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QGIS Web Client GetFeatureInfo formatters

The transformation of a value to an URL address is done automatically in a few cases (this feature is currently undocumented): for example when the column value starts with http or https or a string contained in mediaurl parameter defined in Globaloptions.js.
But if you want more, then you need a real formatting function that given the value (and maybe some more information bits about where the values comes from) returns a properly formatted hyperlink or whatever else you need.

This new feature is currently available in my customformatters branch, and an example formatter is provided in Globaloptions.js and implemented for the helloworld.qgs sample project.

Here is how it works:

// Custom WMS GetFeatureInfo results formatters: you can define custom
// filter functions to apply custom formatting to values coming from
// GetFeatureInfo requests when the user use the "identify" tool.
// The same formatting functions can be normally also used as "renderer"
// function passed to column configuration in the "gridColumns" property
// of the grid configuration of the WMS GetFeatureInfo search panels.

// Example formatter, takes the value, the column name and the layer name,
// normally only the first parameter is used.
function customURLFormatter(attValue, attName, layerName){
    return '<a href="' + encodeURI(attValue) + '" target="_blank">' + attValue + '</a>';

// Formatters configuration
var getFeatureInfoCustomFormatters = {
    'Country': { // Layer name
        'name': customURLFormatter // Can be an array if you need multiple formatters

If you also want to apply the same formatting to result grids coming from the search panels, you can use the very same functions passing the function in the renderer attribute of the datagrid, as shown around line 18 in the following snippet:

var simpleWmsSearch = {
  title: "Search continent",
  query: 'simpleWmsSearch',
  useWmsRequest: true,
  queryLayer: "Country",
  formItems: [
      xtype: 'textfield',
      name: 'name',
      fieldLabel: "Name",
      allowBlank: false,
      blankText: "Please enter a name (e.g. 'africa')",
      filterOp: "="
  gridColumns: [
    // Apply the formatter as the "renderer"
    {header: 'Name', dataIndex: 'name', menuDisabled: 'true', renderer: customURLFormatter}
//  highlightFeature: true,
//  highlightLabel: 'name',
  selectionLayer: 'Country',
  selectionZoom: 0,
  doZoomToExtent: true

The result of the formatter applied to both views is in the following picture:

Qgis Web Client Formatters

annotating third party web pages

Problem: I have a web site/page that I visit regularily which I want to annotate with my notes.

More specifically, I was regularly searching through the Homegate real estate hub looking for a new home. It goes without saying that I was again and again forgetting which objects I had already looked at, which objects were really interesting and I should check out more closely.

Therefore the need to annotate search results.

The here presented approach should be applicable for annotation of other web pages as well. It’s based on the observation, that restful web applications need to operate with asset IDs. These asset IDs can be reused to enrich the asset locally with additional data, such as notes. Thus we’re looking for those IDs in specific elements of the page and add a bit of HTML markup to those places.

Of course that aproach only works as long as the web site doesn’t heavily change its markup and doesn’t rendomly change asset IDs.

Here’s a screenshot of regular Homegate search results:

And here’s the same page after scripting it with Greasemonkey:

You’ll notice the input field with the comment in it.

The idea is simple: add an input box to each search result, where you write your comment. When the focus leaves the input box, the comment is stored to localStorage.

Starting with Greasemonkey is quite easy. There are howtos and templates to start from, such as this one.

However, regular JavaScripting and Greasemonkey JavaScripting do not work in exactly the same way:

One of the differences is that Greasemonkey creates a separate JavaScript environment, in which the Greasemonkey scripts are executed. That is calling Javascript contained in the page from Greasemonkey and the inverse calling Greasemonkey scripts from the page is not possible by default. This is on purpose, so that the web page can not detect and not interfere with the Greasemonkey scripts, because you want your Greasemonkey scripts to work allways on some page, whether or not that page likes it or not. Therefore no interference is possible.

Greasemonkey however provides a standard way to access the web page’s scripts, and that’s through the “unsafeWindow” object, which is a reference to the web page’s environment.

I had two mechanisms I had to make accessible using the “unsafeWindow” handle:

  • the first was accessing JQuery, which is included by default by the Homegate page. Since I needed to use JQuery functions in my Greasemonkey script, I got a reference to it via the standard Greasemonkey precedure:
    var jQuery = unsafeWindow['jQuery'];
  • the second mechanism that needed to cross the boundaries between the web page and Greasemonkey was callbacks from the web page to my Greasemonkey script. This is necessary, because I’m attaching “input” elements to each search result, which contain a note and which, “onblur”, need to call a function that saves the content of the input box. Here’s part that constructs the input element:
    jQuery("<input onclick='event.cancelBubble = true;'" +
                 " onblur='saveComment(this, immoID);'>").insertAfter(immoElement);

And this is the function that gets called back by “onblur”:

    unsafeWindow.saveComment = function(element, immoID) {
      unsafeWindow.localStorage.setItem(immoID, element.value);

The next interesting thing you’ll note is usage of ‘locaStorage’. Support for the latter in browsers does not seem mature yet. One problem I’ve encountered when developing under Firefox 3.6 was that saving to ‘localStorage’ was not possible when cookies were disabled (see this report). Thus you’ll need to permanently enable cookies for Homegate in order for the script to be able to save its data.

Finally, while developing, a major problem was, that Firefox did not show me errors in the Greasemonkey scripts. Thus either the script would work or not work and fail completely silently. That made debugging a bit painful.

So now, here’s the script.

Tomáš Pospíšek

PS: This script also lives at

annotating third party web pages

Problem: I have a web site/page that I visit regularily which I want to annotate with my notes.

More specifically, I was regularly searching through the Homegate real estate hub looking for a new home. It goes without saying that I was again and again forgetting which objects I had already looked at, which objects were really interesting and I should check out more closely.

Therefore the need to annotate search results.

The here presented approach should be applicable for annotation of other web pages as well. It’s based on the observation, that restful web applications need to operate with asset IDs. These asset IDs can be reused to enrich the asset locally with additional data, such as notes. Thus we’re looking for those IDs in specific elements of the page and add a bit of HTML markup to those places.

Of course that aproach only works as long as the web site doesn’t heavily change its markup and doesn’t rendomly change asset IDs.

Here’s a screenshot of regular Homegate search results:

And here’s the same page after scripting it with Greasemonkey:

You’ll notice the input field with the comment in it.

The idea is simple: add an input box to each search result, where you write your comment. When the focus leaves the input box, the comment is stored to localStorage.

Starting with Greasemonkey is quite easy. There are howtos and templates to start from, such as this one.

However, regular JavaScripting and Greasemonkey JavaScripting do not work in exactly the same way:

One of the differences is that Greasemonkey creates a separate JavaScript environment, in which the Greasemonkey scripts are executed. That is calling Javascript contained in the page from Greasemonkey and the inverse calling Greasemonkey scripts from the page is not possible by default. This is on purpose, so that the web page can not detect and not interfere with the Greasemonkey scripts, because you want your Greasemonkey scripts to work allways on some page, whether or not that page likes it or not. Therefore no interference is possible.

Greasemonkey however provides a standard way to access the web page’s scripts, and that’s through the “unsafeWindow” object, which is a reference to the web page’s environment.

I had two mechanisms I had to make accessible using the “unsafeWindow” handle:

  • the first was accessing JQuery, which is included by default by the Homegate page. Since I needed to use JQuery functions in my Greasemonkey script, I got a reference to it via the standard Greasemonkey precedure:
    var jQuery = unsafeWindow['jQuery'];
  • the second mechanism that needed to cross the boundaries between the web page and Greasemonkey was callbacks from the web page to my Greasemonkey script. This is necessary, because I’m attaching “input” elements to each search result, which contain a note and which, “onblur”, need to call a function that saves the content of the input box. Here’s part that constructs the input element:
    jQuery("<input onclick='event.cancelBubble = true;'" +
                 " onblur='saveComment(this, immoID);'>").insertAfter(immoElement);

And this is the function that gets called back by “onblur”:

    unsafeWindow.saveComment = function(element, immoID) {
      unsafeWindow.localStorage.setItem(immoID, element.value);

The next interesting thing you’ll note is usage of ‘locaStorage’. Support for the latter in browsers does not seem mature yet. One problem I’ve encountered when developing under Firefox 3.6 was that saving to ‘localStorage’ was not possible when cookies were disabled (see this report). Thus you’ll need to permanently enable cookies for Homegate in order for the script to be able to save its data.

Finally, while developing, a major problem was, that Firefox did not show me errors in the Greasemonkey scripts. Thus either the script would work or not work and fail completely silently. That made debugging a bit painful.

So now, here’s the script.

Tomáš Pospíšek

PS: This script also lives at

annotating third party web pages

Problem: I have a web site/page that I visit regularily which I want to annotate with my notes.

More specifically, I was regularly searching through the Homegate real estate hub looking for a new home. It goes without saying that I was again and again forgetting which objects I had already looked at, which objects were really interesting and I should check out more closely.

Therefore the need to annotate search results.

The here presented approach should be applicable for annotation of other web pages as well. It’s based on the observation, that restful web applications need to operate with asset IDs. These asset IDs can be reused to enrich the asset locally with additional data, such as notes. Thus we’re looking for those IDs in specific elements of the page and add a bit of HTML markup to those places.

Of course that aproach only works as long as the web site doesn’t heavily change its markup and doesn’t rendomly change asset IDs.

Here’s a screenshot of regular Homegate search results:

And here’s the same page after scripting it with Greasemonkey:

You’ll notice the input field with the comment in it.

The idea is simple: add an input box to each search result, where you write your comment. When the focus leaves the input box, the comment is stored to localStorage.

Starting with Greasemonkey is quite easy. There are howtos and templates to start from, such as this one.

However, regular JavaScripting and Greasemonkey JavaScripting do not work in exactly the same way:

One of the differences is that Greasemonkey creates a separate JavaScript environment, in which the Greasemonkey scripts are executed. That is calling Javascript contained in the page from Greasemonkey and the inverse calling Greasemonkey scripts from the page is not possible by default. This is on purpose, so that the web page can not detect and not interfere with the Greasemonkey scripts, because you want your Greasemonkey scripts to work allways on some page, whether or not that page likes it or not. Therefore no interference is possible.

Greasemonkey however provides a standard way to access the web page’s scripts, and that’s through the “unsafeWindow” object, which is a reference to the web page’s environment.

I had two mechanisms I had to make accessible using the “unsafeWindow” handle:

  • the first was accessing JQuery, which is included by default by the Homegate page. Since I needed to use JQuery functions in my Greasemonkey script, I got a reference to it via the standard Greasemonkey precedure:
    var jQuery = unsafeWindow['jQuery'];
  • the second mechanism that needed to cross the boundaries between the web page and Greasemonkey was callbacks from the web page to my Greasemonkey script. This is necessary, because I’m attaching “input” elements to each search result, which contain a note and which, “onblur”, need to call a function that saves the content of the input box. Here’s part that constructs the input element:
    jQuery("<input onclick='event.cancelBubble = true;'" +
                 " onblur='saveComment(this, immoID);'>").insertAfter(immoElement);

And this is the function that gets called back by “onblur”:

    unsafeWindow.saveComment = function(element, immoID) {
      unsafeWindow.localStorage.setItem(immoID, element.value);

The next interesting thing you’ll note is usage of ‘locaStorage’. Support for the latter in browsers does not seem mature yet. One problem I’ve encountered when developing under Firefox 3.6 was that saving to ‘localStorage’ was not possible when cookies were disabled (see this report). Thus you’ll need to permanently enable cookies for Homegate in order for the script to be able to save its data.

Finally, while developing, a major problem was, that Firefox did not show me errors in the Greasemonkey scripts. Thus either the script would work or not work and fail completely silently. That made debugging a bit painful.

So now, here’s the script.

Tomáš Pospíšek

PS: This script also lives at

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