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Plugin ID: 1152
(18) votes 

A tool for authoring and managing mobile surveys Open Data Kit (ODK) from QGIS

The Qgis plugin allows to build a "on field" mobile survey in minutes starting from a Qgis layer and get back collected data with the help of Open Data Kit tools and services. Open Data Kit (ODK) is a free and open-source set of tools which help to manage mobile data collection solutions.
The typical ODK collection workflow is based on the following activities:
- survey form design (XlsForm/XForm)
- deployment of survey forms on ODK collect Android App
- on field data collection by a mobile device
- data aggregation on server

Enrico Ferreguti
mobilesurveyandroidopen data kiton fielddata collectionodkcollectiononfield
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Latest stable version
Plugin ID
Version Experimental Min QGIS version Max QGIS version Downloads Uploaded by Date
1.9.2 no 2.14.0 2.99.0 3403 enricofer 2018-07-06T07:38:59.881666+00:00
1.9.1 no 2.14.0 2.99.0 482 enricofer 2018-07-03T13:16:42.605869+00:00
1.9 no 2.14.0 2.99.0 1564 enricofer 2018-02-13T23:13:18.665812+00:00
1.8 no 2.14.0 2.99.0 1286 enricofer 2017-11-29T12:32:47.737299+00:00
1.7 no 2.14.0 2.99.0 1642 enricofer 2017-08-03T20:05:38.045495+00:00
1.6 no 2.14.0 2.99.0 1254 enricofer 2017-06-01T13:46:47.879683+00:00
1.5 no 2.14.0 2.99.0 1885 enricofer 2017-01-03T14:49:16.381997+00:00
1.4 no 2.14.0 2.99.0 867 enricofer 2016-12-26T21:37:57.207049+00:00
1.3 no 2.14.0 2.99.0 830 enricofer 2016-12-20T14:22:37.801730+00:00
1.2 no 2.14.0 2.99.0 671 enricofer 2016-12-20T08:52:00.836863+00:00
1.1 no 2.14.0 2.99.0 684 enricofer 2016-12-19T20:15:13.582731+00:00

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