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QGIS Python Plugins Repository

Plugins tagged with: feature-extraction

3 records found —  Click to toggle descriptions.
  Name Featured Downloads Author Latest Plugin Version Created on ↓ Stars (votes) Stable Exp.
Plugin icon Deep Learning Datasets Maker 3460 deepbands (Youssef Harby and Yizhou Chen) 2022-01-19T02:15:29.531264+00:00 2021-12-11T04:40:00.358152+00:00
Plugin icon Mapflow 99826 Geoalert 2024-05-06T06:28:03.719703+00:00 2021-07-09T15:15:42.595345+00:00
Plugin icon SENSUM Earth Observation Tools 14027 Universit&agrave degli studi di Pavia, EUCENTRE Foundation 2016-03-29T06:20:55.242816+00:00 2014-12-22T16:11:58.405870+00:00
Deprecated plugins are printed in red.

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