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PDOK Locatieserver Locator Filter Plugin icon

Plugin ID: 1461
(13) votes 

This is a plugin which adds a PDOK Locatieserver (dutch geocoder) to QGIS

PDOK Locatieserver is a free Geocoder service provided by PDOK, The Netherlands.
A Locator Filter implements the fetching of data from internal or external sources.
PDOK Locatieserver is both a suggest service and an info service

Version Experimental Min QGIS version Max QGIS version Downloads Uploaded by Date
0.2.1 no 3.0.0 3.99.0 28472 rduivenvoorde 2018-06-21T13:02:42.118803+00:00
0.2.0 no 3.0.0 3.99.0 758 rduivenvoorde 2018-05-18T06:48:13.078823+00:00

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