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QGIS Python Plugins Repository

Version: [205] qgSurf 3.2.2

3.2.2: [20241221] fixed error-print related bug in Geoprofiler tool
3.2.1: [20240608] fixed mpl(>3.7.3)-related bug ("module 'matplotlib.cbook' has
no attribute 'mplDeprecation'"); changed experimental to False
3.2.0: [20231101] improved 'DEM-plane intersections' tool; renamed 'Points-Plane
Distances' tool to 'Plane distances from points/DEM cell' and improved
3.1.0: [20230615] fixed embedded mplstereonet and point-distances bugs, in 'Best
Fit Plane' added polygon layers as input and distances from mean plane as
3.0.1: [20230316] fixed np.float deprecation warning
3.0.0: [20221126] added profiles module; embedded mplstereonet; restored
original method for DEM-plane intersections; fixed various bugs
2.1.3: [20220227] intercepted ogr Geometry Destroy action for ogr-related bug
2.1.2: [20210310] updated embedded mplstereonet and apsg modules; fixed macOs
gdal import error
2.1.1: [20200502] fixed bugs related to (1) apsg plane plotting and (2) plot of
linear data
2.1.0: [20190312] in DEM-plane intersection, dip angle is decimal (with one
[20190501] in Geological Plane - Points Distances, more variables for each point
are calculated
2.0.0: added stereonet tool from geocouche; added module for calculation of
distance between points and a geological plane; improved best-fit plane
module;code refactoring; removed old modules dependences
1.0.0: added pygsf; minor modifications to GUI and help for best-fit-plane
0.5.0: porting to QGIS 3
0.4.1: fixed bug related to deformation orientation; (re)added warning on
geographic DEMs, still not correctly supported
0.4.0: added support for geographic DEMs; fixed conceptual bug related to the
use of the project CRS
0.3.5: fixed bug related to the use of polar CRS (i.e., lat-lon)
0.3.4: removed (for QGis compatibility issues) both "geosurface_simulation" and
"geosurface_deformation" modules: they are now an independent, stand-alone
Python project (simSurf, available in GitHub)
0.3.3: best-fit-plane: added point input from loaded point/line layer
0.3.2: best-fit-plane: added saving of one or more point set solutions as
0.3.1: support for on-the-fly-projection for Best-Fit-Plane interpolation and
DEM-plane intersection; minor bugs fixing
0.3.0: added modules for the processing of geological surfaces (non-planar)
0.2.3: fix graphic bug (dem intersection symbol not deleted on plugin close)
0.2.2: version compatible with QGis 2.0
0.2.1: calculate best-fit plane orientation given points drawn in the QGis map
0.2.0: map display/interaction is now through the QGis map window
Minimum QGIS version
Maximum QGIS version
External dependencies (PIP install string)

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