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QGIS Python Plugins Repository

Version: [1081] AutoFields 0.3.0

[0.3.0] (20160817)
- Official release!
- AutoFieldManager: normalize sources from 'Add PostgreSQL layer' and
DBManager so that they coincide.
- AutoFieldManager: Make createAutoFields return the autoFieldId on success,
as it can be used later to remove the AutoField via removeAutoField.
- GUI: Layer list now listens to Layer Tree SIGNALs to keep itself updated.
- Added link to documentation from About tab. It's aware of language [en|es].
[0.2.7] (20160804)
- Implement order for AutoFields storage and for setting event connections,
so that scenarios of AutoFields depending on other AutoFields become
- EventManager: Change str() by unicode() in a debug message that was
causing a Python error if values calculated contained non-ascii characters.
- Adjusted plugin description in all Python files.
[0.2.6] (20160802)
- GUI: Add checkbox to filter (only show enabled AutoFields) the list of
- Event Manager: If an expression has parse or eval errors, None is passed
as result to changeAttributeValue, which is stored by QGIS as NULL. This
fixes a bug that happened returning False from aforementioned errors.
- Hide Redo buttons and keyboard shortcut from QGIS GUI because it can lead
to QGIS crashes due to corrupted undo stack.
- Small fix in removeAutoField. Check that autoFieldId to remove exists.
[0.2.5] (20160726)
- Added support for translations. Added Spanish translation.
- Added support for getting area and distance units in calculations from
QGIS preferences (QGIS v.>=2.14).
- Expression Dialog: Added support for QGIS variables and recent expressions.
- The plugin now deals with Adding/Removing fields in an edit session.
- Message with button to let users know they should save edits for
calculating AutoFields when adding new features.
[0.2.4] (20160722)
- Opening Custom Expression window for a field that is already an AutoField
brings the stored expression making it possible to modify it.
- Fix for problem on Windows regarding different path separators in public
sources when opening the same layer from 'Add Layer' and QGIS browser.
[0.2.3] (20160720)
- Overwriting an AutoField is now possible.
- Fixed issue with QGIS locale and provider capabilities (Thanks Thomas B.)
- Fixed issue with removing multiple layers from QGIS ToC.
[0.2.2] (20160718)
- Workaround for QGIS crash due to bug #15311. Instead of featureAdded, use
committedFeatureAdded SIGNAL for all expressions.
[0.2.1] (20160717)
- Fix for expressions that work when new features are saved to provider
(e.g., $id).
- Fix for convertCompatible, as the Python API returns QVariant, not bool as
[0.2] (20160714)
- Ready for testing.
[0.1] (20160707)
- First working GUI version
[0] (20160522) It all started...
Minimum QGIS version
Maximum QGIS version
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