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Plugin ID: 2081
(112) votes 

Street and satellite base maps with vector tiles

- Beautiful base maps using OpenStreetMap data powered by vector tiles - served from MapTiler Cloud.

- Satellite map of the entire world, outdoor map, hillshading and landcover, Ordnance Survey Open ZoomStack, Dutch Kadaster via Cartiqo, or GSI data in Japan - or your own datasets!

- Global digital elevation model (DEM) for the entire planet.

- Customize language & colors of your map with a few clicks!

- Import your own Mapbox GL JSON style or TileJSON from any URL - even hosted on your own server.

- Print the maps using vector PDF. (It might cause spikes in Cloud export requests.)

vectorrastermapgeocodingstyleopenstreetmaposmprintdemtilesterrainelevationordnance surveycadastrecadastralopengeojsonstylesmodelmapsjapanhillshadewmtsmapboxxyzdatavizgsibasemapsvector-tilesmaptileropenmaptilesreadertilejsonglquickmapservicescartiqokadasterzoomstackoutdoorcartodigitalrgboceancustomize
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Latest stable version
Plugin ID
Version Experimental Min QGIS version Max QGIS version Downloads Uploaded by Date
3.4.0 no 3.24.0 3.99.0 4736 maptiler 2025-01-15T15:16:36.734954+00:00
3.3.2 no 3.24.0 3.99.0 43120 maptiler 2024-08-16T13:41:18.992492+00:00
3.3.1 no 3.24.0 3.99.0 9641 maptiler 2024-07-25T14:44:05.849987+00:00
3.3 no 3.24.0 3.99.0 31038 maptiler 2024-04-10T12:21:31.977426+00:00
3.2 no 3.24.0 3.99.0 61482 maptiler 2023-03-22T16:06:07.085441+00:00
3.1.1 no 3.24.0 3.99.0 24684 maptiler 2022-07-12T06:59:42.228289+00:00
3.1 no 3.24.0 3.99.0 2086 maptiler 2022-06-20T14:47:44.771588+00:00
3.0.3 no 3.24.0 3.99.0 6278 maptiler 2022-03-24T10:37:31.229383+00:00
3.0.2 no 3.24.0 3.99.0 1795 maptiler 2022-02-28T10:02:34.998230+00:00
3.0.1 no 3.24.0 3.99.0 750 maptiler 2022-02-21T09:58:54.886198+00:00
3.0.0 no 3.24.0 3.99.0 187 maptiler 2022-02-20T21:22:11.802200+00:00
2.0.0 no 3.16.0 3.99.0 61387 maptiler 2021-09-21T09:01:47.313315+00:00
1.1.4 no 3.0.0 3.99.0 47473 maptiler 2021-01-12T07:50:31.154942+00:00
1.1.3 no 3.0.0 3.99.0 21847 maptiler 2020-07-20T09:06:33.846734+00:00
1.1.2 no 3.0.0 3.99.0 2006 maptiler 2020-07-08T10:07:07.595090+00:00
1.1.1 no 3.0.0 3.99.0 2545 maptiler 2020-06-25T09:01:45.492239+00:00
1.1.0 no 3.0.0 3.99.0 1572 maptiler 2020-06-18T16:59:26.178038+00:00
1.0.2 no 3.0.0 3.99.0 1529 maptiler 2020-06-11T14:39:38.782972+00:00
1.0.1 no 3.0.0 3.99.0 166 maptiler 2020-06-10T13:47:20.383507+00:00
1.0.0 no 3.0.0 3.99.0 885 maptiler 2020-06-08T14:09:53.954874+00:00

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