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LOUIS Map Biographer Plugin icon

Plugin ID: 592

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(5) votes 

NOTE: This plugin is no longer supported and is deprecated.

Effectively conduct direct to digital map biographies and traditional land use studies. Requires the pyaudio libary and oggenc. Also requires Processing, Red Layer and Multiline Join Plugins. Install the required libraries and plugins before installing Map Biographer.

The goal for LOUIS Map Biographer is to provide the quality and elegance of paper based interviews but deliver real time and cost savings by allowing effective and rapid direct-to-digital data capture by a single interviewer.
This version is not compatible with releases before 1.0.8

Apropos Information Systems Inc.
use and occupancy mappingtraditional knowledgeinterviewstraditional land useindigenousaboriginalheritagelocal knowledge
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Latest stable version
Latest experimental version:
Plugin ID
Version Experimental Min QGIS version Max QGIS version Downloads Uploaded by Date
1.3.3 no 2.12.0 2.99.0 1588 tsw 2017-04-03T22:28:37.073920+00:00
1.3.2 no 2.12.0 2.99.0 752 tsw 2016-10-06T17:49:43.370155+00:00
1.3.1 no 2.12.0 2.99.0 524 tsw 2016-08-30T16:22:28.053336+00:00
1.3.0 no 2.12.0 2.99.0 539 tsw 2016-07-09T19:35:45.690142+00:00
1.2.8 no 2.12.0 2.99.0 525 tsw 2016-06-24T22:17:21.949583+00:00
1.2.6 no 2.12.0 2.99.0 480 tsw 2016-06-14T19:52:29.324318+00:00
1.2.4 no 2.12.0 2.99.0 469 tsw 2016-06-09T17:44:58.761590+00:00
1.2.2 no 2.12.0 2.99.0 433 tsw 2016-06-06T16:47:41.717643+00:00
1.2.0 no 2.12.0 2.99.0 484 tsw 2016-05-18T17:09:00.425285+00:00
1.1.12 yes 2.12.0 2.99.0 1191 tsw 2016-05-16T23:29:45.866508+00:00
1.1.11 yes 2.12.0 2.99.0 393 tsw 2016-05-04T20:25:06.031198+00:00
1.1.10 yes 2.12.0 2.99.0 381 tsw 2016-05-04T04:57:01.483494+00:00
1.1.5 no 2.12.0 2.99.0 491 tsw 2016-04-17T23:08:56.141287+00:00

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