This post summarizes how to install sphinx on Windows to contribute to PyQGIS Cookbook. I’m writing this as I go, so this most likely won’t be perfect.

I used my Python 2.6 stand-alone installation (not the one in OSGeo4W).

  1. Get the Sphinx egg from
  2. If you don’t have it, install setuptools to get the easy_install script
  3. In C:\Python26\Scripts run easy_install -U sphinx
  4. Get the PyQGIS source from
  5. Create a build folder inside the QGIS-Developer-Cookbook
  6. Now you can build the Cookbook: sphinx-build "C:\Users\Anita\QGIS\QGIS-Developer-Cookbook\source" "C:\Users\Anita\QGIS\QGIS-Developer-Cookbook\build"

The build folder should now contain the Cookbook .html files.