1.15 - Upgrade local grid CRS creation to support base grids in feet. 1.14 -write section bearing to Section_Plan. Calculate _Section_Dip during section creation for structure layers 1.13 -Implement downhole point generator for tick marks 1.12 -Fix last desurvey segment length calculation. 1.11 -Convert structure symbol size from spin box to line edit to fix error produced by changed API. 1.10 -Fix call to qgsRubberBand 1.9 -Go back to writeAsVectorFormat because writeAsVectorFormatV3 is refusing to write files -Remove log file -Change comparison of string literals in quaternion.py to prevent warnings 1.8 -Fix error with last segment length calculation -Convert desurvey length to float and replace spin box with line edit control -Update deprecated writeAsVectorFormat to V3 1.7 -Add ability to process downhole point data such as mugsusc, depth of oxidation etc. -Fix bug where the last downhole interval can go past the end of hole -Fix error when writing/reading project data (possibly only Linux) 1.6 -Fix problem finding source data layer after the user updates their layer by recreating the it. -Prevent plugin trying to recreate sections and crashing when there are no source layers. -Eliminate warning about implicit conversion. 1.5 -Fix problem desurveying holes when no 0 depth value in survey file -Ignore surveys if dip or azimuth are not valid numbers 1.4 -Alpha and beta structural reading conversion to dip and dip direction 1.3 -Fix problem with created filenames using decorated Uri of the original collar file -Add mid point to downhole data 1.2 -Add ability to calculate affine parameters and generate WKT for local grids (with help from Gabriel de Luca) -Fix icons not showing in Linux 1.1 -Fix log file creation for Mac 1.0 -Generate and display drill sections. -Improved workflow 0.7 -Ensure drill hole ids are strings and collar coordinates, survey data and down hole distances are numbers. -Add Readme markdown and license file (Thanks KoalaGeo). 0.62 -Fix log file path issue on Linux. -Added Select All/None box to field selector box. -Remove Drive Change Letter (didn't support qgz files and easy to do in a text editor anyway. 0.6 -Initial Release
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