Version 4.0.2: * Increase to 1 the maximum of atlas features in a `GetPrint` request automatically * Fix some columns in the "Filter by form" panel * Add a notice if the layer is stored in PostgreSQL when setting up the "Locate by layer" tool * Add a link to PgService documentation on website * Add more CSS files from the server in the HTML Maptip preview dock * Use a scroll widget for the settings panel * Fix translations about checks/rules/explanations * Add new blocker rule when the layer or group has a trailing space * Fix some casting issue with SIP about the legend * Add a waiting cursor when saving the CFG file Version 4.0.1: * Fix some missing features from 4.0.0 release Version 4.0.0: * Add a new dock for the HTML popup preview within QGIS desktop directly (with some CSS from Lizmap) * Use the QGIS "Apply" button in the vector layer properties to update the HTML preview in the background * Add a new tool for checking the project against some rules : * Possibility to set some safeguards, according to the user level and the current selected server * These safeguards are defined according to your level in QGIS to design the project * Some rules might be blocking the CFG file (depending on the server, QGIS Desktop version etc.) * Following the previous features about rules, add new buttons to auto fix the project : * Use estimated metadata * Use geometry simplification * Use project trust option * Use SSL * New helper for checking groups IDs in an attribute table, when doing an attribute filtering * Disable the "Layers" panel if the layer is excluded from WMS capabilities * Avoid a Python error about missing primary key * Moving the Google API key as the base-layer panel is deprecated, it's still needed for the address search * Add new base layers for Lizmap Web Client 3.7 * OpenTopoMap * French QGIS users only : IGN orthophoto, IGN plan, IGN Cadastre layers * Add attributions on layers which are provided by the plugin (layers above and OpenStreetMap) * Possibility to open the plugin even if some layers are temporary unavailable and to no loose some Lizmap configuration if the layer was used in a tool * Display some warning icons if the layer or the field was not loaded correctly or not existing anymore * Better management if there is a single maintained branch of Lizmap Web Client * Follow up the new updates about the French IGN GeoPlateforme
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