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Plugin ID: 2459
(60) votes 

Generate SWMM input files from layers, import input files from SWMM to QGIS and import SWMM report files to QGIS

This plugin provides tools to generate SWMM input files from layers in QGIS, and to import SWMM input files into QGIS. You can create submodels above or below a certain node in your model layers. The plugin needs the python library 'pandas' which should be included in current QGIS versions. If it is not already installed, it can be added in a advanced QGIS installation or via pip. Instructions and a documentation can be found on the plugin´s GIT (see link "homepage" below).

Cite as: Schilling, J.; Tränckner, J. Generate_SWMM_inp: An Open-Source QGIS Plugin to Import and Export Model Input Files for SWMM. Water 2022, 14, 2262.

First versions (0.1 to 0.31) of this plugin have been developed within the project PROSPER-RO, funded by BMBF, grant number 033L212.
New features and bugfixes (since version 0.32) have been added within the project OSWeGe, funded by BMUV, grant number 67DAS263

Jannik Schilling
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Latest stable version
Latest experimental version:
Plugin ID
Version Experimental Min QGIS version Max QGIS version Downloads Uploaded by Date
0.37 no 3.30.0 3.99.0 1434 jannikschilling 2024-10-11T07:19:16.108928+00:00
0.36 no 3.30.0 3.99.0 1160 jannikschilling 2024-08-08T15:28:03.450570+00:00
0.35 no 3.20.0 3.99.0 2048 jannikschilling 2024-04-26T14:06:01.292218+00:00
0.34 no 3.20.0 3.99.0 1370 jannikschilling 2024-03-14T10:33:32.135861+00:00
0.33 yes 3.20.0 3.99.0 522 jannikschilling 2024-02-02T08:11:39.124704+00:00
0.32 no 3.20.0 3.99.0 2332 jannikschilling 2023-10-17T13:14:48.293751+00:00
0.31 no 3.20.0 3.99.0 1498 jannikschilling 2023-06-29T12:18:26.431829+00:00
0.30 no 3.20.0 3.99.0 531 jannikschilling 2023-06-08T14:02:48.159659+00:00
0.29 no 3.20.0 3.99.0 615 jannikschilling 2023-05-11T20:32:13.262241+00:00
0.28.1 no 3.20.0 3.99.0 510 jannikschilling 2023-04-22T11:47:00.376145+00:00
0.27 no 3.20.0 3.99.0 870 jannikschilling 2023-02-15T11:14:29.719275+00:00
0.26 no 3.20.0 3.99.0 389 jannikschilling 2023-01-24T15:30:03.024945+00:00
0.25 no 3.20.0 3.99.0 454 jannikschilling 2022-12-15T13:23:13.201227+00:00
0.24.1 no 3.10.0 3.99.0 1213 jannikschilling 2022-11-02T16:50:32.033854+00:00
0.23 no 3.10.0 3.99.0 800 jannikschilling 2022-08-20T16:12:49.250437+00:00
0.22 no 3.10.0 3.99.0 459 jannikschilling 2022-07-14T15:35:00.982968+00:00
0.21 no 3.10.0 3.99.0 683 jannikschilling 2022-05-06T09:57:07.765634+00:00
0.20 no 3.10.0 3.99.0 347 jannikschilling 2022-04-13T12:03:23.502594+00:00
0.19 no 3.10.0 3.99.0 347 jannikschilling 2022-03-24T20:25:12.067256+00:00
0.18 no 3.10.0 3.99.0 374 jannikschilling 2022-03-02T17:10:55.680150+00:00
0.17 no 3.10.0 3.99.0 381 jannikschilling 2022-02-04T15:48:28.438282+00:00
0.16 no 3.10.0 3.99.0 456 jannikschilling 2021-12-09T17:03:13.276025+00:00
0.14 yes 3.10.0 3.99.0 536 jannikschilling 2021-11-12T13:39:45.374102+00:00
0.13 yes 3.10.0 3.99.0 250 jannikschilling 2021-11-02T15:18:19.920343+00:00
0.12 no 3.10.0 3.99.0 454 jannikschilling 2021-09-13T11:11:13.289518+00:00
0.10 yes 3.10.0 3.99.0 169 jannikschilling 2021-09-07T16:00:40.989528+00:00
0.9 yes 3.10.0 3.99.0 236 jannikschilling 2021-08-26T09:51:53.697513+00:00
0.8 yes 3.10.0 3.99.0 155 jannikschilling 2021-08-25T16:17:32.995010+00:00
0.7 no 3.10.0 3.99.0 194 jannikschilling 2021-08-19T12:58:44.320534+00:00
0.6 yes 3.0.0 3.99.0 398 jannikschilling 2021-07-27T15:08:54.248563+00:00
0.5 yes 3.0.0 3.99.0 207 jannikschilling 2021-07-21T15:26:22.339226+00:00
0.4 yes 3.0.0 3.99.0 186 jannikschilling 2021-07-16T09:05:02.641277+00:00
0.3 yes 3.0.0 3.99.0 127 jannikschilling 2021-07-15T17:24:57.097532+00:00

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