Version 4.0.0-beta.1: * Add a new dock for the HTML popup preview with QGIS directly * Add a new tool for checking the project against some rules : * Possibility to set some safeguards, according to the user level and the current selected server * These safeguards are for defined according to your level in QGIS to design the project * Some rules might be blocking the CFG file (depending on the server, QGIS Desktop version etc.) * Following the previous features about rules, add new buttons to auto fix the project : * Use estimated metadata * Use geometry simplification * Use project trust option * Use SSL * New helper for checking groups IDs in an attribute table, when doing an attribute filtering * Disable the "Layers" panel if the layer is excluded from WMS capabilities * Avoid a Python error about missing primary key * Add two buttons for French QGIS users only : * French IGN orthophoto and French IGN plan layers * Add attributions on layers which are provided by the plugin (layers above and OpenStreetMap) * Possibility to open the plugin even if some layers are temporary unavailable and to no loose some Lizmap configuration if the layer was used in a tool * Display some warning icons if the layer or the field was not loaded correctly or not existing anymore Version 3.18.1: * Warn the user if the field is coming from a join, or it is a virtual one when setting a filter form * Better warning for Stamen tiles Version 3.18.0: * Disabling Stamen base-maps checkbox, see * Fix an error on Windows when the path of a layer is on a different drive * Improve links to documentation * Add a new panel for some settings and tools coming soon * Add an SSL connection checker for PostgreSQL layers * Add a link to the project folder if the thumbnail is not found * Review help about `@lizmap_user_groups` * Various minor fixes : * Py-QGIS-Server version * new layouts configuration for LWC 3.7
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