Version: [183] InaSAFE 4.0.2

Version 4.0.2
- Fix to support sub versions of QGIS > 2.18.0
Version 4.0.1
- Fix SSHWS classification
- Add option to launch keyword wizard on shakemap importer
- Change fallback font to Arial in Windows
- Create fallback header if affected field not found
- Match petabencana's keyword with its classification (#4056)
- Fix #4049. Handle more types in metadata copying.
- Change calculation of additional rice #3607
- Improve translation for IF name
- Add translated analysis question support
- Add sum ratio checker in option dialog.
- Fix issue #3887: Add ordering for exposure classes in aggregation
- Fix issue #3998: update qgis report templates
- Improvement in infographic
- Disable GDAL bash window on windows
- Fix hazard with many units
- Enable the displaced raster to be the impact layer
- Fix title and displaced raster
- Add missing notes for EQ impact function
- Enable inasafe for QGIS 2.14, 2.16 and 2.18
- Generate map report in IFCW too
- Fix unicode issue in layer title
Version 4.0.0
- Complete overhaul of the InaSAFE code base
- Deprecated numpy / matrix based geometry manipulation
- New reporting system including Jinja2 support
- Experimental support for Infographics
- Removed all impact functions in favour of a shared workflow for all
- Added support for exposure specfic thresholds in hazard metadata
- Produce rich data outputs instead of simple HTML reports
- Added new hazard support for Tropical Cyclone
- Extensive updates to the help reference and a new help browser
- Removal of all logic that uses interpolation to assess impact level
- Application of standards to reporting and calculations for more
consistent presentation
- Ability to work with larger datasets in many cases (just be patient
while analysis runs)
- Speed ups and improvements to many parts of the code base
- Improvements to the batch runner tool
- Improvements to the shake grid importer tool
- Port of the minimum needs tool to use our new architecture
- Added support for analysis of irregular areas (as defined by
aggregation layer)
- Features or population outside of aggregation areas are no longer
counted as part of the total exposure count
- Added support for working with data subsets
- Analysis no longer works only with local file sources
- All geometry operations are performed using the QGIS API now
- QGIS layers list items now have a context menu for InaSAFE
- Input layers no longer need to be in EPSG:4326
- Moved realtime code to its own repository
- Improved error handling system
- Added profiling for all analysis steps so we can easily identify
performance bottlenecks
- Improved how partial overlaps with a hazard are managed (feature is
assigned highest impact zone)
- Generate rich provenance for use in reporting
- Generate multiple sub products (impact layer, aggregation by hazard
- PDF Reports are generated directly once analysis completes
- Earthquake sub-algorithm selection has been moved to the InaSAFE
options dialog
- ITB Bayesian algorithm is now default for earthquake
- Earthquake analysis map output is now a boolean layer indicating if
a cell contains displaced people
- Many, many more improvements...







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