QGIS Planet

QGIS server 3.28 is officially OGC compliant

QGIS Server provides numerous services like WMS, WFS, WCS, WMTS and OGC API for Features. These last years, a lot of efforts were made to offer a robust implementation of the WMS 1.3.0 specification.

We are pleased to announce that QGIS Server LTR 3.28 is now certified against WMS 1.3.0.

This formal OGC certification process is performed once a year, specifically for the Long Term Release versions. But, as every change in QGIS source code is now tested against the formal OGC test suites (using OGC TeamEngine) to avoid any kind of regressions, you can always check any revision of the code against OGC failures in our Github continuous integration results.

All this has been possible thanks to the QGIS’s sustaining members and contributors.

QGIS Server 3.4.6 certified for WMS 1.3

We are very happy to announce that QGIS 3.4.6 LTR is now OGC certified as a reference implementation : qgis_server_ogc_badge_2019

The OGC certification program gives a third party validation that the a web service is compliant with the standard.

The certification process requires manual work, so we will only certify on version for each LTR.  This was not enough, so we build a OGC CI test platform that is checking compliance every night for WMS and WFS, so that you can check by yourself any specific version commit.

However WMS 1.3 is only the basics, if you rely on other services like WFS, WCS, or advanced capabilities like Raster or Vector Elevation, we are looking for supporters!

As the future is almost now If you want QGIS to be on the cutting edge with the upcoming WFS3, a JSON-REST modern version of WFS, please get in touch. We’d love to push this both into QGIS server and Desktop.

QGIS Server certified as official OGC reference implementation

We are very excited to announce that QGIS Server has been successfully certified as a compliant WMS 1.3 server against the OGC certification platform, and moreover, it is even considered as a reference implementation now!

This is the first step on our roadmap of having a fast, compliant and bullet proof web map server that is straightforward to publish from a classical QGIS project.

What does it mean?

Having a certified server means that QGIS Server successfully passes the automated and semi automated tests that ensure we are 100% compliant with the standards. That means you can trust QGIS to be used by any WMS client seamlessly.
Moreover, that certification is now powered by a continuous integration system that checks every night in developement versions if we still pass the tests.

Daily compliance reports are available on the new test.qgis.org website.

What’s next?

Building the automated testing platform and getting officially certified was only the first step. We now are starting to certify the WFS services, thanks to the latest grant application program support.

We also want QGIS server development to be performance-driven. The following projects are particularly relevant:

  • MS-Perf produces benchmark reports with MapServer and GeoServer.
  • graffiti  and PerfSuite tools have been designed to create a really light tool, easy to enrich with new datasets and performance tests, and easy to integrate in continuous integration systems. It compares QGIS-ltr, QGIS-rel and QGIS-dev nightlies for the same scenarios in details and produces html reports. It can also graph performance history for the development version to track regressions or improvements.

Many thanks to the supporters and voting members that helped bootstrap all those testing platforms and offer them to the community.

If you want to support or give a hand on the QGIS desktop client side, we think that area would deserve some love too!

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