QGIS Planet

Plugin Update – December, 2024

In December, there were 37 new plugins published in the QGIS plugin repository.

Here follows the quick overview in reverse chronological order. If any of the names or short descriptions catches your attention, you can find the direct link to the plugin page in the table below:

Filtra Selecionados | Filter Selected
Filtra a camada ativa com base nas feições selecionadas, considerando a estrutura e os tipos de campos para uma filtragem otimizada. | Filters the active layer based on selected features, considering the structure and field types for optimized filtering.
French Point Elevation
Récupère l’altitude à partir du RGE ALTI® (IGN, FRANCE).
Remote Analysis of Vegetation Indices.
This plugin prepares the data for the MGB-IPH model.
Integrator usług danych przestrzennych
Narzędzie stworzone dla użytkowników QGIS, które umożliwia szybki i bezpośredni dostęp do danych przestrzennych pochodzących z oficjalnej ewidencji zbiorów i usług danych przestrzennych kraju (EZiUDP). To najlepszy sposób pracy z polskimi danymi przestrzennymi, jeśli na co dzień z nich korzystasz.
A QGIS plugin to load multiple online basemap services.
Hypsometric Curve
Calcola la curva ipsometrica di un bacino idrografico partendo da un layer DEM e da un layer vettoriale contenente il poligono che delimita il bacino stesso. Puoi assegnare la banda di colore per la definizione delle quote altimetriche del terreno, inserire il numero per suddividere l’area del bacino delimitato dal poligono, per la definizione degli intervalli delle quote altimetriche. *** English: Calculate the hypsometric curve of a hydrographic basin starting from a DEM layer and a vector layer containing the polygon that delimits the basin itself. You can assign the color band to define the elevations of the terrain, enter the number to divide the area of ​​the basin delimited by the polygon, to define the intervals of the elevations.
Mapa Glebowo-Rolnicza
Wtyczka do wizualizacji mapy glebowo rolniczej.
Geosimulation Land Changes
This plugin is a tool used in spatial modeling to predict changes in land cover or land use.
CityForge is a QGIS plugin for reconstructing 3D buildings from footprint and point cloud into CityJSON files.
Make Isochrone with OpenTripPlanner Ver1.5.
HVLSP merge packages
This plugin merges high-value large-scale Geopackage files provided by the Open maps for Europe 2 (OME2) project.
Susceptibility Zoning plugin.
Osm Map Matching
Plugin aligning route points with OpenStreetMap roads, including OSM fields.
Accessibility calculator
Accessibility Calculations.
Applicatif destiné à la prise de notes sur tablette numérique lors des opérations de terrain réalisées pendant le remaniement cadastral. APNCad est le fruit de la collaboration entre Jean-Noël MARCHAL de la BNIC de Nancy et Marius FRANÇOIS-MARCHAL.
A link between ODK Central data and QGIS.
EODH Workflows
Access and run workflows on the EODH.
Next Print
This plugin makes it easy to print using templates and text.
DataAW compares two files using area-weighted data.
WIMS Integrate
Aggregates WIMS field data with Web Services.
Wurman Dots
Create Wurman Dots using a square or hexagonal grid.
Generate QGIS color ramp XML files.
Displays project variables in a dedicated panel.
Plugin pour l’étude de la proximité entre des sites archéologiques et les formations géologiques à silicites qui leur sont liées.
QGIS for TELEMAC-SALOME is a pre-processing of open-TELEMAC meshes: mesh creation, mesh modification, mesh interpolation, creation of boundary condition file.
Dissect and dissolve overlaps (SAGA NextGen)
Detect, zoom to, dissect and dissolve overlaps in one polygon layer.
This plugin lets you switch effortlessly between .tiff-layers in your chosen group via horizontal slider. It was mainly scripted to visualize GPR radargrams to depict the change of ground structure.
Offset Lines
This plugin lets you offset lines parallel to its original in a variable distance.
Quick BDL
Pobieranie obiektów GUS/BDL (EN: Downloading objects from the Central Statistical Office of Poland / Local Data Bank).
Composer of roads from network of segments.
GeoParquet Downloader (Overture, Source & Custom Cloud)
This plugin connects to cloud-based GeoParquet data and downloads the portion in the current viewport.
Prettier Maps
Style your QGIS maps.
OpenDRIVE Map Viewer
This plugin adds support to visualize OpenDRIVE maps to QGIS.
Territory Analysis
This is an example of a plugin for creating an automated report on a comprehensive analysis of the territory using remote sensing data.
Surface Water Storage
This plugin generates the inundation area and elevation-area-volume graph for an area.

Plugin Update – November, 2024

November was a really productive month, with a remarkable total of 43 new plugins published in QGIS plugin repository. In addition there are 3 more plugins from October listed here, which somehow were missed, and for that we apologize to their authors.

Here follows the quick overview in reverse chronological order. If any of the names or short descriptions catches your attention, you can find the direct link to the plugin page in the table below:

All Geocoders At Once
Plugin accumulating most popular geocoders.
ODK Connect
Connect to ODK Central, fetch submissions, and visualize field data on QGIS maps. Supports filtering, spatial analysis, and data export.
Web Service Plugin
Wtyczka umożliwia prezentację danych z serwisów WMS, WMTS, WFS i WCS w postaci warstw w QGIS. Wtyczka wykorzystuje dane z Ewidencji Zbiorów i Usług oraz strony geoportal.gov.pl
Polygon grouper
This plugin groups polygons together.
Cadastro Ambiental Rural.
TauDEM 5.3 processing provider.
EN: A plug-in that converts addresses into latitude and longitude coordinates.
Feature Navigator
Este plugin permite navegar entre entidades en una capa activa de QGIS con botones de anterior y siguiente.
Movement Analysis
Toolbox for raster based movement analysis: least-cost path, accumulated cost surface, accessibility.
Graphab3 for QGIS.
Simple Potential Field Processing.
Easily apply color codes to layers based on selected field values.
NGP Connect
Plugin to store files in Lantmäteriet National Geodata Platform with external storage for the attachment widget in features attribute form.
Projection Factors Redux
Calculates various cartographic projection properties as a raster layer.
Este complemento genera transectas arqueológicas (líneas horizontales o verticales) dentro de un área definida. Puede ser útil para estudios de campo y proyectos arqueológicos.
Plugin om BRO data te downloaden en plotten.
Arches Project
A plugin that links QGIS to an Arches project.
Field annotations
Make annotations and photos in the field.
Plugin QGIS for CEPHEE.
Water Network Tools for Resilience (WNTR) Integration
A QGIS Plugin for the WNTR piped water network modelling package. Allows the preparation of water network models and visualisation of simulation results within QGIS.
A simple plugin to import FIT files.
Get Digital Elevation Model (DEM) datasets from multiple sources with Google Earth Engine API and load it as raster layer.
Si Kataster
EN: SiKataster is a tool for accessing cadastral parcel data from the Real Estate Cadastre of the Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia (GURS). The plugin is designed to record information about the source and the date of data acquisition into the metadata of the layers it creates. The data and web service are provided by GURS.
SI: SiKataster je orodje za dostop do podatkov o parcelah v Katastru nepremičnin Geodetske uprave Republike Slovenije (GURS). Vtičnik je zasnovan na način, da v metapodatke slojev, ki jih ustvari, zapiše informacije o viru in datumu prevzema podatkov. Podatke in spletni servis zagotavlja GURS.
Shred Layer Plugin
This plugin allows users to “shred” a layer. Can be used to delete unnecessary layers or when you do not want to leave evidence. Cut layers can also be scattered on the map.
This plugin applies Otsu’s method for automated thresholding and segmentation of raster data.
Split Lines By Points
Split Lines By Points.
EN: A collection of functions to implement graphics processing
Easy Feature Selector
The Easy Feature Selector plugin for QGIS is a practical tool designed to simplify interactions with vector data.
Generator of simulation plots.
The Lock and Unlock Canvas Zoom Plugin for QGIS is designed to provide users with a simple way to lock and unlock the zoom position on the map canvas. This plugin offers a toggle button that allows users to easily switch between locked and unlocked states for the map canvas zoom.
GWAT – Watershed Analysis Toolbox by Geomeletitiki
Semi-automated Hydrological Basin Analysis toolbox.
GeoPEC é um software científico para avaliação da acurácia posicional de dados espaciais
Esporta Tab su file CSV
Esporta la tabella del layer vettoriale selezionato su un file CSV.
Transform decimal/grade-minute-second coordinates to UTM. Can also make points on the selected coordinates.
Geocoder CartoCiudad
CartoCiudad ofrece direcciones postales, topónimos, poblaciones y límites administrativos de España.
Multi Raster Transparency Pixel Setter
Set transparency pixel for multiple raster layers.
InSAR Explorer
InSAR Explorer is a QGIS plugin that allows for dynamic visualization and analysis of InSAR time series data.
Vgrid – Global Geocoding Systems.
Profile Manager
Makes handling profiles easy by giving you an UI to easily import settings from one profile to another.
QGIS plugin to populate Mapbender with WMS services from QGIS Server.
PLU Versionning
Outil de suivi des versions de numérisation des documents d’urbanisme au format CNIG.
Snowflake Connector for QGIS
This package includes the Snowflake Connector for QGIS.
Count Routes
This plugin provides algorithms of network analysis.
QuickRectangleCreator allows you to create a rectangle quickly and easily, preset sizes, snap to grid and rotate on the fly.
PL: Plugin Algolytics do standaryzacji danych adresowych i geokodowania.
EN: Algolytics Plugin for Address Data Standardization and Geocoding.
Kue is an embedded AI assistant inside QGIS.

Plugin Update – October, 2024

In the last month of October, 18 new plugins were published in the QGIS plugin repository.

Here follows the quick overview in reverse chronological order. If any of the names or short descriptions catches your attention, you can find the direct link to the plugin page in the table below:

ECLAIR: Emission CompiLation for AIR quality
This plugin compiles emission data for air quality. Data can be imported, edited and exported.
Load GRD Format Rasters.
Random Point on Lines…
The Random Points on Lines… is a simple interface and a user-friendly QGIS plugin that enables to generate a specified number of random points along selected line layers within QGIS. Users can control the layer selection and the number of points generated.
BGT Loader
A processing tool to download Dutch BGT data for a specific polygon area.
En plugin for å implementere stiler/tegneregler basert på norske standarder som finnes i Geonorge.
SkyDeck Plugin
Seamlessly Integrate and Manage SkyDeck Geospatial Data within QGIS.
Curva de Nivel
Cria curvas de nivel no territorio brasileiro.
Reservoir & Basin Analysis
This plugin offers some analysis tools for reservoirs and basins.
Feature Transfer Tool
Feature Transfer Tool provides a seamless way to copy and paste features between layers.
Parameter History
A better processing history plugin.
GeOSPR (Consulta, Validación y estandarización).
The Spatial Analysis Agent is a user-friendly plugin that serves as a “Copilot” in QGIS software. This Copilot allows users to perform geospatial analysis directly within QGIS using natural language queries, making it accessible for both experts and beginners. The plugin leverages the full potential of over 600 QGIS processing tools, and other external tools such as Python libraries (e.g., Geopandas, seaborn, etc.). Whether working with vector data, raster analysis, the Spatial Analysis Agent offers a flexible, AI-driven approach to enhance and automate GIS workflows.
Aerodrome Utilities
Fetches OSM Data and processes it for aerodroms with various algorithms.
Relation Manager
This plugin helps in the management of 1:N project relations.
Easy Filter and Selection
Plugin gives easy selecting and filter feature for users that don’t want to write complicated SQL for simple problem solution.
GeoPF Altimétrie
Warning: France only! <br/> This plugin allows to call IGN Geoplateforme API directly from elevation profile tool.
Pian Exporter
The plugin exports the vector layer in WKT format for PIAN.

Plugin Update – September, 2024

In September a total of 20 new plugins were published in the QGIS plugin repository.


In the last month some AI-related plugins became available for users, namely IntelliGeo and TreeEyed, which in addition to the increasing number of tools, greatly contribute for the adaptation of QGIS to current and future needs, showcasing it as one of the best options for beginners and experts alike to conduct a number of geospatial analyses.

As stated by their authors, with IntelliGeo there’s a chat interface where users can detail their requests, and the output is either a PyQGIS code or a graphical processing model, which can in turn be executed directly in QGIS.

As for the TreeEyed plugin, its main objective is the monitoring of trees by generating vector and raster datasets from high resolution RGB imagery.


Here follows the quick overview in reverse chronological order. If any of the names or short descriptions catches your attention, you can find the direct link to the plugin page in the table below:

Project Setup
Sets up a QGIS project to my personal specs.
Continuous Network Analysis (Processing)
Processing plugin that adds several scripts to assist in decision making and validation of line-type vector networks by generating inconsistencies, further expanding the “Network Analysis” tool.
Official plugin for Oslandia customers.
Enables the use of real transit time as a spatial predicate for selects and joins.
Data Clock
Polar plot of seasonal data.
QGIS Light
QGIS made simple – a light user interface for core GIS functions.
Attribute Searcher
A minimalistic plugin to search for values in attributes quick and easy.
Topo Maps
微地形図の生成。Generate Topographic Maps.
IntelliGeo is QGIS plugin that facilitates interaction with Large Language Models in QGIS environment.
Cartographic generalization.
This plugin calculates the erosion and accretion along a river’s course.
Plugin for descriptive and statistical analysis of vectors, with chart generation.
Historique Parcelle
Historique des parcelles (cadastre français).
String Writer
Writes QGIS layers to Surpac string file format.
TreeEyed is a QGIS plugin for tree monitoring using AI.
SHP Buddy
Quickly create shapefiles for breeding experiments.
TEKSI Wastewater
TEKSI Wastewater plugin to manage wastewater networks.
KGR Finder
By simply drawing polygons or clicking on existing polygons, this extension makes it possible to download data from OpenStreetMap (OSM) or the iDAI.gazetteer and display it on the map, including all existing attributes. The plugin is designed so that other services can also be easily integrated in the future.
This QGIS plugin copies symbology, labels, and rendering settings from one layer to multiple other layers.

Catching up with the QGIS User Conference 2024 & Save the Date for 2025

This year’s user conference took place in Bratislava, organized by the Slovak QGIS User Group and hosted at the Slovak University of Technology Faculty of Civil Engineering. The event was sold out early and the venue was full of energy and excitement.

If you missed the conference or couldn’t make it to a talk due to too many great overlapping sessions, you now have the opportunity to catch up with everything on the UC 2024 playing list:

Thanks to the organizers, speakers, sponsors, and all participants for the wonderful event.

If you want to read some personal reports from community members, here’s Ujaval Gandhi’s report: https://spatialthoughts.com/2024/09/14/qgis-user-conference-2024; and here’s Hans van der Kwast’s: https://www.qwast-gis.com/l/qgis-user-conference-2024/

Last but not least, we want you to save the date for next year’s user conference:

The QGIS User Conference will be in Norrköping, Sweden from 2-3 June 2025, and contributor meeting there after 4-7.

Plugin Update – August, 2024

In last August, there were 24 new plugins published in the QGIS plugin repository.


“Help us create the world’s most advanced open database on litter, brands & plastic pollution.”

This sentence welcomes us to the website of the OpenLitterMap project, which aims at providing tools for any and all citizens to capture data on litter worldwide. This data can now be directly accessed in QGIS for visualisation and analysis purposes, thanks to the efforts of the plugin’s author NaturalGIS. Well done to everyone involved, and we wish all the luck to this great project.


Here follows the quick overview in reverse chronological order. If any of the names or short descriptions catches your attention, you can find the direct link to the plugin page in the table below:

Theme Switcher
This plugin adds a popup to easily switch between layer themes.
This plugin connects to Clickhouse.
Yarding Distance
This plugin calucurates the “Yarding Distance” (average of distance from Polygon to Points).
This plugin allows users to directly access SSEC RealEarth web services public catalog of near real-time satellite imagery and related ancillary data through the OGC standard web services of WMTS and WFS. A login to RealEarth is recommended to extend data volume quota before watermarking occurs, but is not required.
This is a plugin to download files from Skydeck, process it in QGIS and upload the results back to Skydeck portal.
3D Arcs
Tool to convert 2D lines to 3D Arcs.
Transit Reachability Analyser
Using OpenTripPlanner to calculate public transport reachability from a starting point to all stops in a GTFS feed.
Cartographie d’enquêtes O/D sous QGIS / Spatialite.
Style all loaded layers in the GPKG in a few clicks.
An autonomous agent framework to select geospatial data and then fetch data by generating and executing programs with self-debugging.
Easy visualisation of XYZ tile bounds.
Feature Transfer GIS Tool
Feature Transfer Tool provides a seamless way to copy and paste features between layers.
Select Lines
Select Lines.
Layer Atlas
Discover and share geospatial layers easily within QGIS.
Verifica sobreposição de feição.
Chainage Tool
This tool provides utility to convert line to chainage points.
Raster Value Regular
Smooth and interpolate grid from a Raster Layer using RegularGridInterpolator from scipy, then apply values to a vector layer as attribute.
Earth Observation Pavement Analysis
This plugin prepares the data sets to train, validate and assess earth observation imagery for pavement analysis.
Processing provider to download raw data from the OpenLitterMap (https://openlittermap.com) project.
Easy load raster or point cloud tiles from index vector layer or map canvas position.
A OGC WCS 2.0 / EO-WCS Client to download spatio-temporal subsets from time-series datacubes.
Disaster Risk Management IADB Toolbox
Processing provider that integrates various disaster risk management tools into QGIS.
PL: Wtyczka umożliwiająca import i wizualizację zdjęć panoramicznych. ENG: Plugin for importing and visualising local panoramic images.
Online Map Linker
This plugin makes links from points to online map.

Reports from the winning grant proposals 2023

With the QGIS Grant Programme 2023, we were able to support six proposals (four in the first round and two in the second round) that are aimed to improve the QGIS project, including software, infrastructure, and documentation. The following reports summarize the work performed in the first four proposals:  

  1. QGIS Bug Tracker cleanup (#266)  – Report
     We have identified and closed ~291 tickets, among them:
    • 162 bugreports and feature requests which were already fixed or implemented
    • 29 bugreports and feature requests which are invalid (data issues, wrong use of functionality, etc)
    • 57 duplicate bugreports and feature requests
    • 5 won’t fix bugreports
    • 5 bugreports were converted to feature requests
    • 33 tickets were closed (does not contain steps to reproduce, test data and no feedback was provided within several month)
    • Additionally we ensured that all tickets has correct tags assigned to to make them easier to find.
  2. Porting to C++ and harmonization of Processing algorithms (#271) – Report
    The QGIS Porting to C++ and Harmonisation of Processing Algorithms grant is now complete.
    • Existing Processing algorithms Voronoi Polygons and Delaunay Triangulation have been ported to C++ and now use GEOS instead of the unmaintained Python module.
    • Two algorithms for generating XYZ tiles (directory and MBTiles variants) have been ported to C++ using a safer and cleaner multi-threading approach.
    • The Align Rasters tool, which was not exposed to Processing, has been removed and a new Processing algorithm with the same functionality has been added.
    • The existing Raster Calculator algorithm has been ported to C++. The algorithm now has two variants: a toolbox version that works the same way as before, and a modeler version that uses the same approach to input naming as the GDAL raster calculator.
  3. Add vertical CRS handling to QGIS (#267) – Report
    • As of QGIS 3.34, QGIS can now create and handle vertical and compound CRSes.
    • In QGIS 3.34 coordinate transforms were reworked so that they function correctly with vertical transformation, if both the source and destination CRS have vertical components.
    • In QGIS 3.36 the coordinate reference selection widgets were updated to offer choices of 2d only, compound, or vertical only CRSes.
    • In version 3.38, we introduced a new setting for QGIS projects, for their vertical reference system. Users can control this through project properties, and it’s accessible via PyQGIS and via associated expression variables (eg @project_vertical_crs) for use in print layouts.
    • Similarly, in 3.38 we introduced the API support for map layers to have a vertical CRS. (This was not exposed to users in 3.38 though)
    • In QGIS 3.40 so far we have exposed the vertical CRS setting for vector layers to users (via the layer properties dialog), allowing users to specify the associated vertical CRS for these layers. The vertical CRS is respected in elevation profile plots, in Identify tool results, and in 3D Map views (assuming the 3D map is created with an associated vertical CRS).
    • There is an open pull-request for 3.40 to expose the vertical CRS for point cloud layers in a similar way, with the vertical CRS being respected in elevation profiles, identify tool results, and 3D map views
    • We have open pull requests for 3.40 to show layer vertical CRS information in the layer properties “information” pages, and add expression variables at the layer scope (eg @layer_vertical_crs).
  4. Improve test result handling on QGIS CI (#268) – Report
    Any tests which fail a rendering comparison will write a descriptive comment to the PR. The comment details which render tests failed, where they are in the code, and includes some helpful pointers to downloading the full test report and the QGIS developer documentation. We also implemented lots of improvements in running the tests locally and how the render test reports are generated and presented to developers.

Thank you to everyone who participated and made this round of grants a great success and thank you to all our sustaining members and donors who make this initiative possible!

Plugin Update – July, 2024

For the last month of July, one short of 30 new plugins were published in the QGIS plugin repository.

Here follows the quick overview in reverse chronological order. If any of the names or short descriptions catches your attention, you can find the direct link to the plugin page in the table below:

MariaDB to QGIS
Fetches longitude (x) and latitude (y) data from MariaDB and writes it to a Shapefile or GeoPackage and adds it to your map.
Print Selection
Outputs selected features to text console.
DeraPro for projects and studies allows the download of the reference spatial data of Andalusia and make a cut of the information for a specific study area.
QPackage is a tool to save both your QGIS project and data contained in the project to a new directory.
A QGIS plugin to import WMS Geoservices from Argentina.
T Vertical Sessions
Used to Vertical Sessions of Lidar Point Cloud.
BuenosAires Converter
A QGIS plugin that converts layers to EPSG:9497.
Make Sector
Plugin to create sector, circle radius, and spidergraph delimited and vector layer.
CBERS-4A WPM Explorer
The CBERS Explorer is a specialized plugin developed to facilitate the search and retrieval of images from the China-Brazil Earth Resources Satellite (CBERS) program, specifically focusing on the CBERS-4A satellite with Wide Field Imager (WPM) data.
FPT Plot Alocation
Plot alocation for forest inventory.
Creates context menu spell checking for attribute data based on ENCHANT libraries.
ur-scape Data Importer
Import data to ur-scape.
MorphAL plugin for QGIS.
Nem adgang til LER2 forespørgsler.
Threshold to ROI
Create ROI (Region of Interest) with threshold values.
Spell Checker
Check the spelling of words in Print Layout elements.
Filter By Selection
Filter a given layer by the selected feature and attribute of another layer.
Natur i Norge kartlegging
Natur i Norge (NiN) mapping tool.
AIAMAS – AI-Assisted Map Styler
Symbolize your vector layers in seconds.
Sentinel 2 Image Downloader
This plugin allows users to download Sentinel-2 images.
Safeguard datasets using masking, encryption and notarisation.
GPX Maker for GARMIN® devices
This plugin exports GPX files for GARMIN® devices.
QGIS Sound Effects
Add sound effects to QGIS to make work less boring.
Mosaic Tool
A plugin to mosaic bands from selected raster layers.
QGIS interface for Polaris through Polaris-Studio
ArcGeek Calculator
A comprehensive toolset for coordinate calculations, conversions, spatial operations, watershed analysis, land use analysis, and flood simulation in QGIS.
Auxiliary Labeldata Importer
Helps you to import Labeldata, stored in an auxiliary Layer from another Project.
Creates a section polygon layer from a point layer.
Slownik warstw
Tworzy słownik w formie pliku txt rozdzielanego tabulacjami dla wybranych warstw, program pozwala na eksport pełnych nazw pól danej warstwy oraz wersje jako powstanie po zmienie z gpkg do shp.

Introducing the new QGIS.org website

We have a new website!

We recently launched our new website at QGIS.org. It is a ground-up overhaul and provides a fresh take on the first contact point for existing or potential users wishing to engage with the QGIS project and discover its value proposition.

A new strategy for QGIS.org websites

In this blog post, we would like to provide an overview of the goals that we had for building the new QGIS.org website and the bigger picture of how this website update fits into the broader strategy for our website plans for QGIS.

About two years ago, we started experimenting with building a new QGIS.org website based on Hugo. Hugo, as a technology choice, was less important than was our intent to develop a more modern site that addressed our strategic goals.

After some ‘in-house’ (i.e. volunteer-based) work to develop an initial version of the site, we received the go-ahead to use QGIS funds for this and put out a call in October 2023 for a company to support our work. This was ultimately won by Kontur.io, who, together with our volunteers, brought the work into high gear.

Questions to be quickly answered by qgis.org
Initial analysis of the questions and actions to be quickly answered by qgis.org

Goal 1: Speak to a new audience

Our primary goal was to speak to a new audience. We are confident that QGIS can compete with all of the commercial vendors providing GIS software. We didn’t convey that well on our old website. We feel that QGIS was too apologetic in how it presented itself. We wanted a website which inspires confidence while addressing the needs of a corporate or organisational decision-maker who is looking at the QGIS project during their GIS software selection process.

The old website was very focused on the developer and contributor community. Obviously, those aspects are important since, without our fantastic community, the QGIS project would not exist. The messaging around open source is also important. Yet these ideas are secondary to the idea that QGIS is one of the best (if not the best) desktop GIS applications out there on the market – open-source or otherwise. We need to present it in this professional perspective.

So, the first goal was to change the messaging to focus on QGIS’s value proposition and take a very professional approach to presenting ourselves on the website.

User group analysis
User group and requirements analysis for the potential qgis.org visitors

Goal 2: Harmonisation

The second goal was to start the process of harmonising all of our website properties. QGIS.org, over the years, has built many different web properties. For example, there’s the plugins website, the feed, the changelog, the sustaining members website, the lessons website and the certification website, the new resources hub website, the API documentation, the user documentation, the user manual, the training manual, various other documentation efforts, and more. Some of those are combined in one application, There are also some less well-known resources, like our analytics.qgis.org and another one for plugin analytics. In short, we’ve a lot of resources!

With so many different web properties, they’ve devolved over time: each has its own look and feel, navigation approach and how you interact with it. Some of them were translated, and some of them were not. We want to harmonise all of these sites so that the user does not notice any change in user experience when they move from one QGIS-related site to another.

Goal 3: Harmonising deployment

In the underlying process of these changes, we’re also redeploying all of the websites on new servers, which are more up-to-date and use better security and maintenance practices. Plenty of work is happening in the background to ensure that all of the servers are in a better-maintained state, document how they’re maintained, and so on.

Goal 4: A hub and spokes

The objective of the new site design is to allow quick movement between the QGIS auxiliary sites. The QGIS.org site will form a hub that effortlessly takes visitors to whichever QGIS-related site they need to complete the task they are busy with. If you’re moving between these sites, the experience should be seamless. You should not really even be aware that you’re moving between different websites. Other than looking at the URL bar, the user presentation and experience should be harmonious between all of them.

One way we are planning to achieve this is to have a universal menu bar and footer. You will see that in the new website’s design, there is a menu bar across the top. This menu bar has two levels: the top menu and the second level, where the search bar is.

The universal menu bar

In this second row, auxiliary sites will have their own sub-menu whilst keeping the shared top-level menu. So if you, for example, are moving around in plugins and want to review the plugin list or submit a new plugin, all of that navigation will be on the second line where the search bar is currently. Regardless of which subdomain you are on, the top-level menu bar will be the same, allowing you to easily navigate back to the hub or to another subdomain.

The footer will be unified and shared between all sites, and the cascading style sheets and styling will be unified across all of the QGIS websites.

In the next phase, we will work to achieve this coherence across all the websites, though we still have a few more tweaks to make to the qgis.org site first.

Goal 5: DOTDOTW – do one thing, do one thing well

We plan to break some auxiliary websites apart into separate pieces. So, for example, the changelog management, certification management, sustaining members management, and lessons management are all in one Django app. We will split them into small single-purpose applications using some common UX metaphors so that each is a standalone application that makes it easy for a potential contributor to understand everything the application does. This will also simplify management as we can upgrade each auxiliary site on separate development cycles. We will also finally have semantic URLs, e.g. certification.qgis.org, to take you to the different areas of interest on the site.

The plugins.qgis.org is also going to be refactored so that it just has plugins and not the resource sharing we’ve added in the last few years. The resource sharing will go into its own subdomain. Similarly, the Planet website will get split into its own website (the planet is a blog aggregator or RSS aggregator) that will be in its own managed instance. Some other components (like the analytics) are difficult to split out like this because they’re linked to the same database. We will try to make sure that those are more discoverable and theme them as much as possible to match the rest of the website experience.

Goal 7: Encapsulation

Another goal we had for the QGIS.org makeover was to make the site performant and self-contained. By self-contained, we mean that it should not ‘call’ out to CDN, Google or other platforms for resources like fonts, CSS frameworks, javascript libraries, etc. There were two reasons for this:

  1. These platforms often use such resources to track users as they move around the Internet, which we want to avoid as much as possible.
  2. We want to wholly manage our site, be able to fix any issues independently and generally follow a path of self-determination.

Our approach also facilitated the creation of a very performant website, as you can see here. We will try to adhere to these principles for the auxiliary site updates we do in the future, too.

What about translations?

The question has come up: Why did we not want to translate the new QGIS.org when it was translated before?

Firstly, we should make it clear that we do not plan to remove translations from the user documentation, the user manual, and so on, where we think they have the most value.

For the main QGIS.org site, we question whether there is a high value in translating it. Here are some reasons why:

1. Lingua franca: If you are an IT manager in a non-English-speaking country and you want to evaluate some software, you’re going to run into a product page that presents itself in English – it is the norm for IT procurement to work in English for reviewing software products and so on.

2. Automation: Automated translations inside browsers are getting better and better. While these translations are still not completely adequate, we think they will be in one or two years’ time.

3. Translation integrity: Our pursuit of Goal 1 means that we would no longer find it acceptable to have partial website translations. We also need to ensure that the wording and phrasing are consistent with the English messaging. We also have concerns about the QA process regarding trust and review – we want to ensure that any translation truly reflects the meaning and intent of the original content and has not been adjusted during the translation process.

4. Cohesion: Our most important point is raised if we go back to this idea of cohesion between the different websites like QGIS.org, plugins.qgis.org and so on. As well as having the same styling, we also don’t want to switch between languages as you hop between the sites. We aim to present them all as one site. If we translate QGIS.org and then take you to our auxiliary sites, e.g., plugins.qgis.org, the feed, or certification pages, which are in English only, the experience is jarring.

So we must either translate everything into all of the same languages, or work in English. Translating everything is a mammoth task for the translators and for us to retrospectively add translation support to each platform. Thus, we prefer the approach of harmonising everything to one language and then focusing our translation efforts on three areas:

  1. The application itself,
  2. the user manual and
  3. the training manuals.

We can leave the rest of the experience in English and instead focus on harmonising, for now, both in terms of look and feel and the technology used.

When we consider everything as one big website and what the bigger plan is, it is hopefully clearer why we didn’t think translating the landing page and QGIS.org was the best approach.

Further funded work

We hope to use more QGIS funding to support this work in the future. We’re also hoping to work again with Kontur to start moving all these auxiliary sites into their own projects, applying our style guidelines to each. Independently of that, Tim (volunteer), Lova (QGIS funded), and others are already getting started with this process.

Helping out

Do you have strong opinions about the website? Contact Tim on the PSC mailing list if you would like to get involved as a volunteer. We would love to hear from designers, word smiths, marketers, information architects, SEO specialists, web developers and those who think they can help us achieve our goals.


We hope our goals and process make sense for everybody and that we were able to lay out a clear, logical argument about why we don’t want to translate the new website quite yet. We want to focus on these overarching goals and then return to them later if they are still a priority for people. Everything we have built is Open Source and available at this repo, where you can also find an issue tracker to report issues and share ideas relating to the new website.

Thanks for reading. Go spatial without compromise 🚀🗺

Cheers, Tim, Marco and Anita

Plugin Update – June, 2024

In the month of June, 23 new plugins were published in the QGIS plugin repository.

Here follows the quick overview in reverse chronological order. If any of the names or short descriptions catches your attention, you can find the direct link to the plugin page in the table below:

Heritage Inventory
Digitally register, manage, and visualise heritage resource data with this inventory worksheet plugin.
Commuting Analysis
This plugin analysis and visualises commuting data.
Supervised Classifier
A plugin to classify selected raster file with reference
Field Stats
This plugin calculates basic stats, graph histogram and boxplot
Curvilinear Coordinator
Plugin for river data conversion from Cartesian to curvilinear orthogonal system
Konwerter PL-ETRF2000 PL-2000
Konwerter współrzędnych punktu układu PL-ETRF2000 do układu PL-2000
Comprehensive mineral prospectivity mapping and analysis framework
A QGIS plugin for Multiscale Geographically Weighted Regression (MGWR)
D2S Browser
This plugin allows you to browse your data on a D2S instance.
WAsP scripting
Scripts for fetching, creating and saving WAsP map files
CSMap Plugin
Fast Line Density Analysis
A fast line density visualization plugin for geospatial analytics
Unsupervised Classifier
Plugin for unsupervised classification of satellite images
Anisotropic interpolation for bathymetric data
Hankaku Converter
This plug-in converts string attribute values to full-width (Zenkaku) and half-width (Hankaku) characters to each other.
Spot Height Extractor
This plugin extracts spot heights from an elevation model.
Power Clipboard
Plugin to easy copy/zoom to XY/YX coords.
Pan Europeo
Ponders very large and distinct rasters with different utility functions
Plugin de labellisation
QGIS plugin for DigitalTwin
Band Stacker
A plugin to stack bands from selected raster layers
Georeferencer Extension
Extension to the Raster Georeferencer Plugin
This plugin provides commonly used methods to produce a generalized map.

Plugin Update – April to May, 2024

Between April and May there were 33 new plugins published in the QGIS plugin repository.


We would like the use this opportunity to highlight two plugins, Viper (QGIS snake Clone) and Active Break.

Viper allows to emulate in QGIS canvas the popular game Snake, providing a fun time and a bit of nostalgia for the “older” users. However it goes further than that, as it serves the purpose of teaching about geospatial concepts such as geometry objects (points, polygons) with their properties and methods, spatial indexing in the form of R-Tree, but also programming in QGIS, as well as other aspects.

On a more serious tone, if it can be said that, we present Active Break, a plugin that “simply” presents messages at specific time intervals, which can be personalized by the user and range from the more technical such as “save your project”, personal or motivational like quotes from hundreds of people on multiple subjects, or perhaps the most important, routinely reminders to take a break, relax or go have lunch. This considering the long hours we spent daily in front of the computer, with all the physical and mental health, as well as social implications. Congratulations on both authors!


Here follows the quick overview in reverse chronological order. If any of the names or short descriptions catches your attention, you can find the direct link to the plugin page in the table below:

Swiss GeoAdmin Bulk Geocoder
Bulk geocoding of Swiss building addresses using the geocoding service of geo.admin.ch, the portal of swisstopo.
EDAC Tools
A toolbox containing various Python-based tools developed by the Earth Data Analysis Center (EDAC) at the University of New Mexico.
Compare two datasets of GPKG pointZ geometry based on french legislation formatting “class A”.
Stats By Polygon
This plugin creates plots for statistics of raster bands based on selected polygon feature.
This plugin enables any user to transform a stack of digital bathymetric data terrain models into a bathymetric community map.
This is a plugin to download files from Skydeck, process it in QGIS and upload the results back to Skydeck portal.
Amazon Location Service
QGIS Plugin for Amazon Location Service.
CIGeoE Copy Paste Features 3D
Copy and paste features from one layer to another of the same type preserving original Z coordinate.
CIGeoE Translate To Fit To Adjacent Polygon
Do a polygon translation to the nearest polygon, by making it coincide their nearest vertices.
CIGeoE Toggle Vertex Visibility
Toggle vertex’s marker visibility.
CIGeoE Reverse Line
Reverses a selected line.
UA Coordinates Transformation
Трансформація (перерахунок) координат вектороного шару через офіційне API Державної геодезичної мережі.
Translation: Transformation of vector layer coordinates through the official API of the State Geodetic Network.
GeoBasis_Loader (Open Data GeoBasisdaten).
Viper (QGIS snake clone)
Snake clone using vector layers and QGIS canvas.
Download and load various data of Japan.
S2 Toolkit
Tools for the S2 Geometry.
Konwerter współrzędnych punktu układu PL-ETRF2000 do układu PL-2000.
Translation: PL-ETRF2000 point coordinate converter to PL-2000 system.
Luftbildfinder NRW
Find and display aerial images (German State of North Rhine-Westphalia) – Luftbilder finden und laden für NRW.
UDef-ARP Plugin
UDef-ARP for QGIS.
Route Builder
“Route Builder” is a QGIS plugin with a set of tools that calculates shortest routes in street networks using data from OpenStreetMap (OSM) and using the A* (A Star) algorithm. Users can define a region, define origin and destination points (O/D) using the coordinates collected by the plugin, these coordinates of the nodes and thus calculate the shortest route between them.
Access a Transition transit planning server data and functionalities from QGIS.
PG service parser
View, edit or copy PG service entries.
Opslag på Dataforsyningens Skråfotos.
Translation: Notice on Dataforsyningens Skråfotos.
OD_LSA_Loader (Open Data Land Sachsen Anhalt Loader)
OD_LSA_Loader (Open Data Land Sachsen Anhalt Loader) – Plugin Deprecated
Publish your QGIS project online as web map.
ActiveBreak is a plugin for QGIS that emits messages at the top of the canvas at time intervals from the start of work, reminding the user to take an active break, take their lunch and/or reminders indicating to save their QGIS project.
QGIS Shoreline Change Analysis Tool
A plugin for Shoreline Change Analysis (SCA).
This plugin propose retention trees and riparian buffer zones based on ecological values.
NextGIS OGRStyle
Capture OGR Style in ONE click to paste them into a spreadsheet.
Provides LandXML to Database tools, etc, storing to PostGIS initially, later to Oracle and MS SQL.
Reads RRR files.
Spatial Analyzer
Spatial Analysis Tools.
Japan GSI Point Collector
This plugin collects xyz points from gsi website. The selection should be within Japan boundary.

Plugin Update – February to March, 2024

From February to March of this year, 58 new plugins were published in the QGIS plugin repository.

Here follows the quick overview in reverse chronological order. If any of the names or short descriptions catches your attention, you can find the direct link to the plugin page in the table below:

Indonesian Multi-scaled Grid System
This plugin automate the determination of Indonesia’s Environmental Support and Capacity.
NDVI to Variable Nitrogen Application Map
This plugin was developed for producing variable nitrogen application maps based on index (e.g. NDVI, EVI) values.
Dynamic Flow
Compare two datasets of GPKG pointZ geometry based on french legislation formatting “class A”.
Stats By Polygon
Dynamic Flow is a QGIS plugin to estimate the spatio-temporal 3D gradient flow from the point observation of the attributes values such as aggregated cell-phone mobility data.
Interactively find shortest path between points over a line network and calculate the Fiber Loss Budget of a fiber optic network (backbone or FTTH)
This plugin calculates hydrological and erosion processes on individual plots or small catchments.
Filter multiple layers
NDVI and EVI Index Calculator
This plugin calculates NDVI and EVI index from Sentinel 2 B02, B04 and B08 Bands.
QGIS plugin for adding and modifying zone data in compliance with the GeoZone schema, facilitating sharing with partners or uploading to a central web repository.
CIGeoE Mirror View
Add one or more panels synchronized with the main panel.
Herramientas SIOSE.
RioGIS 2
Export to WinCan.
Clasificación de redes hídricas
Este plugin clasifica las redes hídricas por medio de una etapa de enriquecimiento y otra de lógica difusa. Advertencia: Versión experimental, algunos procesos pueden ser largos de aplicar.
Apply QML style files to new layers. QML files are stored in {qgis_home}\Styles directory. QML files will be applied to a vector layer when the QML file’s basename is found as a substring of the new layer’s name. QML files will be applied to a raster layer when the QML file’s label token is found as a substring of the new layer’s name. The label token is raster_style_{label}.qml.
Delta Shares
With this plugin you can load data from delta shares
Simple ETL
A simple ETL for spatial data
Flood Path Finder
Developed with Python by Emerson N. Santos – 2024
MongoDB Layer
This plugin gives the possibility to create a layer from MongoDB datasource
Power Pin PL
Plugin eksportuje pinezkę do serwiów typu geoportal. Pin to popular polish and world maps portal. Plugin export pin to popular geoportal like serives
Mineral Exploration Web Services
This plugin connects your QGIS User Profile to many openly hosted web services related to mineral exploration. These include Country and State geological surveys that provide mapped geology and data such as mineral occurence locations, geophysics, geochemistry etc.
OrfeoToolbox Provider
OrfeoToolbox Processing provider.
MitiConnect integrates ecological connectivity in mitigation hierarchy based on landscape graphs.
Compare Attributes
Geo Cluster
This plugin allows you to cluster different territorial scopes.
Estonian Oblique Aerial Photographs
Get the oblique aerial photographs of Estonia at the clicked location on the map
Two distances intersection
Get the intersection of two distances (2D cartesian)
Show Corona CAST by click
This plugin opens a webpage showing the Corona CAST map in the clicked coordinates on the canvas
Design and analysis of 3D seismic survey geometries
Monoplotting oblique images with uncertainty estimation.
Modular Layout Grid Guides
This plugin creates a modular layout grid for print layouts
Plugin which creates a simple QGIS plugin templates ready for install, editing and testing
Saisie monoscopique sur la BD Ortho
SADI Processor
A plugin to Process Standardized Agricultural Drought Index.
SciPy Filters
Filter collection implemented with SciPy
Data Validator
Prototype for vector data validation
Urban planning related tools
This plugin parse pdf files with NGO data and create table with result
Marine Tools
Tools for marine habitat mapping
Map tools
QGIS plugin for little helpers in map production
Style Exporter
Plugin export styles of selected layers to individual file with name same as layers name.
AI assistant to download data from OSM
This plugins generates a 3D model based on the inputs
Zonal Exact Extract
Zonal Statistics of rasters using Exact Extract library
Import dutch traffic signs.
NVDB (Norwegian Administration Road Database) it’s a plugin to analyse and manipulate road objects, like (road references, trees, light poles, traffic signs, construction area, smart devices like IP Camera, tunnels, bridges, etc)
Fluvial Corridor Toolbox
Fluvial Corridor Toolbox
CIGeoE Reshape Features 3D
Reshape a feature in 3D
Pixel Purity Index
Pixel Purity Index algorithm
C-GEO Wizualizacja GML demo
Wtyczka wczytuje oraz wizualizuje dane EGiB, GESUT, BDOT500 zapisane w plikach GML.
This clustering algorithm is a quantized version of the K-Means algorithm that is memory and computationaly more efficient.
HedgeTools is a plugin for QGIS designed to extract and characterize hedges, aiming to streamline field efforts by providing information about hedge health.
Wtyczka SmartSDI (Geo-System) PL: Pobieranie danych wektorowych: działki, budynki, adresy EN: Downloading vector data for Poland: parcels, buildings, addresses
Environmental Data Retrieval
Environmental Data Retrieval QGIS plugin
Plugins to work with DigiAgriApp server
This plugin creates hydrological response units (HRUs) suitable for Talsim (http://www.talsim.de/) and allows users to connect to a Talsim DB.
Provides Rubber Sheeting and Two Point Transformations, storing to PostGIS, Oracle and MS SQL. The Rubber Sheeting algorithm uses supplied Shift Vectors and calculates the weighted average shift from the 10 nearest Shift Vectors. The Two Point Transformations handles themes with and without a CRS.

Plugin Update – December 23′ to January 24′

Between December 2023 and January 2024, 45 new plugins were published in the QGIS plugin repository. On top of those, we also included another 4 from the last week of November.

Here follows the quick overview in reverse chronological order. If any of the names or short descriptions catches your attention, you can find the direct link to the plugin page in the table below:

High performance drillhole visualization QGIS module supporting 3D, cross-section, and log views.
Benthic Terrain Modeler
Analyzes benthic terrain for the purposes of classifying surficial seafloor characteristics that may be used in studies of benthic habitat, geomorphology, prediction of benthic fish species distribution, marine protected area design, and more
This plugin integrates the AnnAGNPS model into QGIS
QSU2 for CFD simulations
Autofill Attributes
Simple screen to fill your attributes table automatically.
Eurostat downloader
This plugin can be used to get data using the Eurostat API.
Loads Active Vector Themes to PostGIS, Oracle and MS SQL
Munsell code to sRBG conversion.
WFS Styler Plugin
Set a WMS style to a WFS layer
CIGeoE Rename Attachment Attribute
Rename attachment attribute of selected field on all features
Complemento que crea un visualizador cartográfico con el contenido del lienzo de QGIS
Data Sources Panel
Panel/dock with overview of layer data sources
Gratis og let adgang til GeoFA (Geografiske Fagdata i GeoDanmark) i QGIS.
Free and easy access to GeoFA (Geographical Professional Data in GeoDanmark) in QGIS.
Co-Traveler discovery tools.
This plugin enables the user to automatically extract shorelines and compute shoreline change rates.
Geovita GIS Processing provider
This plugin adds different Geovita custom processing algorithms to QGIS
Este plugin realiza cálculos, comparações e análises estatísticas do volume e área de uma cota específica em um modelo digital de terreno.
Whitebox Workflows for QGIS
Provides access to Whitebox Workflows within QGIS
Y!maptool(Yahoo! JAPAN YOLP Web API
Yahoo!JAPANのYOLP Web APIを利用して、検索した結果の位置を表示します。郵便番号での検索ができます。クレジット:Webサービス by Yahoo! JAPAN (https://developer.yahoo.co.jp/sitemap/) This plugin allows the user to displays the location of search results using Yahoo!JAPAN YOLP Web API.You can search by zip code.
A Plugin to create UGCS missions from GPKG layers. This is made for drone users that want to lead AreaScan for a drone-line inspection
Infra3D plugin
This plugin is an integration of the Infra3D application with QGIS
CZML Moving Objects
This plugin creates CZML files for moving objects described as points
Layer Tree Tools
Sorts and groups nodes in layer tree, takes layer tree snapshots
Localisation Grand Lyon
Suite d’outils de localisation utilisés pour les logiciels métiers QGIS de la Métropole Grand Lyon.
Forest Inventory and Monitoring
Point Cloud Filter Slider
GUI panel to change values in simple query builder filter for point clouds.
Dokumente verknüpfen
With this Plugin documents can be connected to objects. It is designed for sewer system inspection data.
Bunting Labs AI Vectorizer
Intelligent autocomplete for vectorizing raster maps.
CIGeoE Pacman
Resolve the intersection of 2 polygons by removing the overlapped area in the second polygon.
国土地理院のAPIを利用して、住所を検索した結果の地点を表示します。住所検索した結果から選択してポイントを追加することもできます。国土地理院API(https://msearch.gsi.go.jp/address-search/AddressSearch)から取得したデータを加工して利用。This plugin allows the user to search for a address and get its coordinates using GSI API.
Riverscapes Viewer
Explore symbolized Riverscapes projects
Feature Z Setter
Sets the Z value of each new/edited feature to a specific value, based on a DEM layer plus an offset.
BrandGIS Ledningsstöd och geografisk lägesbild vid brand i skog och mark.
Oemc Plugin
This plugin provides easy access to OEMC STAC catalog
Swedigarch Geotools
Swedigarch Geotools
Urbantracer creates urbanized area polygon over a street map.
Geohash Expressions Plugin
This plugin adds four expression functions to work with geohash in the field calculator
Complemento para visualizar y agregar metadatos a las capas.
Mesh Flow
Tool to extract flow from hydraulic model results contained in a mesh layer.
QGIS Riverscapes Studio (QRiS)
SAGis Excel Export
Plugin öffnet einen vereinfachten Excel-Export-Dialog
Plugin zum Einbinden und Durchsuchen einer ALKIS-Datenbank
LandXML to Mesh
Conversion of LandXML to Mesh and vice versa
Click and Copy WKT.
Style to text
Converts stylefiles to csv-files
R-ABLE plugin
R-ABLE plugin, developed within the EUHubs4Data project, providing access to the web services on agricultural land.
Python Module Manager
Show all the installed packages (distributions); Show modules in a selected package; Install a package/packages; Load a module and get the version.
PDD-QGis Tool
Tool to download and visualize datasets from Plataforma de Datos by Itrend.
Project Full Text Search
This plugin generates a full text search index containing all attributes of all layers of a loaded project. The user then can use a single text-input field to search within all available attributes.

QGIS Grant Programme 2024 Update no. 2

Thanks to generous supporters, we are in the wonderful position to be able to announce that another project is successfully funded:

    Our thanks go out to:

    for providing the additional funding to top up the QGIS Grant Programme contribution for QEP#248.

    The next proposals on the wait list are:

    If you want to help make these improvement a reality, please get in touch.

    Danish User Group becomes Flagship Member

    QGIS User Groups all over the world have become an essential component of the QGIS community. They provide a point of contact for local users and developers and help people connect through localized communication channels or by organizing events.

    Another important aspect of users groups is that many of them also have become sustaining members of QGIS.ORG. In total, their contributions account for a significant share of our project budget.

    The Danish User Group now has opened a new chapter by becoming the first user group supporting QGIS on the Flagship level. And that’s a reason to celebrate 🥳 and to reminisce. For example, about the awesome time we had at the first QGIS User Conference organized at the University of Copenhagen campus in Nødebo.

    And who can forget how we all struggled to pronounce QGIS 2.16 “Nødebo”?

    And how the “ø” upset some services? Good times.

    Thank you very much to everyone from the Danish user group and to all the other user groups, small and large, who support QGIS our project and help make it even better for everyone.

    Felt renews their Flagship-level Sustaining Membership

    We’re delighted to announce Felt’s continued flagship-level sustaining membership of QGIS. Felt’s contributions will allow us to continuously improve QGIS’ functionality and documentation, as well as the QGIS project infrastructure, including our 2024 Grant Programme.

    In addition to their membership, Felt is releasing a new version of the “Add To Felt” QGIS plugin. Developed by the talented team at North Road, the plugin makes it easy to upload your data from QGIS to the web, where you can share it with colleagues and clients. The newest release includes raster data support and more robust preservation of styles from QGIS to Felt. This enables seamless integration and a flexible workflow between your desktop and the web.

    Don’t miss your chance to meet Felt’s team presenting “Add To Felt” at tomorrow’s QGIS Open Day.

    Felt is the first user-friendly, collaboration tool for making and sharing the maps that drive your business. Felt makes it easy to visualize your data and communicate across teams quickly. Learn more at felt.com.

    QGIS Grant Programme 2024 Update

    Thanks to our generous donors and sustaining members, we are in the wonderful position to be able to further extend our 2024 Grant Programme and to fund an additional project that came in very close 6th in the voting results:

    On behalf of the QGIS.ORG project, I would like to thank the Danish User Group who stepped up and increased their support to Flagship level, joining or recurring Flagship member Felt and all our wonderful sustaining members and donors.

    The next proposals on the wait list is:

    with € 4,500 missing to be be funded to make it possible to store encrypted credentials in a PostgreSQL database. This improvement targets QGIS Server, particularly multi-instance setups using kubernetes, with potential QGIS Desktop improvements down the road.

    If you want to help make this improvement a reality, please get in touch.

    Of course, the same applies if you want to help fund any of the remaining proposals:

    Reports from the winning grant proposals 2023

    With the QGIS Grant Programme 2023, we were able to support four proposals in the first round and an additional two proposals through the second round that are aimed to improve the QGIS project, including software, infrastructure, and documentation. The following reports summarize the work performed in the proposals. 

    1. QGIS Bug Tracker cleanup #266Report
      While checking existing bugreports we have identified and closed ~291 tickets, among them:

      – 162 bugreports and feature requests which were already fixed or implemented
      – 29 bugreports and feature requests which are invalid (data issues, wrong use of functionality, etc)
      – 57 duplicate bugreports and feature requests
      – 5 won’t fix bugreports
      – 5 bugreports were converted to feature requests
      – 33 tickets were closed (does not contain steps to reproduce, test data and no feedback was provided within several month)

      Additionally we ensured that all tickets has correct tags assigned to to make them easier to find.

    2. Porting to C++ and harmonization of Processing algorithms #271Report
      The work has been completed with several pull requests:
      Port various geometry algorithms to C++ 
      Port Align Rasters tool to Processing 
      Port Raster Calculator algorithm to C++ 
      Port XYZ Tiles algorithms to C++ 

      Existing Processing algorithms Voronoi Polygons and Delaunay Triangulation have been ported to C++ and now use GEOS instead of the unmaintained Python module. Both algorithms have been given additional parameters to disable post-processing step (adding attributes of input points for Voronoi polygons and adding feature IDs of the 3 points forming a triangle for Delaunay triangulation) and thus improve algorithm performance. The Concave Hull algorithm has been ported to C++ and uses GEOS for QGIS builds with GEOS >= 3.11, while a port of the existing implementation based on Delaunay triangulation is used for builds with older GEOS versions.

      Two algorithms for generating XYZ tiles (directory and MBTiles variants) have been ported to C++ using a safer and cleaner multi-threading approach.

      The Align Rasters tool (available from the Raster → Align Rasters menu), which was not exposed to Processing, has been removed and a new Processing algorithm with the same functionality has been added. To make this possible, we have added a new QgsProcessingParameterAlignRasterLayers parameter type to Processing, which provides an adapter to QList<QgsAlignRaster::Item>. The “Raster” menu item now opens the Processing algorithm. We have also added a separate, simplified modeler-only version of the algorithm that accepts a single raster to align and returns a single raster layer output.

      The existing Raster Calculator algorithm has been ported to C++. The algorithm now has two variants: a toolbox version that works the same way as before, and a modeler version that uses the same approach to input naming as the GDAL raster calculator (in the formula, you should use letters instead of layer names). The old algorithm implementation has been retained for compatibility with existing models and will be removed in QGIS 4. We have also added a separate raster calculator algorithm for creating virtual raster layers.
    3. Improve test result handling on QGIS CI #268 Report
      While the original proposal was explicitly stated to be a research project with no guarantees of success, the end result is predominantly a success (with some limitations!). You can see the new failure handling in action in this PR

      What we have now is that any tests which fail a rendering comparison will write a descriptive comment to the PR, as shown in the above link. The comment details which render tests failed, where they are in the code, and includes some helpful pointers to downloading the full test report and the QGIS developer documentation.

      Originally, I hoped to link directly to the full test report or include it as an attachment to the comment. Unfortunately this is NOT possible given the current Github API. There’s a bunch of notes I’ve added to the initial comment which link to the limitations / feature requests on Github’s side, so we can monitor the situation and further improve the reports if/when Github add this functionality.

      As well as the above described improvements on the CI side, I’ve also implemented lots of improvements in running the tests locally and how the render test reports are generated and presented to developers!

    4. Unification of all geometric and topological verification methods #236Report
      Our efforts are primarily focused on two main aspects of the proposal:
      1. Unification of Algorithms:
      This component entails both refactoring existing algorithms and introducing new ones. While the refactoring phase did not reach the level of ambition initially envisioned, considerable cleanup has been achieved, particularly in eliminating code duplications, as evidenced by the PR submitted [1] [2] [3]. Other deduplications could be considered, but the main issue is not to break the small optimizations or adaptations to the logic of the existing code.

      2. Integration of Geometry Checker Algorithms:

      Following the discussions within the QEP framework, we have decided to transition algorithms to those already present in the geometry checker. These algorithms encompass topological considerations. Unfortunately, due to timing constraints with the year-end and the feature freeze period, this integration was not yet completed. [4] [5] 
      Processing Integration:
      Efforts have been made to incorporate the geometry checker’s algorithms into the processing framework [6] [7] [8]. Regrettably, these efforts have not yet been fully realized. We encountered challenges in aligning processing with the logic of the geometry checker. However, the ongoing PR by Jacky shows promising progress in overcoming these obstacles. We are optimistic about achieving the integration of geometry (and topology) checker algorithms into processing for the upcoming version. This integration aims to streamline ETL processes for verification and correction tasks, thereby enhancing codebase cleanliness.

    5. The remaining project reports will be added as the projects wrap up.

    Thank you to everyone who participated and made this round of grants a great success and thank you to all our sustaining members and donors who make this initiative possible!

    QGIS Grant Programme 2024 Results

    We are extremely pleased to announce the 5 winning proposals for our 2024 QGIS.ORG grant programme:

    Funding for the programme was sourced by you, our project donors and sponsorsNote: For more context surrounding our grant programme, please see: QGIS Grants #9: Call for Grant Proposals 2024.

    The QGIS.ORG Grant Programme aims to support work from our community that would typically not be funded by client/contractor agreements. This means that we did not accept proposals for the development of new features. Instead proposals focus on infrastructure improvements and polishing of existing features.

    Voting to select the successful projects was carried out by our QGIS Voting Members. Each voting member was allowed to select up to 6 proposals. The full list of votes are available here (on the first sheet). The following sheets contain the calculations used to determine the winner (for full transparency). The table below summarizes the voting tallies for the proposals:

    A couple of extra notes about the voting process:

    • Voting was carried out based on the technical merits of the proposals and the competency of the applicants to execute on these proposals.
    • No restrictions were in place in terms of how many proposals could be submitted per person / organization, or how many proposals could be awarded to each proposing person / organization.
    • Voting was ‘blind’ (voters could not see the existing votes that had been placed).

    We received 39 votes from 21 community representatives, 17 user group representatives, and the OSGeo voting member.

    On behalf of the QGIS.ORG project, I would like to thank everyone who submitted proposals for this call!

    Save the date & call for contributions: QGIS user conference and contributor meeting in Bratislava

    We are happy to announce that QGIS User Conference will take place on 9-10 September 2024 in Bratislava, Slovakia.

    The traditional Contributor Meeting will be held right after the conference on 11-13 September 2024 at the same venue.

    Learn more about the user conference and the contributor meeting at the event’s web site: https://uc2024.qgis.sk/

    The call for papers for the user conference is now open – you can submit proposals for talks and workshops by 31 March 2024:

    We have also started call for sponsors, with sponsorship opportunities at various levels. More details here:

    User Conference

    The QGIS User Conference is an annual event that brings together users and developers of QGIS. The conference provides an opportunity for attendees to learn about the latest developments in QGIS, share their experiences with others, and network with other QGIS users and

    Contributor Meeting

    QGIS Contributor Meetings are volunteer-driven events where contributors to the QGIS project from around the world get together in a common space – usually a university campus. During these events, contributors to the QGIS project take the opportunity to plan their work, hold face-to-face discussions and present new improvements to the QGIS project that they have been working on. Everybody attending the event donates their time to the project for the days of the event.
    As a project that is built primarily through online collaboration, these meetings provide a crucial ingredient to the future development of the QGIS project. The event is planned largely as an ‘unconference’ with minimal structured programme planning.

    For more details and to sign up, please visit the corresponding wiki page https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/wiki/27th%E2%80%90Contributor%E2%80%90Meeting%E2%80%90in%E2%80%90Bratislava

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