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Plugin ID: 2518
(18) votes 

Provides access to all the WaPOR data and includes it in the QGIS canvas as another raster layer, providing WaPOR data easy access to the QGIS users. Moreover, the water accounting and productivity component of the plugin will help the water management, providing the opportunity of calculating water accounting indicators, through the creation of maps and reports.

The water accounting and productivity plugin for QGIS platform provides access to all the WaPOR data and includes it in the QGIS canvas as another raster layer, providing WaPOR data easy access to the QGIS users. Moreover, the water accounting and productivity component of the plugin will help the water management, providing the opportunity of calculating water accounting indicators, through the creation of maps and reports.

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Plugin ID
Version Experimental Min QGIS version Max QGIS version Downloads Uploaded by Date
3.0.3 no 3.16.0 3.99.0 894 fhfonsecaa 2024-09-06T20:06:54.484552+00:00
3.0.2 no 3.16.0 3.99.0 1026 fhfonsecaa 2024-05-17T20:38:12.621326+00:00
3.0.1 yes 3.16.0 3.99.0 211 fhfonsecaa 2024-05-02T18:12:44.985038+00:00
2.1.1 yes 3.16.0 3.99.0 548 fhfonsecaa 2024-02-25T19:12:19.838921+00:00
2.1 yes 3.34.3 3.99.0 403 fhfonsecaa 2024-02-19T18:10:20.881382+00:00
2.0.1 yes 3.34.3 3.99.0 405 fhfonsecaa 2024-02-03T12:28:02.519930+00:00
2.0 yes 3.16.0 3.99.0 1127 fhfonsecaa 2022-03-02T18:54:36.736979+00:00
1.2 yes 3.16.0 3.99.0 212 fhfonsecaa 2021-11-29T21:11:08.532702+00:00
1.1 yes 3.16.0 3.99.0 283 fhfonsecaa 2021-10-14T19:02:24.011182+00:00
1.0.2 yes 3.16.0 3.99.0 108 fhfonsecaa 2021-10-16T22:47:59.518937+00:00

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