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QGIS Python Plugins Repository

AutoFields Plugin icon

Plugin ID: 1081
(68) votes 

Automatic attribute updates when creating or modifying vector features

This plugin allows you to configure vector fields to be automatically calculated for you when digitizing new features or modifying existing ones. Think about it as triggers in a database or as an automatic Field Calculator.

Version Experimental Min QGIS version Max QGIS version Downloads Uploaded by Date
0.5.1 no 2.12.0 2.99.0 23504 gcarrillo 2017-10-22T02:28:27.863678+00:00
0.5.0 no 2.12.0 2.99.0 5981 gcarrillo 2017-04-21T03:55:57.158536+00:00
0.4.0 no 2.12.0 2.99.0 5968 gcarrillo 2016-09-09T16:47:18.204397+00:00
0.3.0 no 2.12.0 2.99.0 1762 gcarrillo 2016-08-18T04:34:02.256351+00:00

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