QGIS Planet

[Changelog] Android fused location provider, new opt-in feature

We've integrated the Android Fused Location Provider into our app for enhanced location accuracy and efficiency. This update leverages all available location sources to provide faster and more precise location data while optimizing battery usage, ensuring your device stays powered longer. It is currently an opt-in feature, so you will need to enable it in the app settings under Manage GPS Providers. Enable this feature to enjoy improved location-based services and a longer-lasting battery with our latest enhancement!

[Changelog] Centring to GPS position when recording

We brought back the option for centring to GPS position when entering the recording mode. Additionally, we added a new entry into the application settings to disable this behavior if desired.

[Changelog] 🔏 New Editor permission: safe and secure project collaboration

We are introducing a new type of workspace role and project permission called "Editor". Editors in your workspace will be able to work on your projects without the risk of breaking your GeoPackage layers and QGIS project files.

How does it work?

✅ Editors can:

  • Add, update, and delete features in your projects

  • Use the mobile app and the QGIS plugin

  • Add new files, except for QGIS project files

  • Edit files, except for QGIS project files and GeoPackages (without changing the layer schema)

  • Remove files, except for QGIS project files and GeoPackages

⛔️ Editors cannot:

  • Manipulate QGIS project files, including changing symbology, adding/removing layers, or updating forms. Any changes to a QGIS project file will not be synchronized and will be overridden if the server version of the QGIS project file changes.

  • Remove GeoPackages

  • Make changes in GeoPackages that would result in creating conflicted copies, such as adding new columns or layers

Who is this new permission type suitable for?

This permission type is ideal for surveyors and others who need to add data without manipulating layer schemas and QGIS project settings.

Next steps

Please upgrade your QGIS plugin to the latest version and head to our dashboard

Editor permission is available on Cloud and Enterprise edition servers.

Read more details in the blog post or in our documentation.

[Blog] Introducing Editor permissions - our most-requested feature!

Feeling unheard in GIS work? Mergin Maps streamlines data collection, collaboration, and sharing QGIS projects with a new Editor role for field surveyors.

[Case Study] Using Mergin Maps as part of an end-to-end solution for farm management

Agrimotion, an agricultural consultancy in South Africa, specializes in perennial crops. Their IMPI platform, developed with Lutra Consulting and Mergin Maps, simplifies farm management by enhancing data collection and analysis, boosting productivity, and reducing costs.

[Changelog] Open PDF and other packaged files from within the form

PDF and other files can now be opened from within the feature form. Use an HTML link with the address project://<path_to_file_within_project> to open packaged files! HTML links can be placed inside an HTML widget or a multiline text editor.

[Changelog] Added support for ZSTD format

The mobile app is now capable of opening GeoTIFF files compressed with zstd format.

[Blog] We hope you’re enjoying the new experience!

We're excited to announce significant updates to our ecosystem. Over the past few months, we've dedicated ourselves to redesigning both the mobile app and dashboard, aiming to enhance your overall experience.

[Blog] Chance to win Admin Essentials training voucher - just give a review to enter

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to win a free seat at an upcoming Mergin Maps Admin Essentials training.

[Changelog] Change view mode for relations from gallery to text

If you prefer using text mode for relations instead of the gallery mode, add “nogallery“ text to your relation editor title. The mobile app will then display text mode instead of gallery. The fix is now released in 2024.1.0.

[Changelog] Identify multiple features on map

Added a new feature allowing you to identify nearest features on the map by clicking and holding. Upon holding the click, you now receive a list of the nearest features. Click one to identify it!

Released as a part of the latest mobile app (2024.1.0)

[Changelog] Mobile app redesign released!

We are excited to announce the release of a redesigned version of our mobile app. This release includes the following:

  • New, redesigned app visuals

  • Easier access to streaming mode with the new map button

  • The app no longer automatically centers to position when adding new features

  • Auto-centering to GPS is now accessible by clicking the GPS button

Thank you for your continued support and feedback! You can read a detailed list of changes here or our redesign blog post here. We also recorded an overview video showcasing these changes.

[Changelog] Dashboard redesign released!

We are excited to share that our redesigned dashboard has been released. Explore it yourself at merginmaps.com or read redesign blog post here.

This release also includes multiple user experience enhancements in the members tab, project collaborators tab and ease of use of sharing dialogues.

[Case Study] Innovating road research and construction

Discover how BRRC revolutionized their field survey workflows with Mergin Maps, enhancing productivity and data accuracy. Learn how their partnership with Lutra Consulting enabled tailored solutions for seamless integration, transforming road research and construction projects.

[Case Study] Designing surveys for fibre optics rollout

Jacops was starting a new project for the fiber rollout and needed the tools to organise a national survey. Previously they had used tools provided by a partner and needed to find a solution that allowed them to manage the full scope of the project.

[Blog] Hello from Mergin Maps!

Mergin Maps is a QGIS-powered field survey tool designed to collect data from the field. It is developed by Lutra Consulting, a longstanding contributor, developer, supporter and trainer within the QGIS community.

[Changelog] Reset local changes from QGIS

With Mergin Maps QGIS Plugin 2024.1 you can now revert local changes of your QGIS project. Click on synchronise button in the toolbar and in the “Project status” dialog you will see new button to “Reset Changes”

Read the full changelog of the release: https://github.com/MerginMaps/qgis-plugin/releases/tag/2024.1

[Case Study] Mapping ground points in Senegal for imagery stereo-preparation

Valentin was overseeing a large-scale stereo-preparation project in Senegal in order to adjust aerial imagery and LiDAR with recognizable ground control points

[Blog] View and track changes in QGIS

With the recent changes to the Mergin Maps plugin for QGIS, you can visualise the local changes before synchronising your data. Read more in our blog post!

[Changelog] Ability to set custom name for photos taken in Mergin Maps mobile

Mergin Maps QGIS plugin is now capable of setting a custom QGIS expression that will be used as a name for the photos taken in the Mergin Maps mobile app. It is possible to combine field values, variables (even Mergin Maps variables) and other QGIS expression elements to create your custom photo name format (subfolders supported). You can find this configuration in the QGIS project settings > Mergin Maps.

Available since Mergin Maps QGIS plugin 2023.2 and Mergin Maps mobile 2.2

Read more about this in our documentation here: https://merginmaps.com/docs/gis/photo-names/

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