Version: [2074] Google Earth Engine Data Catalog 0.2.0

[0.1.0] - 2020-05-31
- Search images collections by canvas extent, date and cloud cover.
- Add image layers as WMS/TMS by GDAL XML in memory.
- Add custom properties to layers to save with project file
- Download to Google Drive in context menu (full image and clip to
canvas extent).
- Sentinel-2 collections (SR and TOA) and Landsat 8 and 5 Tier 1 and
[0.2.0] - 2020-06-23
- Band combination Shortwave infrared 3 (B12-B8A-B2) in Sentinel2
- Scene Classification Map band for Sentinel 2 SR dataset.
- Global extent datasets: ALOS DEM, PALSAR FNF and Global Forest
Canopy Height.
- ASTER radiance and ALOS/AVNIR-2 datasets.
- MapBiomas datasets (Annual Land Use Land Cover Maps of Brazil).
- Loading qml for singleband/palleted pseudo color datasets.
- TOA and raw datasets for Landsat 8 and 5.
- HSV Pan-sharpened images for TOA Landsat 8 and 5 datasets.
- Landsat 7 and 4 datasets (SR, TOA and raw).
- MSS for Landsat 4 and 5.
- Contrast enhancement to full ee.image layer before loaded.
- Set layer abstract with info about image date.








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