Version 4.3: - New multi exposure tool where you can run one hazard on many exposures at the same time and get a combined report - New dam break hazard - Add metadata converter tool to version 3.5 to make it work with GeoSAFE - Add InaSAFE Profile to set custom affected and displacement rate - Add a warning if another plugin is conflicting with InaSAFE on the file system - Special tool for reporting in the multi exposure dialog to set a custom layer order - Add InaSAFE welcome message - Add a warning if another plugin is conflicting with InaSAFE on the file system - Tidy up settings dialog - Support population count in place exposure - Use percentage for ratio in the GUI - Add total exposed field - Add Evacuation centres in buildings and places classifications - Add bearing, distance and cardinality postprocessors if we run an earthquake on places - The impact layer from an earthquake on places is ordered by distance - Add new QGIS expressions to fetch information in QGIS Impact layers or keywords - HTML expressions for reporting usage. - Impact Function and Multi-Exposure Impact Function serialization - Add new method to generate a report in ImpactFunction object - Bring back the old behaviour of generating report. (option to choose custom template) - Map report and general report for Multi-Exposure Impact Function. - Use aggregation CRS instead of exposure CRS or map canvas CRS if no aggregation layer is provided - Add extra keywords for supporting rich reporting (e.g. earthquake's epicenter location, volcanic ash location) - Tidy up metadata (remove unused properties) - Creating contour for earthquake as preprocessor. - Improve code layout (Flake8, PEP 257, PEP8, SideCI ...) - Fix various bugs, like in summary calculation, keyword wizard, productivity post processors, dock For a detailed overview of these new features please see:
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