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Adding external WMS to the QGIS Cloud Web Map

The use of WMS/WMTS layers in a QGIS Cloud map project can significantly degrade the performance of the map display. I have already discussed how to counter this problem in an earlier post. One of the solutions is to load external WMS as background layers. The problem with this approach, however, is that only one WMS background layer can be loaded at a time. If further WMS layers are to be loaded into the map at the same time, this approach cannot be used.

My QGIS Cloud Map is slow. How can I make it faster?

QGIS Cloud Support is repeatedly asked: ‘Why is my QGIS Cloud map so slow and what can I do to make it faster?’ Basically, the bottlenecks can be traced back to poor data management and/or a slow internet connection. In this short blog article, I would like to give you a few tips on what you can do to speed up a slow loading map. Optimise the data Make sure that your database is optimised and that you only use the necessary data in your web map.


Sourcepole hat an der FOSSGIS 2024 in Hamburg verschiedene Themen mit Vorträgen abgedeckt:

  • QGIS Web Client 2 (QWC2) - Neues aus dem Projekt
  • QGIS Server Plugins
  • BBOX: Kompakter OGC API Server für Features, Tiles und mehr

Designing QGIS Cloud QWC2 with CSS

In an earlier post, I showed how it is possible to permanently position a legend in the QGIS Cloud map as part of a QGIS Cloud Pro subscription. To achieve this, the appearance of the map view was changed using CSS. In this post, I will describe exactly what this is and how it works. The appearance of the QGIS Cloud Web Client is controlled via CSS. CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets.

FOSS4G 2023 Prizren

FOSS4G is the annual global event of free and open source geographic technologies and open geospatial data hosted by OSGeo. In 2023 it took place in Prizren, Kosovo.

Integrate a QGIS Cloud Map into a Web Page

After a beautiful map has been created with QGIS and published on, the desire quickly arises to integrate this map into one’s own website. This way, visitors to the website could access the map directly and without having to go via With a little HTML, this is easy to do. But let’s start from the beginning. Make a QGIS Cloud Map As always with QGIS Cloud, a map must first be published.

QGIS Cloud: Publish Live Data in Web Map

The QGIS Cloud Support Team is often asked if it is possible to integrate data from external databases into the QGIS Cloud Web Map, so that the map information in the QGIS Cloud Web Map is always up-to-date. In this blog article we would like to show how this is possible with PostgreSQL. To publish data in the QGIS Cloud GDI, the data must always be stored in the personal QGIS Cloud database.


Sourcepole hat an der FOSSGIS 2023 in Berlin verschiedene Themen mit Vorträgen abgedeckt:

  • QGIS Web Client 2 (QWC2) - Neues aus dem Projekt
  • COPC, das neue cloudoptimierte Format für Point Clouds
  • Cloudoptimierte Formate für Kacheln und multidimensionale Rasterdaten
  • Geodatenverarbeitung mit Workflow-Engines

FOSS4G 2022 Florence

FOSS4G is the annual global event of free and open source geographic technologies and open geospatial data hosted by OSGeo. In 2022 it took place in Firenze with over 1300 participants, 402 talks and 44 workshops.


Sourcepole hat auch an der Online FOSSGIS 2022 diverse Themen mit Vorträgen abgedeckt:

  • IoT Sensordaten in Karten integrieren
  • QGIS Web Client 2 (QWC2) - Neues aus dem Projekt
  • Cloud-optimierte Geoformate
  • 3D Tiles Next

QGIS Cloud: Starting a new feature series for QGIS Cloud Pro customers

We are pleased to announce that today we have published a new release of QGIS Cloud. Besides a whole bunch of bug fixes, we have also introduced new features for QGIS Cloud Pro customers. Starting with this release, we will be releasing more features for our QGIS Cloud Pro customers in the coming weeks. The following new features are available for QGIS Cloud Pro users starting today. Import Layer: In the Layers & Legend tool you will now find the possibility to import layers.

Publishing high quality Swisstopo WMTS with QGIS Cloud

The Swisstopo services can be used free of charge for commercial purposes since March 1st. In this blog article I want to show how these high quality data can be published on Swisstopo-Services The Swisstopo WMTS services are tiled raster data. Due to the prior tiling, the loading times are significantly reduced. WMTS data are used when an up-to-date background is always required. For publication as a background layer on the QGIS Cloud Platform, the National Maps and the Swissimage orthophoto are very interesting.

QGIS Cloud: Permanent displaying the legend in a fixed location in QGIS Cloud QWC2 with CSS

With QGIS Cloud Pro it is possible to change the appearance and behaviour of the QGIS Cloud Web Client via CSS. You can easily manipulate the colour of frames and fonts, etc. An example that is not obvious is displaying the legend in a fixed location on the map. In this way, the legend can be made a fixed part of the map in QGIS Cloud QWC2. In the basic configuration of QGIS Cloud QWC2 the legend of a layer is not permanently displayed.

Publish Image Tooltips on QGIS Cloud with QGIS 3

In 2015 we have already published a blog on this topic, which has met with great response. In the meantime a lot has changed in the QGIS world and with QGIS3 the 2015 manual can no longer be adopted 1:1. So I decided to write a new, revised blog article on this topic. A lot of people are using QGIS Cloud as a service with ready to use QGIS webclient. It’s very easy to publish data and share maps in this way.

Responsive background maps with QGIS Cloud

Responsive background maps with QGIS Cloud Sourcepole QGIS Cloud is a great and convenient way to publish geodata as webmaps, to have a database and to manage everything from the desktop GIS. No need to run and maintain a server. Today our topic is handling of background maps in QGIS Cloud. QGIS Cloud maps are normally WMS maps delivered by QGIS Server. However most maps consist of a foreground (vector) theme and a background raster layer.

Web based editing in QGIS cloud

QGIS Cloud ( is a platform which provides a convenient geodata infrastructure including database, web services and web maps in the cloud. Recently, Sourcepole implemented the possibility to enable web-based editing in published maps. This blog post shows how to enable editing in QGIS cloud pro maps. We start with my_edit_project.qgs, a project in QGIS desktop containing a background layer and a point vector layer (trees). We upload the data to QGIS Cloud using the QGIS Cloud plugin and publish the project.

Web based editing in QGIS cloud

QGIS Cloud ( is a platform which provides a convenient geodata infrastructure including database, web services and web maps in the cloud. Recently, Sourcepole implemented the possibility to enable web-based editing in published maps. This blog post shows how to enable editing in QGIS cloud pro maps. We start with my_edit_project.qgs, a project in QGIS desktop containing a background layer and a point vector layer (trees). We upload the data to QGIS Cloud using the QGIS Cloud plugin and publish the project.

PostGIS Day 2019 Zürich

Am Donnerstag 14. November findet der PostGIS Day in Zürich statt! Neben topaktuellen News zu den Releases von PostGIS 3, QGIS 3.10 LTR und OpenLayers 6 gibt es Einblicke in die Responsive City Strategie der Stadt Zürich und weitere Themen wie Datentransformationen mit hale studio und Vektor Tiles.

FOSS4G 2019 Bucharest

Reporting back from the annual international FOSS4G conference, which took place in Bucharest this year.

AGIT 2013: QGIS Cloud - Karten einfach ins Netz

Noch nie war es so einfach individuelle Web Map Services mit ansprechenden Karten, Geodatenbank und Web Client zu erstellen, wie mit QGIS Cloud. Der am 5. Juli an der AGIT 2013 in Salzburg präsentierte Vortrag kann hier herunter geladen werden. Präsentation

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