and thank you for a great 2012!

The view counter shows a staggering 250,000 views for last year. If that isn’t a reason to celebrate!

Here’s a quick recap with the top ten posts last year which were split between the two main topics pgRouting and QGIS:

  1. A Beginner’s Guide to pgRouting
  2. Table Joins – A New Feature in QGIS 1.7
  3. How to Specify Data Types of CSV Columns for Use in QGIS
  4. QGIS Server on Windows7 Step-by-step
  5. Osm2po Part 2 – PgRouting on OSM the Easy Way
  6. An osm2po Quickstart
  7. QGIS Server on Ubuntu Step-by-step
  8. Converting MXD to QGIS Project File
  9. Stamen Maps for QGIS
  10. Mapping Density with Hexagonal Grids

All the best for 2013!