## v1.6.0 (2020-10-30)
### Added
- add depth information in the tooltip when altimetric scale is activated
- add support to trigger function on selection change
- translation for tooltip and scale column title
### Modified
- in config.py, stratigraphic and image plot can't be categorical data. In
consequence, the display_cat key is not in the plot configuration
- some refactoring to optimize data loading and QGraphicsView refresh
- handle deprecated use of implicit int casting
- replace `getFeatures()` by `psycopg2` API in order to fasten data requests
### Fixed
- uncertainty column configuration in edit_plot dialog didn't work for
categorical data
- fix auto scale when station only have stratigraphic data
- concentration units were forgotten in the configure plot dialog
- starting a new configuration from zero led to bugs because timeseries section
were not initiated
- configuration export was broken by stacked data and has been fixed
- fix bad update of symbol legends after style update