Version: [92] Midvatten 1.8.0

Version 1.8.0:
- Added column "source" to table w_levels_logger table. Can be used to
logger series in the logger editor.
- Added column "type" to table comments. Can be used to group types of
- FieldLogger export: Added support for FieldForm.
- Customplot: Adjustments for matplotlib 3.8.4.
Version 1.7.24:
- Fixes problem with Compact water quality report.
Version 1.7.23:
- Fixes for QGIS LTR 3.34.3 and Python version 3.10.12.
Version 1.7.22:
- Fixes for QGIS LTR 3.34.3.
Version 1.7.21:
- Fixes to support earlier version of QGIS (>3.28.0 instead of
Version 1.7.20:
- Stratigraphy symbology: Bedrock label changed to '<' instead of '>'
if drillstop is not bedrock.
Version 1.7.19:
- Sectionplot: Fixes bugs related to graded dems.
- Sectionplot: Now possible to set depth to negative value for graded
dems to appear on top of the line.
- Database schema: Removed staff as foreign key for tables comments,
w_qual_lab and w_qual_field. It wasn't beneficial enough to keep it.
Version 1.7.18:
- Sectionplot: Grade dems fixes and adjustments to new pandas
Version 1.7.17:
- Sectionplot: Updated graded dems feature. It is now turned on for a
dem layer using a layer named "<layername>_secplotcolor"
Version 1.7.16:
- Sectionplot: Added sampling distance for dems.
Version 1.7.15:
- Database utils: Added some features to db_utils.
Version 1.7.14:
- Database utils: Added some features to db_utils.
Version 1.7.13:
- Import data to db: Fixes bug where import to Postgresql database
failed if data
contains ";".
Version 1.7.12:
- Added support for more date formats.
- Added dbconnection as argument to some db-functions.
Version 1.7.11:
- Fixes #349 where saving new obs_points doesn't work.
Version 1.7.10:
- Non-essential table altitude_history renamed to spatial_history and
now contains columns for east-north.
Version 1.7.9:
- Wqualreport compact: Added depth as suffix to obsid when depth is
not 0.
Version 1.7.8:
- Import data to database: Adjustments to enhance import performance.
- Export data to spatialite: Adjustments to enhance import
- Added support for PostgreSQL materialized views.
Version 1.7.7:
- Import data to db: Fixes better error message when input layer
coordinate reference system is wrong.
- Removed old error message about view_obs_points and view_obs_lines.
Version 1.7.6:
- Removed unnecessary error message.
- Fixes export problems for malformed databases (the affected tables
are skipped).
- Added support for table spatial_history for Postgresql-databases.
- DiverofficeImport: Fixes issue for postgresql-database where
nan-values was not treated as None.
Version 1.7.5:
- DiverofficeImport: Fixes problem when importing .mon-files.
- LoggerEditor: Fixes normalizing head to measurements if there are no
logger level_masl values.
Version 1.7.4:
- Added function to load non-essential tables w_qual_logger,
s_qual_lab and new table altitude_history.
Version 1.7.3:
- CreateDb: Fixes incompatibility with QGIS 3.30.
Version 1.7.2:
- CreateDb: Fixes incompatibility with QGIS 3.30.
- CreateDb: Fixes duplicate error when creating database.
Version 1.7.1:
- DiverofficeImport: Fixes problem with files that miss level data for
some dates.

Version 1.7.0:
- Reading timezone from about_db: Added support for older databases.

- Minor fixes for utilities.
- Added timezone request for table w_levels during database creation.
- Fixes bugs after after new Python-version where float is not
implicitly converted to int.
- Fixes bug where export data to csv added blank lines using QGIS for
- Adjusted fieldlogger import to skip non-error warning message.

- Fixes better error message when obs_points is not found.

DiverofficeImport, LeveloggerImport and HobologgerImport:
- Fixes bug.
- Added support for Diveroffice MON-files.
- UTC-combobox can now be set from database. (Add "(UTC+/-X)" at the
end of the description string in
about_db at row tablename=w_levels_logger and columnname=date_time).
Ex. "Date and Time for the observation (UTC+1)"

- Fixes bug for PostgreSQL-databases.

- Datetime for manual measurements are converted into logger data
timezone if both are set in database.
Timezone for manual measurements: Add timezone "(<timezone>)"or  at
the end of the description string in
about_db at row tablename=w_levels and columnname=date_time).
Ex. "Date and Time for the observation (Europe/Stockholm)
Timezone for logger data: Add timezone "(<timezone>)" or  at the end
of the description string in
about_db at row tablename=w_levels_logger and columnname=date_time).
Ex. "Date and Time for the observation (UTC+1)
- Fixes bug where old logger line was still selectable if new obsid
didn't have any logger data.

Version 1.6.11:
- CustomPlot: Fixes bug where pickannotator didn't work.
- DiverofficeImport: Fixes bug where timezone can't be parsed in
- ExportToFieldLogger:
* Fixes #342 (latlot from vectorlayer bug).
* Fixes bug related to Postgis-databases where getting lat-lon didn't
- FieldloggerImport:
* Fixes bug that crashed the function.
* Fixes bug for Postgis-databases where getting parameters from
w_qual_field didn't work.
- GeneralCsvImport: Support for importing geometry of all srids thas
included in the database spatial_ref_sys table.
- Logger editor:
* Fixes delete rows not working.
* Fixes adjustment to matplotib 3.5.1.
- MatplotlibReplacements: Fixes a bug by replacing
- Sectionplot: Fixes bug where a random date was chosen for water
level plot.
- Strat symbology: Strat symbology is added even if views can not be
recreated (which can happen
for a PostgreSQL-database if they already exists and the user lack
Version 1.6.10:
- Database:
* Removed trailing spaces from capacity in zz_capacity and
zz_capacity_plots (handled using strip and trim instead).
- General:
* Fixes bug where obs_points and obs_lines were not editabel
(Loaddefaultlayers now loads obs_points and obs_lines instad of
view_obs_points and view_obs_lines)
(Requires user to reload layers using "Load default db-layers to
* Better database version comparison.
* Fix to close connections more frequently when the connection is not
used anymore.
* Fix to always turn of waiting cursor in general_exception_handler.
- CompactWQualReport: Feature to allow the user to choose header
columns and sort order.
- DiverofficeImport: Feature to choose target UTC-offset for
conversion during import.
- ExportFieldlogger: Fixes #340 (bug where empty row in list caused
- General csv import:
* Fixes import problem to w_qual_field-table using
PostGIS/PostgreSQL-database (#338)
* Fixes bug where csv import dialog object was destroyed in the middle
of import.
- General report: Fixes bug #336. (general report failed when water
level data was missing in postgresql)
- List of values from selected features: Fixes problem when QVariant
was NULL.
- PrepareForQgis2Threejs: Added support for postgis databases.
- Sectionplot:
* Fixes labeling problem #334.
* Fixes a bug which causes an (otherwise hidden) error message (but
doesn't affect the functionality).
- Stratsymbology: Added waiting cursor when loading symbology.
- Stratigraphy plot: Fixes printing bug.
Version 1.6.9
- Fixes bug in XYplot when using Midvattenplugin with
Version 1.6.8
- Fixes #335 (fig.legend giving error message)..
Version 1.6.7
- Fixes #335 (fig.legend giving error message)..
Version 1.6.6
- Major update of imports in modules to increase code reusability from
outside the plugin.
- Compact w-qual report
* Made the column report optional to allow reports from w_qual_field.
* Fixes bug when using aggregation other than concat.
- Midvattensettings:
* Fixes bug after closing the settings dialog (fixes #332).
- Sectionplot:
* Refactoring.
* Feature to write layer annotation at the edge or center of the bar.
* Added option to chose water level base on sql WHERE condition (see
tooltip for water level square).
* Fixes bug where error message was printed too many times.
* Probably fixes #333 (supporting multiple variations of function
"line locate point").
* Fixes bug where changing water level label in figure options on
navigation toolbar didn't change legend text.
* Fixes bug where layer texts was NULL was written to plot.
* Fixes bug with interactive water level plot.
- Export data:
* Fixes bugs related to the optional tables s_qual_lab and
- FieldloggerExport:
* Fixes bug where adding layer to QGIS caused an error message.
- CompactWQualReport:
* Fixes bug where default table and column not working.
- CompactWQualReport:
* Fixes missing column headers.
Version 1.6.5
- Database:
* Added index to w_levels_logger and w_flow for perhaps increased read
* Added constraint to w_qual_field to not get duplicates when unit is
* Plot symbol colors: Changed symbol color for till and clay from
yellow to cyan and beige for qt-colors (affecting strat symbology and
the old stratigraphy plot).
* Added support for non-essential data tables s_qual_lab and
w_qual_logger. Sql for creating them is in
- Layer symbology:
* Added triangle symbol (obs_p_w_lvl_logger) for displaying the
existance of logger data for an obsid.
- LoggerEditor:
* The features "Calculate logger w level from logger water head"
renamed to "Edit water level logger data".
* New feature to select nodes and altering time series by moving nodes
up and down.
* Changed default search radius to 60 minutes.
* Period range (now Seleted period) is now inclusive (and nodes inside
selected period are marked to visualize this).
- Stratigraphy symbology:
* Separated labels and symbols into separate layers.
* Added layer "Layer texts" for displaying stratigraphy labels on
* The else layer is deactivated by default in layers.
* Bedrock label as >X when drillstop not like bedrock or equivalent.
* Added option to filter selected obsids.
* Reduced shadow opacity to 40 from 70.
- Bug fixes:
* Fixed bug where a missing Postgis table caused a plugin-crash.
- Gui fixes: Fixed margins for several features after new QGIS
versions changed them.
- Interlab4 import:
* Fixed bug when closing save metadata without selecting file.
* Fixed bug when number contained space.
- Compact water quality report: Fixes bug where "Data from selected
obsids in sql table" didn't work.
- Water quality report: Fixes bug where numeric sorting column
couldn't be used.
- Sectionplot:
* Fixed bug where obsid was not visible when plotting hydro colors.
* Fixes bug where obsid label was not written but the bar was
* Adjustment for new pandas version (water levels interactive mode).
* Fixed better error messages when dems are omitted.
- List of values from selected features: Added checkbox to copy to
- Calculate Aveflow function: Added a pandas variant which keeps the
- Finddateformat: Added dateformat 'Ymd H:M'.

For changes until ver 1.6.5, see separate document changelog_history








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