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MariaDB to QGIS Plugin icon

Plugin ID: 3450
(3) votes 

Fetches longitude (x) and latitude (y) data from MariaDB and writes it to a Shapefile or GeoPackage and adds it to your map.

This plugin enables users to connect to a MariaDB, select a specific table, and identify the spatial data columns for longitude (x) and latitude (y). Users can then export the data as Shapefiles or GeoPackages. The records with no longitude (x) and latitude (y) will show in QGIS as comma-separated values (CSV), which are stored in the specified directory, or table which is stored in the GeoPackage. The plugin streamlines the process of transferring spatial data from a selected MariaDB table into QGIS for enhanced analysis and visualization. With support for multiple data formats, it facilitates seamless integration of database information into QGIS projects. The default coordinate system in this plugin is EPSG:4326.

Ensure you have the python mariadb, sqlalchemy, pandas and geopandas module installed! On windows this can be installed using the OSGeo4W Shell. The plugin may give an error message if this is not installed.

Rubiere Arodi Ramirez
pointsplugingismappingmariadbnull geomsqlalchemy
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Latest stable version
Plugin ID
Version Experimental Min QGIS version Max QGIS version Downloads Uploaded by Date
1.0.3 no 3.0.0 3.99.0 734 rubiere 2024-08-27T15:49:06.840729+00:00
1.0.2 no 3.0.0 3.99.0 79 rubiere 2024-08-23T21:12:43.561041+00:00
1.0.1 no 3.0.0 3.99.0 236 rubiere 2024-08-05T15:16:13.007157+00:00
1.0.0 no 3.0.0 3.99.0 238 rubiere 2024-07-30T22:49:20.084575+00:00

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