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Plugin ID: 1537
(21) votes 

Algorithm for rockfall analyses at small scale

QPROTO is an algorithm for rockfall analyses at a small scale on the basis of the simplified *Cone Method* (Jaboyedoff & Labious, 2011). It allows to preliminarily evaluate the effects of a rockfall event along a slope in terms of exposed areas, boulder velocity and boulder energy.A time-independent rockfall hazard can also be defined. QPROTO is designed by Politecnico di Torino (Marta Castelli, Monica Barbero & Marco Grisolia), Arpa Piemonte (Rocco Pispico & Luca Lanteri) and developed by Faunalia. This Plugin is partially funded by Italian 2015 PRIN Project: "Innovative monitoring and design strategies for sustainable landslide risk mitigation".


Due to evolutions of the SAGA modules used in the plugin, QPROTO is not working in the latest versions of QGIS.

While waiting to update the plugin, we recommend using the portable version "QGIS 3.16.6-1 Hannover" which can be used safely without interference with other QGIS installations.

In this repository by Salvatore Fiandaca [1] you can download QGIS version 3.16.6-1 Hannover Portable Grass 7.8.5 LTR [2] and then install QPROTO.



Matteo Ghetta (Faunalia)
pythongeologyviewshedhazardlandsliderockfallcone method
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Plugin ID
Version Experimental Min QGIS version Max QGIS version Downloads Uploaded by Date
1.9 no 3.0.0 3.99.0 1357 ghtmtt 2024-02-21T08:30:44.224056+00:00
1.8 no 3.0.0 3.99.0 423 ghtmtt 2024-02-19T10:34:46.234602+00:00
1.7 no 3.0.0 3.99.0 3541 ghtmtt 2021-04-13T07:09:45.969946+00:00
1.6 no 3.0.0 3.99.0 1462 ghtmtt 2020-04-24T06:49:44.477546+00:00
1.5 no 3.0.0 3.99.0 503 ghtmtt 2020-02-12T06:37:47.560834+00:00
1.4 no 3.0.0 3.99.0 650 ghtmtt 2019-08-05T07:24:42.635554+00:00
1.2 yes 3.0.0 3.99.0 1176 ghtmtt 2018-09-09T20:56:30.124034+00:00
1.1 yes 3.0.0 3.99.0 307 ghtmtt 2018-09-08T14:59:00.399342+00:00
1.0 yes 3.0.0 3.99.0 309 ghtmtt 2018-09-08T10:00:17.768755+00:00

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