3.9.14 - Check of illegal layers improved 3.9.13 - support of arcgisvectortileservice added 3.9.12 - map name to publish success message added - Thanks to Simon Groechering for the pull request 3.9.11 - Pixes translation error #65 3.9.10 - Plugin description improved and link to documentation added 3.9.9 - Stamen Maps removed from background layers. 3.9.8 - Bugfixing 3.9.7 - SSL Fix emoved 3.9.6 - SSL:CERTIFICATE_VERYFY_FAILED error fixed 3.9.5 - Connection failed error message improved - Exeption catch when locale is missing - support of xyzvectortiles starting with QGIS 3.34, due to providername has been hanged 3.9.4 - Fixes viewer error when mapsettings are opened from free account. 3.9.3 - Error message whe layer CRS is invalid 3.9.2 - Database name added to window title of table overview 3.9.1 - Relation Size Dialog Title total table space added 3.9.0 - Show db tables dialog added 3.8.14 - Codecleaning and maintenance release 3.8.13 - Better error message when the URL error occurs 3.8.12 - Disable data upload button when one or more layers have an invalid CRS 3.8.11 - Formatting of the error URL improved 3.8.10 - Check if layer and group names are unique added 3.8.9 - IAU_2015 and ESRI authority added 3.8.8 - Added check during data upload if the layers are reference systems of the EPSG Authority. 3.8.7 - Fix exception on login retry 3.8.6 - Fix support for special characters in password 3.8.5 - Enable map management GUI also if user databases are disabled - Fix dialog for creating first database being shown if user databases are disabled 3.8.4 - Fixes the error when uploading tables without geometry. 3.8.3 - Fix plugin version check 3.8.2 - Incorrect handling of SRS ID fixed 3.8.1 - wait some time after creating or deleting databases until they are updated - API improvements - Bugfixing - remove obsolete fallback to simplejson 3.8.0 - Paid until added for QGIS Cloud Pro accounts 3.7.1 - German translation improved - API improvements 3.7.0 - enable publication of VectorTileLayers 3.6.1 - Fix unsupported layer message 3.6.0 - add native EPSG:3857 Swisstopo background layers - add Swisstopo "LK10 (grau)" to background layers - rename Swisstopo background layers to conform to allowed characters in layername - remove Google Maps background layers imported from OpenLayers Plugin, as they are no longer working correctly - API improvements 3.5.4 - Fixed if varchar field length definition exceeds 10*1024*1024 3.5.3 - OSM/Stamen Maps added to background maps 3.5.2 - Wikimedia maps removed from menue background layers due to license reasons 3.5.1 - Fixed typo in background layer list 3.5.0 - Virtual fields are removed from the field list and thus not included in the upload. Fix #58 3.4.4 - Check for the allowed maximum length of table names introduced. 3.4.3 - Fix data upload with psycopg2 v2.9.x 3.4.2 - Reformat Error Report dialog - Map Settings dialog improvements - API improvements 3.4.1 - Fix links for map not being updated correctly when uploading a new map 3.4.0 - Fix input for scales list not supporting whitespace - Map Settings dialog improvements - API improvements 3.3.12 - Relax SRID validity check for non-geometry tables 3.3.11 - Fix handling of non-latin project names in upload - Fix map crs being unset when adding more than one background layers - Add Chinese translation 3.3.10 - Raster Upload improvements 3.3.9 - Bugfixing - Generation of raster overviews reactivated 3.3.8 - Bugfixing 3.3.7 - Check for valid SRID introduced - Error message when DB connection failed 3.3.6 - The ServiceWidget is no longer closed after deleting a map. - German translation improved 3.3.5 - List of illegal characters in layernames extended 3.3.4 - creation of raster overviews fixed - Launder PG Names extended 3.3.3 - GUI improvements 3.3.2 - Check of illegal layernames added 3.3.1 - Yes/No box for creating database if user has no database 3.3.0 - Progressbar for Vector and Raster-Upload added 3.2.0 - swisstopo Open Government Data added to backgoundlayers 3.1.23 - Fixes #51 and #52 3.1.22 - PostGIS Layer host bug fixed 3.1.21 - Unsupported raster bug fixed 3.1.20 - Fixes wrong error message when remote database raster is loaded in project (3.16) 3.1.19 - Deprecation Warning fixed - Fixex #49 3.1.18 - Fix error in Schema Listing 3.1.17 - Handling of invalid project names improved - Algorithm for calculating used disk space adapted to the basic needs of PostgreSQL 12 and PostGIS 3 3.1.16 - Buxfixing 3.1.15 - German translation improved 3.1.14 - Error handling added when OpenLayers Layer is added in different refsys than 3857 - Changed Public WMS to Public OWS to cover all other OWS served by QGIS Cloud - German translations improved 3.1.13 - Handling of unsupported layers improved 3.1.12 - hyphen replaced by underline in layer name 3.1.11 - Calculation of DB size improved 3.1.10 - Support of arcgismapserver dataprovider added 3.1.9 - UI files not published with latest upgrade 3.1.8 - OpenTopoMap added to background layer menue - Window title of map settings window extended by map name 3.1.7 - Add background layers as xyz-layers if possible 3.1.6 - Prevent publishing of maps with ambiguous layernames - Warn user if background layer is reprojected 3.1.5 - Prevent publishing of maps with unknown CRS 3.1.4 - Fix in raster upload 3.1.3 - Fix linebreak issues in upload 3.1.2 - Remove QGIS3 warning 3.1.1 - Fix upload of bool and stringlist types 3.1.0 - support of database schemas on upload added - editable target table names - bugfixing 3.0.28 - Module import bug fixed 3.0.27 - Translation improvements 3.0.26 - QGIS3 Warning Added 3.0.25 - Geometryidentifying fixed 3.0.24 - QGIS 3 Message removed 3.0.23 - Fix non counted \n 3.0.22 - Bugfixing 3.0.21 - OpenLayers-Plugin bug fixed 3.0.20 - QMessageBox added 3.0.19 - Bugfixing 3.0.18 - handling of QGIS3 qgz projects removed. It's done by the server now. - Bugfixing and compatibility checks 3.0.17 - handling of QGIS3 qgz projects added. - settings compatibility improved - Bugfixing 3.0.16 - string encoding error handling improved 3.0.15 - string encoding errors fixed 3.0.14 - Bugfixing 3.0.13 - Bugfixing 3.0.12 - Bugfixing 3.0.11 - critical regarding MacOS removed 3.0.10 - Experimental flag removed - code cleaning 3.0.9 - Accept Privacy Policy message added 3.0.8 - Link to privacy policy added - Dutch translation added 3.0.7 - Bugfixing 3.0.6 - Bugfixing 3.0.5 - Bugfixing 3.0.4 - Fix multiple seq in different schemas 3.0.3 - QgisMinimumVersion 3.00 3.0.2 - Multi geometry type bug fixed 3.0.1 - Bugfixing 3.0.0 - First QGIS3 compatible release
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