This plugin calculates NDVI and EVI index from Sentinel 2 B02, B04 and B08 Bands.
This plugin was developed for calculating NDVI and EVI index from Sentinel 2 satellite images (preferably downloaded via Copernicus Browser – B02, B04 and B08 bands). It is expected (partially tested) to work with georeferenced drone images as well, as long as image names contain recognizable date string. This plugin is designed to produces NDVI and EVI index TIFF rasters that are going to be used as an input layers for new QGIS plugin (NDVI to Variable Nitrogen Application Map - alredy made available in QGIS repository) capable of producing site-specific variable nitrogen application maps based on site-specific index values (Precision Agriculture).
Minimal data set for testing can be found in GitHub repository which is homepage of this plugin.
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