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AttributesJoinByLine Plugin icon

Plugin ID: 1734
(7) votes 

AttributesJoinByLine allows you to copy attributes from the source layer to the target layer by using a line.

AttributesJoinByLine allows you to copy attributes from the source layer to the target layer by using a line.Layers: source, target and line must be saved in the same coordinate system. The algorithm, based on lines connected to the source point, looks for target points and gets their attributes. Missing columns in the target layer will be added automatically. For different values ​​in the source layer for the same columns, this will be marked as an error and the data will not be moved. The plug-in created thanks to the financial support of Geofabryka Sp. z o.o.

Version Experimental Min QGIS version Max QGIS version Downloads Uploaded by Date
0.4 no 3.8.0 3.99.0 10781 abocianowski 2020-01-11T12:14:17.092815+00:00
0.3 no 3.0.0 3.99.0 1774 abocianowski 2019-12-14T16:06:05.145503+00:00
0.2 no 3.0.0 3.99.0 2311 abocianowski 2019-06-19T07:01:21.081894+00:00

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