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QGIS Python Plugins Repository

Plugins tagged with: layer

25 records found —  Click to toggle descriptions.
  Name Featured Downloads Author ↓ Latest Plugin Version Created on Stars (votes) Stable Exp.
Plugin icon Multiple Layer Selection 48087 Felipe Ferrari and Luiz Andrade 2024-03-22T11:36:00.232409+00:00 2014-10-11T03:39:47.568770+00:00
2.0.1 0.2
Plugin icon pickLayer 34012 Enrico Ferreguti ( - enricofer), National Land Survey of Finland 2024-01-26T15:07:04.495266+00:00 2014-10-09T14:47:40.580003+00:00
Plugin icon Attribute painter 75465 Enrico Ferreguti 2023-06-07T11:04:32.709340+00:00 2014-03-25T16:36:44.751006+00:00
Plugin icon OpeNoise Map 38665 Arpa Piemonte (developer Stefano Masera - porting Pierluigi De Rosa) 2024-07-01T14:24:23.529545+00:00 2014-03-25T14:57:14.903177+00:00
2.2 0.2
Plugin icon Layer arranger 10869 Abhijit Gujar 2016-05-02T03:57:01.641925+00:00 2014-12-10T17:36:06.979233+00:00
0.2 0.1
Deprecated plugins are printed in red.

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