Related Plugins and Tags

QGIS Python Plugins Repository

Version: [92] Midvatten 1.6.4

Version 1.6.4:
- Database structure:
* Added a new table "zz_interlab4_obsid_assignment" to assign obsid
automatically during interlab4 import..
- New features:
* New QGIS-symbology to visualize stratigraphy on the map: Utilities / Load
stratigraphy symbology to qgis.
* Utilities / Load data tables to qgis. Loads w_levels_logger, meteo, vlf_data
and seismic_data to qgis.
- Fieldlogger export:
* Now supports exporting directly from a vector layer.
- Interlab4 import:
* Added support for the new table "zz_interlab4_obsid_assignment" to assign
obsid automatically during interlab4 import by checking the new box "Assign
obsid using table"
* Greatly improves the row filtering performance.
* Fixes bug where values were NaN.
* Changed logic for duplicate parameters. The smallest unit is now used as the
main parameter (ng/l < µg/l < mg/l).
- db_utils:
* Fixes postgis connection after changes in QGIS >=3.10.
- Sectionplot:
* Added interactive mode for water levels.
* Adjustment for new pandas version.
* Fixes obsidlabel positioning.
* Fixes bug with water level plot labels.
* Added support for more linetypes for the profile line when plotting vlf or
seismic data.
* Updates for seismic data: Added feature to plot groundwater. Changed symbology
to marker='+' and now plot connected lines.
* Added error message when there was more than one layer named obs_points.
- ExportData:
* Now supports exporting from PostgreSQL+PostGIS to SQLite+Spatialite.
- GeneralCsvImport:
* Changed parser to csv.reader to support '"' as quotechar.
* Bug fixes.
- Loggercalibration:
* Fix to hopefully reduce initialization time (The feature had very long load
time in Windows under certain circumstances).
- Piperplot:
* Added a new version of piperplot that follows the more common triangle/diamond
* Fixes +-markers that appeared more than once due to bordercolor black.
* Added marker edge to default style.
* Moved some axis labels and changed label fontsize.
- Diveroffice/HOBO-logger/Levelogger import:
* Added export csv button.
- Diveroffice Import:
* Added support for more conductivity headers.
- Customplot:
* Removed midv_*-settings from the matplotlib style to stop constant error
messages. They are now hard coded in midvatten_defs instead.
- List of values from selected features:
* Now supports int and float columns as well.
- Compact water quality report:
* Added feature to print parameter+unit and date_time as rows.
Version 1.6.3:
- Recalled version.
Version 1.6.2:
- Customplot: New feature: line-label as annotation when clicking on plots.
- List of values from selected features: Added filter checkbox.
- Added more supported date formats.
- Fieldlogger import: Fixed bug where h_toc was empty string.
- NotFoundQuestion: Added ignore checkbox.
- Compact water quality report: Bug fixes. Added options for column sorting and
row sorting.
- Sectionplot: New ui for sectionplot. Settings in separate tab but can be
floatable to separate window.
- Sectionplot: Plot and settings now separated in two tabs.
- Sectionplot: If no section line is selected, Sectionplot now plots like the
Stratigraphyplot. (Thanks to Simon O'Connor!)
- Sectionplot: Capacity colors can now be used in the same way as
Stratigraphyplot. (Thanks to Simon O'Connor!)
- Sectionplot: Hydroexplanation (capacity explanation) can now be used as text
for layers. (Thanks to Simon O'Connor!)
- Sectionplot: Sectionplot can now be maximized. (Thanks to Simon O'Connor!)
- Sectionplot: Plotsize now set in template in inches in "rcParams":
{"figure.figsize": [6.4, 4.8]} and by checking radiobutton Plotsize: "Fixed".
- Sectionplot: Sectionplot can now be used with one obsid. No longer limited to
more than one.
- Sectionplot: Sectionplot can now be used with only a selected line layer (for
plotting DEMS and seismic).
- Sectionplot: Bug fixes..
- Sectionplot: Settings tab can now be redocked by closing the window.
- Sectionplot: Removed redraw button. Legend updates automatically when clicking
NavigationToolbar Apply button.
- Csv import: Added checkbox to ignore not null restrictions. Useful for
Postgres importes with serial primary key columns.
Version 1.6.1:
- Bug fix for translation support when the overridden locale was not the same as
system locale.
- Water quality report: Fixed error when parameter had "'" in the name.
- Loggercalibration: Added error message.
- Loggercalibration: Fix for when logger ts contained nan-values.
- ContinuousColorCycle: Fix for different numpy versions.
- Loggercalibration: Fixes bug with adjust trend buttons.
- Loggercalibration: Adjusted "adjust trend" so that it selects x and y values
from canvas instead of from database.
This makes it possible to adjust trend without measurements.
- Fieldlogger import: Fixes python error bug when trying to load stored settings
(second try)..
- Customplot: Fix for customplot when colors run out.
- Sectionplot: Fixes bug where bars where put in legend and one symbol was
- Customplot: Added 'legend.midv_ncol' to matplotlib rcparams.
- Fieldlogger import: Fixes python error bug when trying to load stored
Version 1.6.0:
- First public release.
- Added function to add view_obs_points and view_obs_lines.
- Introduced messagebar info if view_obs_points/lines is missing.
- Sectionplot: Printing x and y limits in bottom right corner.
- Compact water quality report: Bug fixes.
- Customplot: Bug fix for discontinous plots (#312)
- Import csv gui: Importing geometries from vectorlayers supported. If a feature
has a geometry, a "geometry" column will be added to loaded file data.
- Fieldlogger import: Bug fix where w_qual_lab parameter was not filled in
automatically from stored settings.
- Fieldlogger import: Instrument and unit are filled automatically based on last
entry for current staff.
- Customplot: Added pandas.DataFrame.Rolling instead of rolling_mean for pandas
version >=0.18.0. Changed center to checkbox instead of lineedit.
- A messagebar message is issued if the database is old.
- qgis3-branch moved to master branch. The old master branch for qgis2 is now
the qgis2-branch.
- Fieldlogger export: Adjustments to new locations file format.
- Interlab4: Fix so that the highest resolution parameter (the one with lowest
value) is imported as the original parameter name. Duplicates are given a
duplicate suffix.
- Customplot: Fixes #293. Added checkbox "Regular xaxis interval".
- Customplot: Fixed tab widget resizing bugs. Restructured settings.
- Interlab4: Fix so that the highest resolution parameter is imported if there
are duplicates.
- Waterqualityreport: Bug fixes for #294.
- Stratigraphy: Hidden feature: If selected layer is missing in table
stratigraphy but has "length" column, it will be plottet as a layer with no
- Updated translation files.
- Sectionplot: Methods for producing graded dems (issue #254) but not
implemented in gui yet.
- Interlab4: feature to dump tables to csv.
- Improved utility to get values from selected features.
- Update for QGIS3.
For changes until ver 1.6, see separate document changelog_history
Minimum QGIS version
Maximum QGIS version
External dependencies (PIP install string)

Version management

Plugin details

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