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Getting started with GeoMesa using Geodocker

In a previous post, I showed how to use docker to run a single application (GeoServer) in a container and connect to it from your local QGIS install. Today’s post is about running a whole bunch of containers that interact with each other. More specifically, I’m using the images provided by Geodocker. The Geodocker repository provides a setup containing Accumulo, GeoMesa, and GeoServer. If you are not familiar with GeoMesa yet:

GeoMesa is an open-source, distributed, spatio-temporal database built on a number of distributed cloud data storage systems … GeoMesa aims to provide as much of the spatial querying and data manipulation to Accumulo as PostGIS does to Postgres.

The following sections show how to load data into GeoMesa, perform basic queries via command line, and finally publish data to GeoServer. The content is based largely on two GeoMesa tutorials: Geodocker: Bootstrapping GeoMesa Accumulo and Spark on AWS and Map-Reduce Ingest of GDELT, as well as Diethard Steiner’s post on Accumulo basics. The key difference is that this tutorial is written to be run locally (rather than on AWS or similar infrastructure) and that it spells out all user names and passwords preconfigured in Geodocker.

This guide was tested on Ubuntu and assumes that Docker is already installed. If you haven’t yet, you can install Docker as described in Install using the repository.

To get Geodocker set up, we need to get the code from Github and run the docker-compose command:

$ git clone
$ cd geodocker-geomesa/geodocker-accumulo-geomesa/
$ docker-compose up

This will take a while.

When docker-compose is finished, use a second console to check the status of all containers:

$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                                     COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                                        NAMES
4a238494e15f   "/sbin/entrypoint...."   19 hours ago        Up 23 seconds                                                    geodockeraccumulogeomesa_accumulo-tserver_1
e2e0df3cae98   "/sbin/entrypoint...."   19 hours ago        Up 22 seconds>50095/tcp                     geodockeraccumulogeomesa_accumulo-monitor_1
e7056f552ef0   "/sbin/entrypoint...."   19 hours ago        Up 24 seconds                                                    geodockeraccumulogeomesa_accumulo-master_1
dbc0ffa6c39c               "/sbin/entrypoint...."   19 hours ago        Up 23 seconds                                                    geodockeraccumulogeomesa_hdfs-data_1
20e90a847c5b          "/sbin/entrypoint...."   19 hours ago        Up 24 seconds       2888/tcp,>2181/tcp, 3888/tcp   geodockeraccumulogeomesa_zookeeper_1
997b0e5d6699          "/opt/tomcat/bin/c..."   19 hours ago        Up 22 seconds>9090/tcp                       geodockeraccumulogeomesa_geoserver_1
c17e149cda50               "/sbin/entrypoint...."   19 hours ago        Up 23 seconds>50070/tcp                     geodockeraccumulogeomesa_hdfs-name_1

At the time of writing this post, the Geomesa version installed in this way is 1.3.2:

$ docker exec geodockeraccumulogeomesa_accumulo-master_1 geomesa version
GeoMesa tools version: 1.3.2
Commit ID: 2b66489e3d1dbe9464a9860925cca745198c637c
Branch: 2b66489e3d1dbe9464a9860925cca745198c637c
Build date: 2017-07-21T19:56:41+0000

Loading data

First we need to get some data. The available tutorials often refer to data published by the GDELT project. Let’s download data for three days, unzip it and copy it to the geodockeraccumulogeomesa_accumulo-master_1 container for further processing:

$ wget
$ wget
$ wget
$ unzip
$ unzip
$ unzip
$ docker cp ~/Downloads/geomesa/gdelt/20170710.export.CSV geodockeraccumulogeomesa_accumulo-master_1:/tmp/20170710.export.CSV
$ docker cp ~/Downloads/geomesa/gdelt/20170711.export.CSV geodockeraccumulogeomesa_accumulo-master_1:/tmp/20170711.export.CSV
$ docker cp ~/Downloads/geomesa/gdelt/20170712.export.CSV geodockeraccumulogeomesa_accumulo-master_1:/tmp/20170712.export.CSV

Loading or importing data is called “ingesting” in Geomesa parlance. Since the format of GDELT data is already predefined (the CSV mapping is defined in geomesa-tools/conf/sfts/gdelt/reference.conf), we can ingest the data:

$ docker exec geodockeraccumulogeomesa_accumulo-master_1 geomesa ingest -c geomesa.gdelt -C gdelt -f gdelt -s gdelt -u root -p GisPwd /tmp/20170710.export.CSV
$ docker exec geodockeraccumulogeomesa_accumulo-master_1 geomesa ingest -c geomesa.gdelt -C gdelt -f gdelt -s gdelt -u root -p GisPwd /tmp/20170711.export.CSV
$ docker exec geodockeraccumulogeomesa_accumulo-master_1 geomesa ingest -c geomesa.gdelt -C gdelt -f gdelt -s gdelt -u root -p GisPwd /tmp/20170712.export.CSV

Once the data is ingested, we can have a look at the the created table by asking GeoMesa to describe the created schema:

$ docker exec geodockeraccumulogeomesa_accumulo-master_1 geomesa describe-schema -c geomesa.gdelt -f gdelt -u root -p GisPwd
INFO  Describing attributes of feature 'gdelt'
globalEventId       | String
eventCode           | String
eventBaseCode       | String
eventRootCode       | String
isRootEvent         | Integer
actor1Name          | String
actor1Code          | String
actor1CountryCode   | String
actor1GroupCode     | String
actor1EthnicCode    | String
actor1Religion1Code | String
actor1Religion2Code | String
actor2Name          | String
actor2Code          | String
actor2CountryCode   | String
actor2GroupCode     | String
actor2EthnicCode    | String
actor2Religion1Code | String
actor2Religion2Code | String
quadClass           | Integer
goldsteinScale      | Double
numMentions         | Integer
numSources          | Integer
numArticles         | Integer
avgTone             | Double
dtg                 | Date    (Spatio-temporally indexed)
geom                | Point   (Spatially indexed)

User data:
  geomesa.index.dtg     | dtg
  geomesa.indices       | z3:4:3,z2:3:3,records:2:3
  geomesa.table.sharing | false

In the background, our data is stored in Accumulo tables. For a closer look, open an interactive terminal in the Accumulo master image:

$ docker exec -i -t geodockeraccumulogeomesa_accumulo-master_1 /bin/bash

and open the Accumulo shell:

# accumulo shell -u root -p GisPwd

When we store data in GeoMesa, there is not only one table but several. Each table has a specific purpose: storing metadata, records, or indexes. All tables get prefixed with the catalog table name:

root@accumulo> tables

By default, GeoMesa creates three indices:
Z2: for queries with a spatial component but no temporal component.
Z3: for queries with both a spatial and temporal component.
Record: for queries by feature ID.

But let’s get back to GeoMesa …

Querying data

Now we are ready to query the data. Let’s perform a simple attribute query first. Make sure that you are in the interactive terminal in the Accumulo master image:

$ docker exec -i -t geodockeraccumulogeomesa_accumulo-master_1 /bin/bash

This query filters for a certain event id:

# geomesa export -c geomesa.gdelt -f gdelt -u root -p GisPwd -q "globalEventId='671867776'"
Using GEOMESA_ACCUMULO_HOME = /opt/geomesa
d9e6ab555785827f4e5f03d6810bbf05,671867776,120,120,12,1,UNITED STATES,USA,USA,,,,,,,,,,,,3,-4.0,20,2,20,8.77192982456137,2007-07-13T00:00:00.000Z,POINT (-97 38)
INFO  Feature export complete to standard out in 2290ms for 1 features

If the attribute query runs successfully, we can advance to some geo goodness … that’s why we are interested in GeoMesa after all … and perform a spatial query:

# geomesa export -c geomesa.gdelt -f gdelt -u root -p GisPwd -q "CONTAINS(POLYGON ((0 0, 0 90, 90 90, 90 0, 0 0)),geom)" -m 3
Using GEOMESA_ACCUMULO_HOME = /opt/geomesa
139346754923c07e4f6a3ee01a3f7d83,671713129,030,030,03,1,NIGERIA,NGA,NGA,,,,,LIBYA,LBY,LBY,,,,,1,4.0,16,2,16,-1.4060533085217,2017-07-10T00:00:00.000Z,POINT (5.43827 5.35886)
9e8e885e63116253956e40132c62c139,671928676,042,042,04,1,NIGERIA,NGA,NGA,,,,,OPEC,IGOBUSOPC,,OPC,,,,1,1.9,5,1,5,-0.90909090909091,2017-07-10T00:00:00.000Z,POINT (5.43827 5.35886)
d6c6162d83c72bc369f68bcb4b992e2d,671817380,043,043,04,0,OPEC,IGOBUSOPC,,OPC,,,,RUSSIA,RUS,RUS,,,,,1,2.8,2,1,2,-1.59453302961275,2017-07-09T00:00:00.000Z,POINT (5.43827 5.35886)
INFO  Feature export complete to standard out in 2127ms for 3 features

Functions that can be used in export command queries/filters are (E)CQL functions from geotools for the most part. More sophisticated queries require SparkSQL.

Publishing GeoMesa tables with GeoServer

To view data in GeoServer, go to http://localhost:9090/geoserver/web. Login with admin:geoserver.

First, we create a new workspace called “geomesa”.

Then, we can create a new store of type Accumulo (GeoMesa) called “gdelt”. Use the following parameters:

instanceId = accumulo
zookeepers = zookeeper
user = root
password = GisPwd
tableName = geomesa.gdelt


Then we can configure a Layer that publishes the content of our new data store. It is good to check the coordinate reference system settings and insert the bounding box information:


To preview the WMS, go to GeoServer’s preview:


Which will look something like this:


GeoMesa data filtered using CQL in GeoServer preview

For more display options, check the official GeoMesa tutorial.

If you check the preview URL more closely, you will notice that it specifies a time window:


This is exactly where QGIS TimeManager could come in: Using TimeManager for WMS-T layers. Interoperatbility for the win!

Docker basics with Geodocker GeoServer

Today’s post is mostly notes-to-self about using Docker. These steps were tested on a fresh Ubuntu 17.04 install.

Install Docker as described in “Install using the repository” section.

Then add the current user to the docker user group (otherwise, all docker commands have to be prefixed with sudo)

$ sudo gpasswd -a $USER docker
$ newgrp docker

Test run the hello world image

$ docker run hello-world

For some more Docker basics, see

Pull Geodocker images, for example from

$ docker pull
$ docker pull

Get a list of pulled images

$ docker images
REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE latest c60753e05956 8 months ago 904MB latest 293209905a47 8 months ago 646MB

Test run

$ docker run -it --rm java -version
java version "1.8.0_45"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_45-b14)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.45-b02, mixed mode)


$ docker run --name geoserver -e AUTHOR="Anita" \
 -d -P

The important options are:

-d … Run container in background and print container ID

-P … Publish all exposed ports to random ports

Check if the image is running

$ docker ps
684598b57868 "/opt/tomcat/bin/c..." 
2 hours ago Up 2 hours>9090/tcp geoserver

You can also check which ports to access using

$ docker port geoserver
9090/tcp ->

Geoserver should now run on http://localhost:32772/geoserver/ (user=admin, password=geoserver)

For more tests, let’s connect to Geoserver from QGIS

All default example layers are listed

and can be loaded into QGIS

WMS-T Support in Geoserver and Mapserver

“-T”, this small appendix can be found after many popular GIS-related acronym. But of course, it always means something different. Take for example GIS-T (GIS for Transportation), WFS-T (Transactional WFS) and WMS-T (WMS with time support). The world of acronyms is a fun place!

Let’s see what a WMS-T can do for us. From the WMS standard:

Some geographic information may be available at multiple times (for example, an hourly weather map). A WMS
may announce available times in its service metadata, and the GetMap operation includes a parameter for
requesting a particular time
. [...] Depending on the context, time
values may appear as a single value, a list of values, or an interval, …

Currently, only Mapserver supports WMS-T but the Geoserver team is working on it.


MapServer 4.4 and above provides support to interpret the TIME parameter and transform the resulting values into appropriate requests.

Time attributes are specified within the metadata section:

"wms_title" "Earthquakes"
"wms_timeextent" "2011-06-01/2011-07-01"
"wms_timeitem" "TIME"
"wms_timedefault" "2011-06-10 12:10:00"

Mapserver supports temporal queries for single values, multiple values, single range values or even multiple range values:

...&TIME=2011-06-10, 2004-10-13, 2011-06-19&...
...&TIME=2011-06-10/2011-06-15, 2011-06-20/2011-06-25&...


GeoSolutions has developed support for TIME and ELEVATION dimensions in WMS.
There are plans to backport this feature to the stable 2.1.x series after the 2.1.1 release.

Configuration of time-enabled layers can be done via the normal user interface:

The following video by GeoSolutions demonstrates the use of Geoserver’s WMS-T:

Both server solutions seem to support only one time attribute per layer. An optional second time attribute would be nice to support datasets with start and end time like Time Manager for QGIS does.

Picking a Feature’s Attribute Value From a WMS Layer With OpenLayers

There are many nice examples out there of how to use a getFeatureInfo request in OpenLayers to display a feature’s attribute table. In some applications it can be useful though not to display the full attribute table but to only select one attribute value from it and output it somewhere, e.g. in a text field.

This post describes how to pick the road id from a road wms layer and write the id value into a text input field.

OpenLayers offers a convenient class to achieve this: OpenLayers.Control.WMSGetFeatureInfo.

Let’s create an object of this class, register and activate it:

roadidPicker = new OpenLayers.Control.WMSGetFeatureInfo({
                url: 'http://localhost:8080/geoserver/wms',
                title: 'identify features on click',
                layers: [wms],
                queryVisible: true
roadidPicker.infoFormat = 'application/vnd.ogc.gml';"getfeatureinfo", this, pickRoadid);

Now, every time the user clicks onto the map, a getFeatureInfo request is issued and the function pickRoadid() is called. In pickRoadid(), we’ll define which value we want to pick from the feature. The ‘id’ of the feature will be written into a text input field called ‘roadId’:

function pickRoadid(e) {
  if (e.features && e.features.length) {
     var val = e.features[0];
     document.getElementById('roadId').value = val;

You might have noticed the ‘[0]‘. That’s because the click event comes with a list of features within the reach of the mouse click. For my application, I can only use one value and the first feature in this list is as good as any.

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