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Upgrading PostGIS in a Database with Large Objects

Following the instructions for a “hard” upgrade in Chapter 2. Installation of the PostGIS manual results in large objects not being restored to the database. If you create a dump using pg_dump -Fc –oids and then use the script, the oids will be restored but not the large objects. This is not really a PostGIS issue, it can happen when dealing with any PostgreSQL database. To remedy this situation I found that the pg_dumplo utility has the answer.

Upgrading PostGIS in a Database with Large Objects

Following the instructions for a “hard” upgrade in Chapter 2. Installation of the PostGIS manual results in large objects not being restored to the database. If you create a dump using pg_dump -Fc –oids and then use the script, the oids will be restored but not the large objects. This is not really a PostGIS issue, it can happen when dealing with any PostgreSQL database. To remedy this situation I found that the pg_dumplo utility has the answer.

Spatial Galaxy

This site aims to bring out some of the latest and sometimes not-so-greatest happenings in the GIS world. We’ll focus to large extent on Open Source software but hopefully mix it up to keep things interesting. We’ll explore things from the new and exciting to the dull and mundane. There are a lot of GIS/Spatial sites out there. Hopefully we can provide some content of interest and you will add this one to those you visit frequently.

Custom Applications with QGIS

The recent release of QGIS 1.0 provides an excellent opportunity for developers looking to create standalone mapping applications with Python. I recently posted an article on creating a very simple standalone application with Python and QGIS 1.0. Much of the Python efforts thus far have been devoted to creating QGIS plugins. I think now that we have a stable API, you’ll begin to see more custom applications that meet a specialized need.

Littering Your Python Path: The Road to Destruction

Well not quite destruction, but a bit of hair pulling… While working on an update to the Plugin Builder, I encountered a small problem. The Plugin Builder displays the version number in the title bar of its main window. After bumping the version number to 1.8.4 in all the requisite places, it still showed 1.8.3 when testing. Using grep on all the source files revealed no instance of 1.8.3 in any file.

Open Source Geospatial Foundation Meeting - Review

This is an unofficial recap of the OSGF meeting, based on my recollections having spent 10 hours on IRC and the phone. I’m sure the foundation will release an official version of the day’s events, so take my comments with a grain of salt. As I stated in an earlier post, the name was chosen early on and without an excessive amount of debate. OSGF rolls off the tongue rather easily and has a nice ring to it.

Importing a DBF containing X-Y Values into QGIS

Suppose you have a DBF (.dbf) file containing X and Y values that you want to import and save as a spatial layer. QGIS doesn’t support direct import of a DBF file as a map layer, however, we can use some command line magic to convert it to a CSV file and then use the Delimited Text plugin to get the job done. Your DBF file should have an id for each record and fields containing X and Y values.

Desktop GIS - A Car With No Wheels?

Is desktop GIS software a rusty old car with no wheels? Bouncing around the blogosphere sometimes leaves you with that impression. All the excitement these days seems to center around mashups, hacks, and mapping in your web browser. It’s definitely cool stuff. A number of folks think this is the future of GIS, even when it comes to doing analysis. Part of this trend stems from a desire to deliver mapping to the masses.

What's Holding Back the Adoption of Open Source GIS on the Desktop?

In my last post I created a poll to get an idea of the extent of migration to open source GIS on the desktop. The results indicated that nearly 50% of the people using open source GIS were still using their proprietary software as well. You can view the results of the poll using the Polls Archive link below the current poll. This leads one to wonder if it is the state of the open source software or other reasons that prevent a full migration.

Using the QGIS Plugin Builder

The Plugin Builder allows you to quickly create a skeleton Python plugin by generating all that boring boilerplate that every plugin requires. Here is a short video showing how to create, compile, and install a new plugin. For more information, see QGIS Workshop Documentation and the PyQGIS Cookbook.

History of QGIS Committers

Using the git log leading up to the 1.7 release (June 2011) I put together a graphic that shows the growth of committers working on the project. In 2002 we had two people (me alone up until October). You can see significant jumps in developer interest in 2004 and 2008: In 2004 there were a number of releases that added significant functionality Following an announcement at FOSS4G 2007 in Victoria we released 0.

QGIS Workshop at FOSS4G2007 - A Done Deal

Well, the QGIS workshop at FOSS4G2007 is history. We had a capacity crowd and covered a lot of ground in a short 3 hours. Rumor is there are some pictures and heaven forbid, audio from the workshop floating around. Maybe they’ll surface at some point this week. I have a few LiveCDs left over and some of the coveted QGIS carabiners. If you run into me at the conference and want either, just ask.

Quick Guide to Getting Started with PyQGIS 3 on Windows

Getting started with Python and QGIS 3 can be a bit overwhelming. In this post we give you a quick start to get you up and running and maybe make your PyQGIS life a little easier. There are likely many ways to setup a working PyQGIS development environment—this one works pretty well. Contents Requirements Installing OSGeo4W Setting the Environment pb_tool Working on the Command Line IDE Example Workflow Creating a New Plugin Working with Existing Plugin Code Troubleshooting

Vista and Open Source

And so it begins. Chad has made a plea to Microsoft to help sort out issues with the latest World Wind release and Vista. The new security features are causing problems and I suspect that World Wind won’t be the last project to have to deal with it. So far the QGIS project has yet to get an experience report from anybody using Vista. Who knows what that will bring….

Diminished Expectations

I’ve had to lower my expectations of the Open Source GIS user community. Now that I have your attention, I’ll explain. The OSGIS user community by and large is composed of a great bunch of folks. Its the few that have soured my outlook a bit. I repeatedly see posts to mailing lists blasting one application or the other (usually not to the project’s own list but another). The software stinks, doesn’t work right, the developers are stupid, its not as good as X, Y, or Z, and so forth.

QGIS Forum Is Closed---What Do You Think?

The forum ( has been closed for new registrations and marked read-only. Users have been encouraged to use instead. If you have an thoughts on the closure, good, bad, or otherwise, please comment.

The Great Divide - User and Developer

a great divide separates the typical open source developer and user. each has differing expectations, assumptions, and priorities. the interaction between developer and user can be helpful, cordial, confrontational, or antagonistic. of course this all stems from being on opposite sides of the fence. the key to a successful relationship is communication and understanding (not exactly a new revelation). unfortunately its not possible for one developer to communicate directly with thousands of users.

PyQGIS Resources

Here is a short list of resources available when writing Python code in QGIS. If you know of others, please leave a comment. Blogs/Websites In alphabetical order: GIS StackExchange Kartoza Linfiniti Lutra Consulting Nathan Woodrow Nyall Dawson Twitter #pyqgis Documentation Choose the version to match your QGIS install PyQGIS Cookbook QGIS API Example Code Existing plugins can be a great learning tool Code Snippets in the PyQGIS Cookbook Plugins/Tools Script Runner: Run scripts to automate QGIS tasks Plugin Builder: Create a starter plugin that you can customize to complete your own plugin Plugin Reloader: Allows you to reload a plugin from within QGIS pb_tool: Tool to compile and deploy your plugins Books PyQGIS Programmers Guide Geospatial Desktop: GIS Scripting (PDF)

Spatial Galaxy

This site aims to bring out some of the latest and sometimes not-so-greatest happenings in the GIS world. We’ll focus to large extent on Open Source software but hopefully mix it up to keep things interesting. We’ll explore things from the new and exciting to the dull and mundane. There are a lot of GIS/Spatial sites out there. Hopefully we can provide some content of interest and you will add this one to those you visit frequently.

Speculations on the File Geodatabase API

At the ESRI Developer Summit there was news of the File Geodatabase (FGDB) API. Based on the tweets from the summit it appears: The API will be C++ only API works on Windows and Unix/Linux (specifically RedHat, Solaris, SuSE) operating systems Rudimentary support only—features such as annotation, relationships, topologies, etc. are lacking Since ESRI is releasing a targeted API and a not a specification, support for Mac OS X is out of the question.

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