* The loader for ground motion fields was modified, so the user selects the
realization first, then the event id, then the IMT used for styling the layer
* Support for social vulnerability and recovery modeling was removed
* Added the possibility to display total aggregated loss curves
* In the dialog driving the oq-engine, when the user resizes the columns of the
calculations list table, the new widths are kept when the table is refreshed
* In the dialog driving the oq-engine, it is possible to trigger the
selection/unselection of a calculation by clicking on the corresponding row
* When loading ground motion fields from an OpenQuake calculation, secondary
perils (if available) are added to the selectable IMTs
* Aligned with oq-engine 3.20
* Removed all references to the OQ Platform
* Fixed testing infrastructure using recent QGIS docker images and addressing
some deprecation warnings
* Fixed the loader for ruptures
* Different way to select the event and the GMPE in oq-engine scenario
* Fixed the header of aggregated average losses realizations in case of
oq-engine parameter collect_rlzs=True
* Improved integration tests, checking compatibility with python 3.9, 3.10 and
3.11 and with test cases used in risk workshops
* Added visualization of aggcurves and aggcurves-stats for event_based_damage
oq-engine calculations
* When only one realization is extracted from the engine, it is considered as
the mean
* Increased numpy.load parameter max_header_size to 100000 in order to prevent
errors extracting some hazard curves
* Added visualization of OEP and AEP for event-based risk and damage
* The extent of layers having at least one feature but empty extent is increased
by a small delta in order to allow zooming to layer
* A clear error message is displayed if recovery modeling runs with an
incompatible number of damage states with respect to what's specified in the
recovery modeling settings
* Measurement units for oq-engine loss data types 'residents' and 'occupants'
were fixed
* oqparam['collect_rlzs'] is taken into account while retrieveing the list of
realizations of an oq-engine calculation
* Handling measurement units for loss data types 'area' and 'number' recently
added to the oq-engine
* Also OQ-Engine outputs 'mean_rates_by_src' and 'mean_disagg_by_src' are
loadable automatically as layers
* The dialog displaying OQ-Engine calculation reports or logs does not wrap text
and contains Courier monospace font for better compatibility across operating
* Layer groups for hazard maps are created only when they will contain at least
one layer
* The title of the IRMT Settings dialog now displays also the plugin version
* The button to retrieve the OQ Engine calculation parameters is properly reset
similarly to what was already correctly done for the button to download the
* Numpy integer and unsigned integer types are mapped to QT LongLong and
ULongLong types, to be able to represent e.g. big rupture ids
* The loader for OQ-Engine Asset Risk Distributions is compliant with a change
in the NPZ output produced by OQ 3.17
* The loader of OQ-Engine disaggregation realizations was fixed, following the
renaming of the 'disagg' output into 'disagg-rlzs' in OQ 3.17
* Aligned with OQ-Engine 3.17
* Aligned with OQ-Engine 3.16
* When exporting data from the Data Viewer, selected tags (if present) are
correctly reported in the output csv
* When loading a csv as layer, the user is asked to confirm in case the csv is
bigger than 10 MB
* For 'Asset Risk Distributions', also a table of consequences is shown if
* The visualization of 'aggcurves' and 'aggcurves-stats' was updated according
to changes in the OQ-Engine extract API
* The 'Load table' button was added also for OQ-Engine outputs 'damages-stats'
and 'aggrisk-stats'
* The 'Load layer' and 'Aggregate' buttons for avg_losses-rlzs are not available
in case 'avg_losses-stats' is present (because in that case the OQ-Engine only
extract statistics and not all the separate realizations)
* The user manual is built via docker and the makefile was improved to retrieve
plugin version and experimental tag from metadata and update the online
documentation accordingly
* Accepting also taxonomies that include the character '='
* Aligned with oq-engine 3.15
* Ground motion fields are read identifying site coordinates through field names
instead of positionally, making it robust to the addition of fields such as
* A clearer error message is given if Pillow is missing when loading the plugin
* If any hazard curve is flat with all zeros values, a warning is displayed and
the curve is excluded from the plot. If no hazard curve can be plotted, the plot
is reset.
* Fix styling maps, following an undocumented recent change in QGIS API renaming
'PrettyBreaks' -> 'Pretty'
* Installation instructions in the README were updated to be consistent with the
user manual
* Improved plugin packaging procedure
* Minor changes to obtain compatibility with OQ-Engine 3.13
* Minor changes to obtain compatibility with OQ-Engine 3.12
* Fixed a bug that was preventing the possibility to download oq-engine outputs
in all available formats
* Improved some plot labels in loss curves
* Fixed zonal aggregation
* Fixed an encoding issue in the retrieval of loss curves
* Classification methods are properly retrieved using
* Integration tests for recovery modeling were unskipped
* The loader for earthquake ruptures was fixed
* Disaggregation outputs are extracted in separate QgsTask instances, avoiding
QGIS to be blocked meanwhile
* Completely restructured integration tests (IRMT <-> OQ-Engine) and running CI
versus qgis dockers 3_8_3, 3_16 and latest
* Fixed a bug in the assignment of field types while loading the OQ-Engine Asset
Damage Distribution output as layer
* Like 3.11.0, but without the "experimental" flag
* The OQ-Engine output 'losses_by_event' was renamed into 'agg_loss_table'
* Fixed displaying full vertical headers in Data Viewer
* The settings dialog was made scrollable
* Hazard maps are grouped by POE
* Following a change in the OQ-Engine, agglosses are now loaded as aggrisk
* A parameter was added to switch between default hmaps styling and the styling
used for SGC projects
* Cross symbols rendered for OQ-Engine disaggregation outputs are opaque, wider
and thicker than those used for other outputs (e.g. hcurves)
* Following a change in the OQ Engine outputs, avg_damages-rlzs and
avg_damages-stats were renamed into damages-rlzs and damages-stats
* Fixed management of MultiPoint when selecting a point and redrawing charts
* When loading ground motion fields, download and preselect relevant event ids
* Added possibility to load all hmaps into a single layer, with a style per
field created automatically
* When hmaps are loaded from OQ-Engine outputs and the option to create one
layer per statistic is checked, a style per field is created
* Added loader for disaggregation OQ-Engine outputs
* The visualization of dmg_by_event and losses_by_event is enabled also for
event-based calculations
* OQ Engine outputs dmg_by_asset and losses_by_asset were renamed (following the
change in the engine) to avg_damages-rlzs and avg_losses-rlzs.
* For scenario OQ-Engine calculations, when loading GMFs, ranges of event ids
per GMPE are displayed while the user chooses an event
* For GMF loaded layers, the correct GMPE is loaded and the layer name contains
the calculation mode and the name of the right GMPE
* Fixed conversion of numpy data loaded from OQ Engine outputs into native
python data types used in QGIS layers
* Fixed the wrong creation of additional empty fields while loading ground
motion fields
* When pressing the button to run an OQ-Engine calculation or to continue from a
previous one, the user can choose if selecting files from a zip file or from
a directory. In the latter case, also data available in nested directories will
be sent to the OQ-Engine
* The plugin uses `numpy.load(allow_pickle=False)` while extracting data from
the OQ-Engine
* Ruptures are loaded from OQ-Engine outputs as separate layers, one for each
geometry type (polygon, line or point), instead of representing lines as
degenerate flat polygons.
* Ground motion fields are loaded from the OQ-Engine after pre-filtering them by
event id, thus dramatically reducing data transfer and visualization time. This
improvement made
it possible to enable the visualization of ground motion fields also for
event-based calculations.
* Field data types of layers created from OQ-Engine outputs were fixed (they
were wrongly all numeric before)
* The list of calculation can be filtered by job id. This also makes possible to
visualize old calculations that would not be listed among the most recent 100
* Ruptures are loaded through the OQ-Engine extract api, instead of exporting
and loading the corresponding csv file.
* Ruptures can be filtered by minimum magnitude, and a clear error message is
displayed if no ruptures of such a high magnitude are found.
* Whenever the plugin consolidates a memory layer into a file or copies a
csv-based layer into an editable one, it produces a geopackage instead of a
* A section about the visualization of multi_risk OQ-Engine inputs and outputs
has been added to the user manual.
* The management of profiles for the connection to the OpenQuake Platform was
* The output type selector in the Data Viewer was disabled, so it still shows
the output type but it can not be modified by the user.
* OQ-Engine outputs to be loaded as tables from csv are loaded directly with a
single click, instead of prior displaying a dialog showing the file size.
* OQ-Engine outputs aggcurves for event_based_risk calculations can be
visualized in the Data Viewer if experimental features of the plugin are
* OQ-Engine input files can be downloaded as zip.
* Added loader for OQ-Engine outputs 'agglosses'
* The plugin is also a Processing Toolbox algorithm provider, offering an
extensible set of field transformation functions
(normalization/standardization, ranking, and others) and a modified version of
the "Join attributes by location (summary)"
algorithm, that automatically styles the output joined layer
* Re-added and updated the user manual chapter about aggregating points by zone
* Scripts running tests and building the user manual have been fixed
* Layers loaded from OQ-Engine outputs store metadata (title and keywords) read
from calculation parameters and user choices
* The color for selected features is red for layers that use a cross symbol in
the map (e.g. hazard curves and uniform hazard spectra)
* Moving the mouse over recovery curves, a dynamic annotation is displayed,
showing the coordinates of the pointed element
* Widgets to select multiple items have been replaced by more compact selectors
that also allow text searching
* Selectors for tag values are added to the GUI, each containing a multiselector
for values of a different tag
* When a new OQ-Engine calculation is successfully launched, the corresponding
row is highlighted in the list of calculations, and the list of its outputs is
* Moving the cursor through the list of available OQ-Engine calculations (using
mouse or keystrokes), the calculation corresponding to the highlighted cell
is automatically selected and its list of outputs is displayed
* Instead of the 'sourcegroups' output (that was removed from the OQ-Engine),
the plugin can now load the new output 'events'
* The user can choose if selecting the '.ini' file to run a OQ-Engine
calculation, or letting the OQ-Engine automatically pick one from the list of
input files.
* A note about updating the SSL certificate bundle on MacOS was added to the
* Buttons to load OQ-Engine outputs have been rearranged in order to keep the
most significant ones to the left
* Some additional information is available in exported csv files with recovery
curves (recovery time approach, number of simulations, selected asset ids)
* Fixed an error in managing integer values in QSettings using parameter
type=int, that returned negative values (casting to int instead)
* Loading the OQ-Engine output 'dmg_by_asset', it is possible to aggregate
assets by site (as in the previous implementation) or to load the raw data
as it is compatible with the recovery modeling tool
* The y-axis of recovery curves is displayed as a percentage instead of a number
in the range 0-1
* The recovery modeling tool calculates the probabilities of being in each
damage state as the number of buildings per damage state divided by the total
number of buildings (per asset)
* While selecting assets for recovery modeling, a new checkbox enables/disables
recalculating recovery curves on-the-fly
* Another checkbox enables/disables the selection of all the assets that share
the same coordinates, when the user clicks on a feature in the map
* Calls to QgsVectorLayer.getFeatures() are optimized, reading only the
necessary fields and ignoring geometries if unneeded
* Multi-peril input files containing geometries as WKT can be loaded as layers
* Improvements to the integration tests: an instance of Irmt is used instead of
instantiating Irmt sub-dialogs, and no mocked object is used anymore;
OQ-Engine outputs that are loaded as QGIS layers are checked to contain at least
one feature; an additional integration test runs a OQ-Engine hazard
displays its progress log, then runs a risk calculation based on its outputs,
showing again the progress, then deletes both calculations;
instead of running one single big integration test, a single test is run for
each OQ-Engine output type that the IRMT is able to load.
* When the mouse points to the name of a OQ-Engine output, a tooltip displays
the output type code and its approximate size (if available)
* Fixed a useless downloading of unneeded files while loading OQ-Engine outputs
using the "extract" API
* Fixed the possibility to load data corresponding to specific taxonomies, for
dmg_by_asset and losses_by_asset OQ-Engine output types
* Changed the realizations output for OQ-Engine scenario calculations,
displaying the GSIM names instead of the branch path
* All possibly running timers are stopped before the plugin is unloaded
* Fixed a bug occurring while loading ground motion fields, that caused only one
realization to be visualized
* The GUI elements for loading OQ-Engine outputs are in a scrollable area,
usable also on low resolution screens
* Some GUI sections can be expanded/collapsed
* Fixed a bug in the loader for asset_risk outputs, that was downloading a not
used csv output
* Higher map values can optionally be rendered on top of lower values
* The utility to import_layer_from_csv accepts two additional parameters:
'add_to_legend' and 'add_on_top'
* Layers imported from the OQ-Engine are inserted on top of the QGIS layer tree
* Added loaders for OQ-Engine outputs 'asset_risk' and 'agg_risk'
* The option to aggregate points by polygons is automatically enabled whenever
at least one layer containing polygons becomes available
* Geopackages containing polygons for the aggregation of points by zone can be
pre-loaded, selecting the desired layers from the package
* An additional checkbox gives the possibility to automatically discard zones
that contain no points
* Improved legends and classification criteria, depending on the unique values
present in the field used for styling
* The menu action to aggregate loss by zone was re-added, pointing to the
Processing Toolkit algorithm that we use now to perform the
same kind of analysis (i.e. "Join attributes by location (summary)"). The
section of the user manual that was previously removed is
partially restored, and there is an explanation on how to use the Processing
algorithm to obtain the same results that were obtained
by the plugin tool before.
* Fixed removal of plugin menu while the plugin is
* Map units are not set by default anymore
* Field names are quoted in order to avoid issues with special characters
* Buttons to load layers that have no geometries are renamed from "Load layer"
to "Load table"
* Upgraded compatibility to the OQ Platform 2019
* Better management of failing connection with the OQ Engine server
* Fixed newline separators in csv files exported by the Data Viewer
* Whenever an error message is shown to the user, a button in the QGIS message
bar allows to display the traceback in a separate window
* Fixed loader for Aggregate Loss Curves in event based risk OQ-Engine output
* Tests have been split into: unit tests (using the qgis.testing module);
functional tests (running on the official QGIS docker
without external services); integration tests (running on the official QGIS
docker and interacting with a running OQ-Engine
* When an OQ-Engine output can't be extracted, the error is handled and the full
response message is logged
* Fixed loader for aggregated Average Asset Losses Statistics OQ-Engine output
* All calls to the OQ-Engine "extract" API are logged
* Fixed a bug that caused the log verbosity to be always set to "warning",
instead of reading it correctly from user settings
* More stable connection with the OQ-Engine server, preventing issues while
reading the console log of a calculation
* Added instructions about how to workaround a bug that occurs on macOS while
importing matplotlib.pyplot on matplotlib v3.0.0
* Fixed updating the status of the toolbar button that shows/hides the IRTM Data
* Added the possibility to 'Abort' an OQ-Engine calculation
* When saving plugin settings, any dialog driving the oq-engine is reset
* When the connection with the oq-engine server is lost, the plugin attempts to
reconnect 3 times before displaying an error
* For uniform hazard spectra layers, poe and return_period are saved as
customProperties, and they are displayed in UHS plots
* Ported to qgis3 the conversion of layer style to the format accepted by
* Fixed a bug loading hazard maps loading one layer per realization or
* Updated installation instructions
* The loader for hazard maps was updated, fixing compatibility with the
OQ-Engine after a change in the output format
* Hazard maps can be loaded as one layer per realization/statistic or as
multiple layers, per each combination of realization/statistic-imt-poe
* It is possible to load hazard curves for a selected combination of
realization/statistic and intensity measure type
* Intensity measure levels are casted to float when possible, fixing a plotting
issue in hazard curves with IMT=PGV
* The cursor does not switch to "waiting" while refreshing the OQ-Engine
calculation list
* When feedback is shown outside the dialog that drives the OQ-Engine, a message
suggests the user where to look
* Added loaders for dmg_by_event and losses_by_event, from csv (disabled for
event-based calculations)
* Outputs of a selected oq-engine calculation are sorted by name in alphabetical
* The button to download a calculation datastore remains disabled until the
calculation is complete (and its size is known)
* The button to download the datastore of a oq-engine calculation displays the
corresponding size
* Added the possibility to plot loss curves aggregated by tag in event based
* Plugin migrated to QGIS3 (with PyQt5, Python3)
* Removed dialog to aggregate losses by zone (replaced by "Join attributes by
location (summary)" algorithm in the processing toolbox)
* All the aggregations of losses/damages by zone leverage algorithms of the
processing toolbox, running as tasks in separate threads
* When loading OQ-Engine outputs that can be aggregated by zone, if the option
to run the aggregation is checked, the ok button is
disabled until a valid zonal layer is loaded
* Files produced by the OQ-Engine are downloaded in separate threads, displaying
a progress bar while streaming
* When loading Ground Motion Fields for scenario calculations, the names of the
GMPEs are displayed instead of the realization names
* When loading a OQ-Engine output as layer, the engine version is saved as a
custom property of the layer
* When exporting data with the Data Viewer, the versions of the OQ-Engine and of
the plugin are saved on top of the output file
* While driving the OQ-Engine, the engine version and the url of the connected
engine server are displayed on top of the window
* Layers loaded from OQ-Engine outputs store as custom properties the versions
of the OQ-Engine and of the IRMT plugin
* The dependency from SAGA was removed (aggregation of points by zone is
performed by the plugin, internally)
* Ruptures imported from the OQ-Engine can be styled automatically by tectonic
region type or by magnitude
* Improved visualization of aggregate outputs in the Data Viewer
* Fixed styling of scenario damage after aggregating damage by zone
* Fixed selection/deselection of tag values in aggregate losses/damages
visualization in the Data Viewer
* After aggregating loss/damage by zone, the layer containing points is made
* Added loaders for realizations and sourcegroups, from csv
* Added the loader for Average Asset Losses Statistics and the visualization of
aggregated values in the Data Viewer
* Default styles for layers imported from OQ-Engine outputs depend on the output
* When importing damages or losses from the OQ-Engine and aggregating them by
zone, only sums are added to the zonal layer,
and the zonal layer is automatically styled, classifying with respect to the sum
of losses/damage
* Fixed a bug that prevented from loading existing projects from the OpenQuake
* It is possible to check the connection with the OQ-Platform or with the
OQ-Engine from within the plugin settings dialog
* The visualization of OQ-Engine risk outputs is now described in the user