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Plugin ID: 2601
(1) votes 

Land usage digital planning validation system for Provincia Autonoma di Trento - Servizio Urbanistica

Automatic validation of land usage digital planning. Only needed if you are designing land digital planning for Provincia Autonoma di Trento - Servizio Urbanistica

Version Experimental Min QGIS version Max QGIS version Downloads Uploaded by Date
1.3 no 3.0.0 3.99.0 1176 endmax 2023-07-20T14:31:03.388664+00:00
1.2 no 3.0.0 3.99.0 436 endmax 2022-10-11T13:12:29.812882+00:00
1.1 no 3.0.0 3.99.0 312 endmax 2022-03-11T10:31:56.780147+00:00
1.0 no 3.0.0 3.99.0 75 endmax 2022-02-16T14:57:46.941286+00:00

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