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QGIS Python Plugins Repository

Plugins tagged with: reporting

3 records found —  Click to toggle descriptions.
  Name Featured Downloads Author Latest Plugin Version Created on ↑ Stars (votes) Stable Exp.
Plugin icon 62398 Conservation International 2023-02-24T20:41:20.764246+00:00 2017-09-15T19:55:53.308697+00:00
2.1.14 2.0.7
Plugin icon MISLAND 2478 Mustapha MIMOUNI, Toure SOULEYMANE, Vivianne META, Grace AMONDI, Derick ONGERI 2021-03-06T10:19:11.053029+00:00 2021-03-05T06:23:39.109467+00:00
1.0.6 1.0.4
Plugin icon QompliGIS 3857 Loïc Bartoletti (Oslandia), Jacky Volpes (Oslandia) 2022-07-21T10:09:42.495636+00:00 2021-10-05T14:57:20.333930+00:00
v1.2.0 v1.0.0
Deprecated plugins are printed in red.

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