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Slides FOSS4G 2014

Slides from our presentations at FOSS4G 2014 in Portland/Oregon:


Sourcepole at FOSS4G 2014 in Portland

In one week, the 2014 FOSS4G Conference will start in Portland/Oregon. Sourcepole supports this major event as a bronze sponsor.

Our conference contributions:

Workshop presented by Horst Düster (@moazagotl)

  • Tuesday afternoon: QGIS Plugin Development with PyQt4 and PyQGIS

Presentations by Pirmin Kalberer (@PirminKalberer)

  • Thursday, Session 2, Track 7, 13:00 - 13:25: State of QGIS Server
  • Thursday, Session 2, Track 7, 13:30 - 13:55: From Nottingham to PDX: QGIS 2014 roundup
  • Thursday, Session 3, Track 6, 16:25 - 13:25: Easy ETL with OGR

Meet Pirmin and Horst at Sourcepole’s exhibition booth and have a look at our latest products.

We’re looking forward to meet you in Portland next week!

Follow @Sourcepole for selected QGIS news and other Open Source Geospatial related infos.

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