QGIS Cloud - Speed up the loading time of the web client
QGIS Cloud is your personal geo-data infrastructure in the internet. Publish maps and data. Share geo-information with others. And all of this very easily, without server, infrastructure and expert knowledge. If you know QGIS Desktop, then you know QGIS cloud just as well. Just install the QGIS cloud plugin from the official QGIS plugin repository and you’re good to go. You can publish as many maps as you want.
But the default settings of QGIS projects you like to publish via QGIS Cloud are not the best with respect to the performance of the QGIS Webclient / WMS. This point is noticeable when the published project contains many layers. Than the default settings are leading to bad performance. The size of the WMS GetCapabilities request is not negligible. Have a look at the first request:
The second request has a much faster response time than the first one:
What’s the difference between this two requests? First of all the slow request has to download and parse 3.1MB of XML data. The fast request has to download and parse 22KB only. However that work’s much faster. What makes the difference? If you have a look at the first request result, you can see, that tons of coordinate reference systems (CRS) are defined for every layer. These are all CRS supported by QGIS. In fact most of them will never be used. As the result the solution is to reduce the number of CRS in the QGIS Cloud WMS and WFS services. To achieve that you have to restrict the CRS in the QGIS project settings. Open the OWS Server tab and activate the CRS restrictions option and add all CRS of interest.
QGIS Cloud Webclient slow initialisation with none restricted CRS
QGIS Cloud Webclient fast initialisation with restricted CRS