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QGIS Planet

Where's my .qgis3 Folder?

There’s been several posts to GIS StackExchange along the lines of: Where’s my .qgis3 folder? Prior to QGIS 3, the .qgis/.qgis2 folder was found under your home directory. At version 3, the folder has moved to a more standard profile location for your operating system. There are a couple of ways to determine where the folder is located: Use the Settings->User Profiles->Open active profile folder menu item Use QgsApplication.qgisSettingsDirPath from Python or the console Here are the “standard” locations for Linux, Mac, and Windows, as found under your HOME directory:

GIS Data is an Illicit Drug

GIS data is like an illicit drug. You can’t control it. It travels in secret and hides in the dark alleys of your organization. Its effect spreads and enslaves those that use it. In the end it can lead to ruin. Well maybe its not that bad but organizing and managing your GIS data is difficult. If you need to maintain canonical datasets, the spread of “temporary” and/or “working” copies is your enemy.

QGIS Training Opportunities

We’re planning a couple of training classes for March: Introduction to QGIS Extending QGIS with Python Each is a one day class and we plan to run them back to back. If you are local or just want to come to Alaska in March for some spring skiing, northern lights viewing, or to experience the equinox, please hop over to GeoApt and let us know so we can plan accordingly.

Dual Booting the Powerbook

I use Linux and OS X as my primary operating systems. Lately I have been using the Powerbook exclusively with ssh or FreeNx to work on the Linux machines on the network. I started off to simply repartition my Powerbook and then reinstall OS X and put Ubuntu on the new partition. That was two days ago. Things are pretty much back to normal now. I have a dual boot system that I can take with me and run my favorite GIS software on both platforms as needed.

Sherman's Law

In any sufficiently aged bureaucracy, process overshadows product.

I Love Linux

$ uptime 20:20:56 up 434 days, 15:31, 2 users, load average: 2.32, 0.89, 0.53

QGIS Plugin of the Week: qNote

This week we look at a newly arrived plugin named qNote. This plugin allows you to create a note and store it in a QGIS project file. When the project is loaded, the note is restored and can be viewed in the qNote panel. This little plugin provides a way to attach metadata to a project. Things you might want to include in a note are: Content of the project Purpose Area of interest Where the data came from Who created the project This information can be helpful when sharing a project or when you forget what you did six months after the fact.

Top Ten Open Source GIS Predictions for 2007

I remember growing up and reading predictions for the new year developed by some prognosticator, supposedly in the know. Of course most of the time it was all wrong, but often made for interesting reading. With that in mind, here are my top 10 predictions for Open Source GIS (OS GIS) for 2007. Top Ten OS GIS Predictions (in no particular order) OSGeo will be a synergetic force, fostering new cooperation and collaboration between projects.

Spatial Galaxy

This site aims to bring out some of the latest and sometimes not-so-greatest happenings in the GIS world. We’ll focus to large extent on Open Source software but hopefully mix it up to keep things interesting. We’ll explore things from the new and exciting to the dull and mundane. There are a lot of GIS/Spatial sites out there. Hopefully we can provide some content of interest and you will add this one to those you visit frequently.

Google Summer of Code 2010 - Quantum GIS

The application deadline for the Google Summer of Code is nearing (April 9). If you are interested in working on QGIS as part of GSOC and need ideas, please see Quantum GIS Wiki. We are waiting for your proposal!

Using git With Multiple QGIS Branches

This post is for those of you that build QGIS on a regular basis and want to keep up with everything going on in the current release branches (1.7.2 and 1.8) as well as the master branch that will eventually become version 2.0. While you can do all your work in one clone, this method has a couple of advantages, at the expense of a bit of disk space: Quicker compiles compared to branch switching, especially if you are using ccache Less likelihood of making a merge mess when switching branches The basic steps are:

The PyQGIS Programmer's Guide

The PyQGIS Programmer’s Guide is now available in both paperback and PDF. A sample chapter is also available for download. The book is fully compatible with the QGIS 2.x series of releases. See for details.

What's New in QGIS Plugins

Here’s a summary of recent additions and updates to plugins in the QGIS repository. FlowMapper (0.1.1) - Generates flow lines between discreet nodes for depicting spatial interaction data (e.g. migration). Query By Example (0.2) - Select features by location. Item Browser (1.6.0) - Browse a multiple selection with auto-zooming to feature and an option to open feature form. Custom Launcher (1.1.0) - Customize your own actions to launch your preferred apps or commands within QGIS.

Everything You Have Done is Wrong

It’s true—everything you have ever done is wrong. If you are a developer, look at the code you wrote five years ago—it’s wrong. If you collect and store data—it’s wrong. This is the nature of human endeavor. The world used to be flat. The earth used to be the center of the universe. Discovery and development is an iterative process. What we do today will likely be replaced tomorrow. Just because we can’t be perfect at the outset doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try.

Developing QGIS Plugins with git

Writing a QGIS plugin is not overly complicated but represents a bit of work. Using git in conjunction with your development efforts can make sure your investment in coding time is preserved. Development Tools The QGIS project team has set up a central location for plugin development which includes pretty much everything you need to develop and support your plugins, including: Issue tracking Wiki Documents Repository

Wither the command line

Matthew Perry poses the question: Why is the command line a dying art?. Funny how these things go–I was thinking about posting on this same topic just the other day, although I may be repeating myself. The efficiencies of the command line cannot be overstated. I too have seen that deer in the headlights look when a GUI-only user is first exposed to a command prompt. I have also seen people spend days on a data conversion project that could easily be accomplished in hours (or less).

Getting Support for QGIS

The QGIS project has a number of support channels. Like many open source projects, these are loosely coupled. Recently the forum was made read-only and this has prompted a number of questions and concerns about how to receive support. This post outlines the ways in which you can get your questions answered. Home Page The QGIS home page has links to all the documentation and community resources. The navigation panel on the left has links to both the Community resources and the manual.

QGIS Back in the Day

Do you remember this? If so, you’ve been using QGIS a long time… OGR and PostGIS support No raster support Three widgets on the Symbology tab No symbology in the legend But you could use it handily on a 640x480 display.

PyQGIS Plugin Builder

One of the hurdles in developing a QGIS plugin with Python is just getting the basics down. Getting the plugin setup so it is recognized by QGIS and properly adds it’s menu and toolbar items can be a bit of a chore, especially the first time. To make the process easier, I put together a web tool to generate a plugin that can be used as a starting point. The tool creates a fully functional plugin that can be loaded in QGIS 1.

Configuring Lighttpd with FastCGI for MapServer

In an effort to obtain a faster and lightweight solution, I decided to use Lighttpd (AKA Lighty) with FastCGI to power MapServer. Snooping around the MapServer site yielded no clues on how to configure Lighty. It turns out to be fairly simple. Here is the Lighttpd configuration: fastcgi.server = ( "/maps" = ( "localhost" = ( "socket" = "/tmp/mapserver-fastcgi.socket", "check-local" = "disable", "bin-path" = "/usr/lib/cgi-bin/mapserv", "min-procs" = 1, "max-procs" = 6, "

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