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Postcode Finder Plugin icon

Plugin ID: 3187
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The plugin prompts the user to select the LLPG data layer from the Layers Panel and enter a postcode. The plugin will search for the postcode, if found, the canvas will zoom to all the LLPG points in the postcode.

The plugin prompts the user to select the data layer from the Layers Panel. Type in a postcode, the plugin will search for the postcode, if found, the canvas will zoom to all the LLPG points in the postcode. A Postcode can be entered in any case but requires a space in the middle e.g. Mk4 7nn. If a Postcode is found, the canvas will zoom to all corresponding UPRN's within the Postcode. A list of UPRN's within the postcode will display in the plugin dialog box. Double-clicking a UPRN will zoom the canvas to the chosen UPRN.

Peter Francon
pythonsearchaddressqgis3local governmentllpguprn
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0.1 yes 3.0.0 3.99.0 935 peterfrancon 2023-11-12T18:36:37.394836+00:00

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