Version: [183] InaSAFE 3.1.0

New features:
* Reorganised impact functions
* Improvements to Impact Functions that deal with polygon hazards and
raster exposure
* Support for setting the analysis extents from a QGIS bookmark
* Saving a layer now also saves layer keywords to the destination
* Option to specify where impact results are saved
* Improved menu layout
* OSM Downloader can now use user defined extents
* Support for downloading building point data
* Improvements to OSM Downloader progress feedback
* New impact function for classified polygon on population
* New classified polygon on buildings generic impact function
* Add 'building points' to the osm downloader
* Separate volcano IF on population between point and polygon
* Unicode support for InaSAFE
* #1650 display warnings in QgsMessageBar
* Split Flood OSM building IF.
* Add a new button when developer mode is on about test layers #1630
* #1225 Allow the user to select an area by drawing a rectangle in the
OSM downloader
Bug fixes:
* #896
* #1281 Change priority so the xml file be read first. In keywords
editor, Switch to xml iso metadata if .keywords file didn't exist.
* #1423 Save .xml and .keywords when using 'saved as'
* #1423 With new QgsMessageBar if exception
* #1475 Pull out Code from Dock to AnalysisHandler
* #1533  Further fix for 1533 - scale size nicely if logo is wider
than the dock
* #1570 Fix layer uri normalization for postgres and delimitedtext
* #1620 Ambiguous use of variable name 'key'
* #1694 - clear default paths if they point to Qt resource bundles.
* #1688 - disconnect() failed between 'loadFinished' and 'unislot'
* #1621 Fix pep8 use conventional function definition rather than
* #1625 We need to rename to
* #1642 Update in getting started message to point out user to use
keywords creation wizard in the Plugins > Inasafe menu
* #1648 Allow the user to save results to their own designated
* #1650 Add QMessageBox
* #1662 BUG: Categorical IF - Volcano on Building
* #1679 Change how the zip OSM downloader zip is  extracted, allow the
user to overwrite or not.
* #1686 Fix Earthquake Building IF Issues
* #1699 - cancel button on minimum needs calculator dialog does
* #1706 Fix logo does not display in dock during processing.
* #1721 Add a locale flag in the url for osm downloader
* #1730 OSM downloader layout and behaviour needs improvements
* #1732 OSM downloader : skip a feature type if one is empty
* #1735 Improvements about the OSM downloader's progress dialog
* #1739 Exception about canceled download
* #1764 Allow a user to select the analysis area with a bookmark
* #1770 Check if the map canvas is using 4326 and enable OTF if
Architectural changes:
* Overhauled impact function API to use more Object Orientated
* Remove importing qgis in __init__ of safe's submodules.
* Don't set the SIP API V2 manually anymore.








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