GitHub/pygeoapi/example-config.yml"
$Env:PYGEOAPI_OPENAPI = "F:/Documents/GitHub/pygeoapi/example-openapi.yml"
pygeoapi openapi generate $Env:PYGEOAPI_CONFIG --output-file $Env:PYGEOAPI_OPENAPI

Now we can start the server:

pygeoapi serve

And once the server is running, we can send requests, e.g. the list of processes:

curl.exe http://localhost:5000/processes

And, of course, execute the example “hello-world” process:

curl.exe --% -X POST http://localhost:5000/processes/hello-world/execution -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"inputs\":{\"name\": \"hi there\"}}"

As you can see, writing JSON content for curl is a pain. Luckily, pyopenapi comes with a nice web GUI, including Swagger UI for playing with all the functionality, including the hello-world process:

It’s not really a geospatial hello-world example, but it’s a first step.

Finally, I wan’t to leave you with a teaser since there are more interesting things going on in this space, including work on OGC API – Moving Features as shared by the pygeoapi team recently:

So, stay tuned.

GRASS GIS 8.3.2 released

The GRASS GIS 8.3.2 maintenance release contains more than 30 changes compared to 8.3.1. This new patch release includes important fixes and improvements to the GRASS GIS modules and the graphical user interface (GUI), making it even more stable for daily work.

The post GRASS GIS 8.3.2 released appeared first on Markus Neteler Consulting.

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