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Compiling QGIS with Eclipts CDT on Ubuntu

Everything I’m about to tell you you should probably forget – in my brief experience with it, Eclipse makes for an inferior alternative to Qt Creator if you are looking for a GUI to do development on QGIS with. That said, there are those for whom Eclipse is their weapon of choice. My primary motivation [...]

Work mantras – an off FOSSGIS topic post

Running a small business is a challenge. I came into this as a FOSS geek with a grandiose plan of spreading the FOSS GIS goodness far and wide and somehow earning a living from it. I don’t have an MBA or any significant business skills so I have been learning everything from first principles as [...]

Work mantras - an off FOSSGIS topic post

Running a small business is a challenge. I came into this as a FOSS geek with a grandiose plan of spreading the FOSS GIS goodness far and wide and somehow earning a living from it. I don't have an MBA or any significant business skills so I have been learning everything from first principles as I go along. Using `Scrum`_ project management has been a huge step forward for us and has been instrumental on us creating a much more effective work process within the office. The next biggest challenge we have faced on our journey is how to motivate and get the best out of our staff. Having staff is a double edged sword in a small business - they can boost your productivity and earning power, but they also cost a lot of money and time (training and supervision). One of the things we do with our staff is have a bonus system whereby a percentage of their salary is dependent on performance. This theoretically motivates them to work harder to achieve their maximum earning power.

There are two problems with this bonus system though:

  1. It assumes staff are motivated by money
  2. It assumes you have a decent and efficient way to calibrate whether your staff members have earned their bonus or not

I am going to use Rudi as an example for this discussion (with his permission). Rudi is a young, extremely intelligent geek with deep interest in computers, technology, gaming, and writing web comics, among other things. Sounds perfect right? It is in many respects, except that you will notice that 'a never ending love of money and material goods' is missing from the list. Which means that item 1. above runs into problems. To address this, we have asked Rudi to see the allocation of bonuses as a point of prestige. Rudi grasps this concept well since he is a gamer and uses sites like stack exchange where prestige is currency de rigeur.

Item two on our problem list has also been a challenge with us. It is a problem in a number of ways. If we decide on the bonus allocation in a manner which is opaque to Rudi, he has no understanding of what is required to earn the bonus and thus it becomes 'black magic' to him and he will lose interest in the system. Another issue is that even if the criteria are shared with Rudi, he may feel we are unfair in our appraisal of the criteria. For example, we might say to Rudi that we are holding his bonus back this week because there were too many bugs in the code he committed. Rudi may feel this is unfair as the bugs may be side effects of other work or something he had no control over. To address the issue of calibration, we decided to turn the problem on its head.

How did we do this? The first thing we did was to collaboratively define the bonus criteria with Rudi. That means that each criterion was discussed and agreed apon as being a reasonable expectation. We tried to structure the criteria to include both 'hard' measurable items ("your code must be documented") and 'soft woolly' items ("you must bring more into the office than you took out"). We also tried to structure the criteria as a progression through his daily work flow - from arriving at work in the morning to working through the problems of the day, to leaving in the afternoon with a sense of 'I feel good about the work I did'. The final piece to the puzzle, and the most important is that we made the process self-monitoring.

By self-monitoring, I mean that we assigned Rudi the responsibility of noting when he doesn't meet his own criteria. To do this, we created a laminated wall chart that looks like this:

Rudi's daily mantra (click for larger view)

Whenever Rudi realises he hasn't achieved one of his mantra's, he will place an X in the day column next to that item. This moves all the responsibility of monitoring onto Rudi himself, and we only need to intervene if we feel that he has missed and opportunity to chastise himself - 'don't you think you should put an X in that column for forgetting to `talk to the duck`_ to help you solve your problem?'.

With our mantra sheets, allocating bonuses is now doable in a fair and efficient way, and there is a very visual reminder whenever we go off the rails. I am going to be making my own mantra sheet so that I can try to improve my own focus on my work.  Having staff in the office is great in many ways - it's good to have someone to interact with and share ideas, bounce problems around with and have some office banter with. But its also challenging to keep them motivated and focused so we are constantly looking for ways to make things run more smoothly. Do you have things that work well and help you bring out the best in your staff? Let us know in the comments below, we would love to hear your ideas!

My favourite VIM tip

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More on QGIS Desktop web fusion

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Centering table cell contents with xhtml2pdf

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Fusing web technologies with QGIS

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XKCD on Map Projections

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Free SSL Certifications for your web site

Alex Mandel on #qgis IRC channel pointed me to this site: which issues level 1 SSL certs for free. We are in the process of getting a certificate issued for but the site is generally useful for others who would like to obtain an SSL cert for their site easily.

A nice article : Teaching with FOSSGIS

Here is a nice article about teaching a semester course with FOSSGIS that William Kinghorn put me on to: However, most students are shocked to discover how many capable FOSS GIS software packages exist and are excited that they can just download and install them, even on a Mac. They ask questions like, “Why isn’t [...]

Interviews from the Zurich QGIS Developer Meeting

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Zurich QGIS Developer Meeting Summary, November 2011

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QGIS presentation at ETH

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Booleans between Python and JavaScript

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Making Openlayers play nice with other elements

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QGIS 1.7.0 download stats

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Interview with Gary Sherman (QGIS Project founder) – part 2

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Apple throws a wobbly…

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Interview with Gary Sherman (QGIS founder) – Part 1

  Last week I did a short interview with Gary Sherman (the founder of the Quantum GIS project). I am busy putting together a nice presentation of the human side of the project and I thought I would start with him. Here is the first part (of two parts)  for your viewing pleasure: Andreas and [...]

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