Version: [3263] OpenLog 1.2.0

Version 1.2.0:
Updated version of the [OpenLog](
QGIS plugin 🎂
**Important:** This new version come with new `xplordb` release
(0.13.4). See
is welcome through on Gitlab, make sure to follow our reporting
template and check for potential duplicates beforehand.
New features:
- ability to import collar metadata (optional columns) #84
- display collar metadata in collar attribute table #309
- propose default name for new categories #303
- ability to import structural data (spherical or polar) #305
- representation of structural assay in logviewer using USGS standards
#306 #315
- new options for setting collar elevation #312
- BDGeo : support for technical logs representation #323
Bug fixes:
- select/unselect collar become unresponsive if logviewer is closed
- inspector label is draggable #304
- windows : move .pyd sqlalchemy files during OpenLog
upgrade/uninstallation #311
- fix QGIS crash related to inspector !366
For developers:
- implementation of a new (extensible) plot container #316
- refactoring : use of plugins via `pluggy` package (connection and
data type) #318
- ci : testing integration of external plugins !374

Version 1.1.0:
Updated version of the [OpenLog](
QGIS plugin 🎂
**Important:** This new version come with new `xplordb` release
(0.13.2). See
is welcome through on Gitlab, make sure to follow our reporting
template and check for potential duplicates beforehand.
New features:
- minimap implementation for context serie visualization !349
- ability to reorder plots by drag'n'drop with right click !347
- ability to reorder plots according to collar X or Y coordinates
- full support with new xplordb schema !350
- full support of planned trace with associated symbology !350
- ability to switch plots from drilled length to altitude for both
effective/planned trace !273
- display of measure's geographical coordinates un inspector line tool
- create a global "Plot options" parameter in stacked configuration
- minimap support for stacked plot !360
- add new icons to buttons #302
- handle properly table/column name in postgis queries #296
- fix hierarchical order in Downhole data tree model : assay -> column
-> collar #294
- title of a user-defined QGIS project and layers symbology are
preserved #291
- fix broken link to splash background image on Windows #290
- add a survey at EOH when desurveying to create correct geometries
- fix a bug when merging contiguous categories #287
- shrink Y axis title if text is truncated #260
- disable add/remove button at survey import #300

Version 1.0.1:
Fix version for the first stable version of the
[OpenLog]( QGIS plugin 🎂
is welcome through on Gitlab, make sure to follow our reporting
template and check for potential duplicates beforehand.
New features:
- add a button to subscribe to newsletter in settings menu #285
- fix date-related format at collar import #280
- newly created database table are dropped if assay import fail #281
- fix plugin crash on QGIS exit #282
- table and columns can have SQL keywords as name #283
- fix help button redirection link #284
- update/add metadata fields (dependencies, donation)







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