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QGIS Planet

Django: serving an image from a remote server

For a current project (using django), I wanted to get a dynamically generated image from a remote map server and return the image to the django view as an object (as opposed to returning a URL as a string).

Here's how it's done (logic derived from this code snippet):

import urllib
import urllib2
import mimetypes

def serveMapImage( theArea ):
  # omitted: procedure to define the variable zoomExtents
  # from user-specified, database-derived variable theArea
  URI = "" + zoomExtents
  contents = urllib2.urlopen(URI).read()
  mimetype = mimetypes.guess_type(URI)
  response = HttpResponse(contents, mimetype=mimetype)

  return response
pixelstats trackingpixel

Django: serving an image from a remote server

For a current project (using django), I wanted to get a dynamically generated image from a remote map server and return the image to the django view as an object (as opposed to returning a URL as a string).

Here's how it's done (logic derived from this code snippet):

import urllib
import urllib2
import mimetypes

def serveMapImage( theArea ):
  # omitted: procedure to define the variable zoomExtents
  # from user-specified, database-derived variable theArea
  URI = "" + zoomExtents
  contents = urllib2.urlopen(URI).read()
  mimetype = mimetypes.guess_type(URI)
  response = HttpResponse(contents, mimetype=mimetype)

  return response

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