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QGIS Python Plugins Repository

Version: [1230] Vector Tiles Reader 1.1.0

* A new mode 'Basemap' has been added. Vector tiles are automatically reloaded
upon zoom/pan.
* The loading performance has been increased.
* Bugfixes
* Bugfixes regarding tile loading from server sources: {api_key} present on any
tile url, will be replaced by the api_key parameter specified on the source url
(if available)
* Tile-coordinates of current mouse position is shown in statusbar
* Bugfixes regarding tile loading from server sources
* UI changed: file can be opened directly without adding as connection
* Experimental flag removed
* Bugfixes & improvements
* Tile loading behaviour improved
* Bugfixes & improvements
* Bugfix: Too many tiles may be loaded under some circumstances
* Export functionality added
* Bugfixes & stability improvements
* Decoding performance improved: all available CPU cores will be used
* Feature merging improved: only merge features of the same class
* Buttons added to reset options to predefined defaults
* Feature merging fixed
* Tiles will be loaded in the middle of the current extent, not at the borders
* Expected number of tiles for current extent is shown in connections dialog
* Predefined OMT style improved
* Plugin uses QGIS proxies if configured
* Bugfixes
* Error handling improved
* Bugfixes
* Loading performance improved
* Caching implemented
* Mask layer can be loaded
* Files connections now be handled with the former server connections dialog
* Reload feature added
* Bugfixes and stability improvements
* Bugfixes
* Predefined server connection included
* Loading performance improved
* Styling improved
* Server connections improved
* Server connections CRS handling improved
* Stability improved
* Server connections added
* Loading of tiles can be cancelled
Minimum QGIS version
Maximum QGIS version
External dependencies (PIP install string)

Version management

Plugin details

Sustaining Members