(Nederlands) Waarden in samengestelde velden gebruiken
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Imagine you have a list of different features at locations and you want to display those on a map like this: The QGIS diagrams expect a column for each pie or bar, but our features are all listed in one column: And our geometry is stored in a good old shapefile: So, we can use … Continue reading Diagrams for features
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A short post in Dutch, to let us dutchies know of a new version of the ‘PDOK services plugin’ which eases the use of our national OWS services. If you want you can install it, and for example view the different soli types of The Netherlands: Another nice service is the 25cm Aerial Map of … Continue reading New version of dutch PDOK services plugin
How to visualize point data with Z values? Let’s say: we have data about noise pollution in multi-storey buildings. The point data (apartments) looks like this: The attribute table looks like this: We see X and Y coordinates, and a Z (height) value. The DB column gives the actual noise data, which we want to … Continue reading Visualizing 3D data with expressions
The Dutch Basisregistratie Grootschalige Topografie (BGT) is exchanged via gml. Unfortunately the used gml application schema is quite involved and leads to incomplete imports in QGIS. The BGT-import plugin is now available so that the gml files can be imported correctly. To illustrate the point two screen shots (one wrong, and one right):
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Yesterday I ran the half marathon of Zwolle wearing a hat with the previous QGIS logo. My time was not so special (2:08:47) but the medal I earned was. It shows a simple map of the city of Zwolle. You can see some buildings but which ones? I decided to georerence the medal and add … Continue reading Gereference a medal
Sometimes I prefer to publish my map in gray instead of black. But all newly added QGIS composer items are set to black by default. For changing the colors more easily and rapidly I created the “Turn Gray” plugin. By default it changes all foreground colors (labels and outlines) to gray. But you are free … Continue reading Gray is the new Black
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Sorry, this entry is only available in the Dutch language
Last week not only QGIS 2.14.0 Essen was released but also a great book “QGIS Map Design” based on this new version of QGIS. A release of QGIS is special but this release concerns an announced LTR release. QGIS 2.8.7 is the current LTR version in which al bugs found between 2.8 and 2.14.0 have been … Continue reading New release of QGIS and book!
Hi! In this blog I describe how you can create proper parcels with polygon geometry in from polylines (parcel boundaries) and points (Parcel point with parcel attributes placed inside parcel boundaries). Since the 1st of januari 2016 a dataset named, BRK (Basis Registratie Kadaster) is available from PDOK. You can download these in GML format … Continue reading Generate parcels areas from parcel boundaries
Mostly interesting for dutchies A short post that there is a new 0.10 version of the pdokservicesplugin (http://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/pdokservicesplugin/), Some layers have been removed and some are new. The total number of layers is now 6723 (coming from 5298). Most important changes: Removed: – brtachtergrondtijdelijk – brtachtergrondgrijstijdelijk – top10nl (nu: top10nl2) – Noordzee Kabels en Leidingen … Continue reading PDOK services plugin update
In this blog I will explain how to recover styles that are included in a SpatiaLite database but are lost after renaming or moving the SpatiaLite database to another location. It will show how to use the QGIS Field Calculator to change the contents of de field f_table_catalog in the table layer_styles so it directs … Continue reading Spatialite and lost styles
New PDOK services This post is mostly interesting for dutch readers, as our national OWS service ‘PDOK’ added some new services. And we made them (5000 layers) available via the PDOK services plugin. Change predefined scales But I also want to show that you can change the predfined scales that you see in the Scale … Continue reading Change predefined scales plus new PDOK services
Just a short post in case you missed it. Since some time QGIS is coorporating with spreadshirt.com, so we can open ‘virtual shops’ all over the world to sell QGIS t-shirst, caps and mugs. So: check your size, and go via this page to the nearest QGIS-shop and make your friends jealous with our great … Continue reading QGIS goodies
Geopunt website Geopunt is the central portal for geographical data of the Flemish government. Beside an online viewer, a catalogue is available from where data can be downloaded. A lot of these data are free to download (e.g. orthophotos), other data is available depending on your user profile (e.g. soil map) Download through the Geopunt4Qgis … Continue reading Use of the Flemish geographical data portal Geopunt in QGIS
Mozilla Location Service (MLS) layer Personally I’m very interested in the Mozilla Location Service (MLS), I wrote an earlier article about it on my work (Zuidt.nl) blog. Key in this project is that both locations of wifi points and cell towers are crowdsourced and put in a open database, so everybody can use that data … Continue reading Mozilla Stumbler layer: loading TMS and XYZ tilelayers in QGIS