QGIS Planet

GSoC 2012 - Report #13

I made improvements to the new spatialite layer dialog.

Fixed the most annoying bug, now the map is repainted when an event occur on it, so the digitization is possible. Also, a busy indicator is shown until the rendering is complete.

Finished the GPS support, you can add features based on your position.

Currently, the GUI is disorganized some colors and dimensions are hardcoded (they should use the theme), and a couple of buttons are in the wrong place. I'll spend the rest of the weekend addressing this problems in order to finish the GSoC with the nicer GUI as possible.

GSoC 2012 - Report #12

This week I started to use themes, so the user will be able to select one of them. Only the Holo dark colors are available for now. The message boxes still have the look of the QGIS desktop's ones.

I was able to pass the attributes of the new spatialite dialog from QML to C++, so it's working but isn't using the theme (ugly).

I added the GPS button, it take you to your position on the map (like Google Maps) . I'll add a button for adding features on the positions readed by the GPS.

GSoC 2012 - Report #8

This week I made various changes in order to get a more lightweight GUI.

Finally, I can compile the 'add tool' but It's still not working. Furthermore, I implemented the move tool.

Also, I've published the page on the QGIS wiki. Please take a look at the mockups.

Made some the changes to the build scripts of the apk to get a different app name (Qgis Mobile) and an apk of lower size. You can download a test build here

GSoC 2012 - Report #6

I've added zoom and gestures tools and started to add editing tools. The pinch gesture is not working on my Android device.

Also, I fixed the bug with the positioning of the toolbars.

I implemented the visibility and delete options to the layers manager, but It's still buggy.

Furthermore, I've been preparing documentation that will be on the Qgis wiki.

Next week I hope to finish the implementing of the editing tools and I'll create a page on Qgis wiki.

GSoC 2012 - Report #5

I've been working on a window for managing the layers. It has basic functionality: showing the list of the layers loaded in the map canvas. But now, It's easy to add other functionality. This was a task very difficult to debug.

Also, I reviewed the code for add map tools.

Next week I'll add "delete layer" and "visibility" to the layers manager and some tools to the map canvas.

GSoC 2012 - Report #4

I've been working on my own simple QML components. I've implemented these components so far: Window, Page, ToolBar, ToolBarLayout, ToolButton. They are based on Qt Quick Components but I'm implementing only what I need.

I'm having a strange problem with the anchor-based layout: if I attach my toolbar with the parent's bottom line then the toolbar disappears. I put the toolbar on top for the time being.

I built an apk with the new QML GUI and tested it on a Galaxy S II. I tested only shapefiles, they were rendered fine. I had a problem here: no provider libs were loaded, the fix was to use absolute paths for QLibrary.

The GUI isn't good enough to show yet.

Next week, I'll work on a window for manage layers: add/delete layers, visibility switch, and so on.

GSoC 2012 - Report #3

I've been testing Qt Components for Android, also I tested a way to get the Android look & feel using QStyle.

I haven't decided if one of those ways is suitable for the project, so I started to create my own simple QML components with Android look. I'm using the same names and API of Qt Components, so the they are replaceable.

I have a initial draft of the GUI. Nothing good to show yet.

Next week I hope to have a good enough to show GUI.

GSoC 2012 - Report #2

This week I've set up this blog for weekly reports.

I've been testing QML apps for Android, they work perfectly. In my opinion, QML is definitely the best choice for making the new GUI.

I exposed QgsMapCanvas to QML, so, I can build the whole GUI using QML.

Here is a proof with QgsMapCanvas used from QML. The button "Add layer" adds a shapefile to the map canvas.
QgsMapCanvas exposed to QML

Next week I'll test Qt Components for Android and build a very, very initial draft of the new GUI.

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