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QGIS Python Plugins Repository

Numerar Lote Plugin icon

Plugin ID: 2735
(5) votes 


This tool aims to propose to the user the possibility of automatically generating the lot numbering, either in sequential numbering or by the measurement of its tested, in both methodologies, the user will need to define only the initial lot of each block so that the tool manage the other numbers, always clockwise.

Esta ferramenta visa propor ao usuário a possibilidade de gerar de forma automática a numeração do lote, seja ela em numeração sequencial ou pela medida da testada deste, em ambas as metodologias, o usuário necessitará definir apenas o lote inicial de cada quadra para que a ferramenta gere as demais numerações, sempre em sentido horário.

Visualisar: Manual do Plugin

Version Experimental Min QGIS version Max QGIS version Downloads Uploaded by Date
0.5 no 3.0.0 3.99.0 1105 antonioteles 2024-04-16T22:03:27.960766+00:00
0.4 no 3.0.0 3.99.0 1403 antonioteles 2022-07-25T17:51:47.168098+00:00
0.3 no 3.0.0 3.99.0 251 antonioteles 2022-07-14T17:17:47.122727+00:00
0.2 no 3.0.0 3.99.0 151 antonioteles 2022-07-13T19:15:23.093516+00:00
0.1 no 3.0.0 3.99.0 105 antonioteles 2022-07-13T13:20:28.466489+00:00

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